Great Expectations: is a go!



  • Kez - just above the buttons for bold, italics etc there should be some text saying "Upload/Insert", and the four icons beside that are what you need for images etc.
  • Let me know when it's ready to review Greg, and I'll take a look.

  • It is now in Preview Craig


  • Scheduled to publish in a few hours.

  • Kez - I use the same method as here for images, quotes, urls etc. It has worked so far!
  • I have a piece half done. Will upload by the weekend.
  • edited November 2011
    Craig, there's a piece by me called The Door in the Wall that is ready for you to look over and then, barring further edits, ready to go. I'll look at what I'm supposed to do for the author bio as per earlier on this thread later or tomorrow.
  • @Dr. Mutex,
    two questions about the bio stuff:

    1. I inferred from one of your earlier posts that the proposed new theme automatically starts with e.g. "Stephen J. Nereffid is" and then pulls text from the biography box - is that right? If so, does that mean that what is entered into the bio box in our profiles should begin so as to complete that phrase rather than beginning with a full sentence?

    2. There was something about saving a picture in a temp folder - I can't figure out where/how to do that in the interface. I can see the media library but not folders. What exactly do I do with the pic?

  • GP - I'll review the article in little while.

  • @Nereffid and Greg - thanks for the draft tools suggestions. FWIW, the Upload/Insert icons worked for me; entering BBC codes same as here did not.

    Now I have a new problem. I embedded a YouTube video but what shows up in preview is a Sidebars & Captions video and that is what plays. If I embed the code from a different YouTube video, I get the exact same Captions & Sidebars video to play in Preview. What in the world am I doing wrong? I'm using the YouTube icon and inserting the imbed code from YouTube. I tried entering the imbed code by using the 'code' tab under the HTML and that didn't work at all. I don't even get the Sidebars & Captions video - just nothing.
  • wow, i just checked this thread and realized how much i'd missed (and how much work you've put into this). well-done!

    i'm gonna grab a cub of coffee and go through it all. really impressed by this, btw.
  • edited November 2011
    Interesting Kez. I typed my last piece on Word 2007, including the codes, and then copied and pasted it in, and the images and video all worked OK on the preview, other than a couple of covers. Once I used Amazon as a source for those two all was OK. However, now the article is up I haven't checked the video links again, although all the images are there. I'll do it now

    Update - all videos working including several from YouTube
  • edited November 2011
    @Kez, not sure if this is different from what you've been doing, but this is from an earlier Dr. Mutex post:
    1. Get the shortcode for the YouTube video you want.
    2. Type the link like this:
    [youtube_sc url=4FbPRHntLho width=560]
    where the funky code is replaced by the shortcode you want.
    3. There is no step 3.

    It worked for me. You get the shortcode using the share button under any youtube video on the youtube site.
  • edited November 2011
    Just had a proper read of your post. This is great stuff - very educational.
    I made a few edits direct - added two commas and a full stop and corrected "rational" to "rationale" and standardized the use of line spaces before and after pictures, paragraphs and quotations. Also put an album title in italic. These seemed mechanical enough for me to go ahead.
    Here are some other things I think you should edit:

    "illuminii" - I am not sure this word exists. "Illuminati" exists but means something different. I suggest "luminaries".
    Go to this and this to... - To my ear "Go here and here.." is the more natural web parlance.
    "A couple more contemporary English folk bands I enjoy are" - this doesn't quite work for me because you then pause to talk about the first one before moving on the second one, and by then we are too far from the "couple" phrase. Suggest actually completing that first sentence: "A couple more contemporary English folk bands I enjoy are Stornaway and Spiro:"
    As in my suggestion just now, I suggest that it looks neater to use colons at the end of phrases hanging before pictures and quotations throughout - Craig and others, do you agree? (This is a standardization of style issue).
  • Thanbks GP - I had lots of problems with spacing. All were fine on the article when typed in Word 2007, but did not carry over on the copy. Some I got right eventually but gnot all - yet all came out correctly on the RSS version!
  • Your article is scheduled to go up in a few hours GP.

    It's excellent by the way. Makes me want to go buy it!

  • Daniel - Thanks for the comments. Let us know your thoughts once you've digested everything.

  • edited November 2011
    @Daniel, tell me whether I made this up: I have a memory that some months ago you tried to start a thread over at the emusic discussion board getting people to describe how they heard particular songs they liked, what made the song effective for them, and it didn't fly. I remember it (if I am right that it was you) because about the same time I tried the same here, on this thread, and it didn't really fly here either. It strikes me that maybe these are more like blog posts than message board turns... Maybe you'd be interested in writing something.

    @Craig, thanks! Got a lot of pleasure and benefit from writing this.
  • edited November 2011
    i'd love to write something.(n.1) and i probably have some time soon (lately it's been working on work, and working on my daughter's middle-school applications).

    (n.1) i'd just have to avoid calling people "nitwits," which -- in the holiday spirit -- i did earlier today.
  • Actually 'nitwit' seemed the perfect term under the circumstances, and it made me smile so it brought some happiness to the world.
  • kezkez
    edited November 2011
    thanks GP for the help with Youtube embedding. Mysteriously, it still doesn't work for me.

    I did find that if I use the YouTube icon in Visual and delete the ending </object> from the imbed code,then lo and behold the correct video shows up in Visual and even plays. Unfortunately when I preview, the old unwanted visitor, "Youtube Sidebars & Captions" video, is displayed and plays.

    And if I save the draft when I see the right video displayed, the "Youtube Sidebars & Captions" video is what gets saved.

    I'm afraid I'll have to give up on it.

    EDIT// GP, really enjoyed your latest article! Also Greg's new one.
  • Well, I did it. I submitted my draft, warts and all. I included a few notes for the editors in the draft, mainly related to some problems I had with links. I hope it doesn't prove to be too much of a headache.
  • edited November 2011
    Is "rompous" a word? I see it's in the Urban Dictionary... Other than that, it looked pretty good. I made a few formatting corrections (no need to put an already-italicized album title in quotes, for example), and did the Youtube tag (you just have to put the video ID at the end of the Youtube URL in there, after an equal-sign), but not much else required.
  • GP: I modified Night Transition so the Bio stands as its own paragraph. It will appear below your name.

    re. the author image, you will need to send it to one of the admins to place it in the correct folder which is now uploads/night_transition.
  • If everyone agrees, I'll switch the theme to Night Transition. I need to do a little tweaking (text in the header) first.
  • @Scissorman - thank you so much for the formatting changes and the help with the YouTube link. Yes, definitely improved! As far as "rompous" - maybe "driving" would be better? Or maybe re-word the sentence to omit the "rompous beat" entirely. It was just a word that popped into my head to adequately describe the sound of the song. I didn't think about whether it was an actual word. Guess not.

    I have a couple of baroque pieces I'm working on now. I should have another draft ready to submit in the next week or so.
  • edited November 2011
    @Kez, thanks!

    And thanks for your piece, which I just read. I like the way it conjures up the whole ethos of the band's work, not just the info about releases. I did not know them, and have the sense aftyer reading and listening that I have some idea of who they are now.

    I added two commas, deleted a stray extra space, and changed "Another counsels us..." to "Another song counsels us" on the grounds that there was no preceding singular noun "song" directly mentioned for "another" to refer back to.

    I wonder about this sentence pair: "One standout track is “The Wind,” a song in which the theremin evokes the sound of an eerie, howling wind amidst expressions of quiet resignation and surrender. Or is it?" Reading on I got what it's saying, but there's something about the plural subject in the previous clause ("expressions") that leaves the "it" dangling a little, making us figure out what it's referring back to. Maybe expand it to "Or is it resignation?"

    In other news I have it in mind to write a piece joining John Taverner's The Protecting Veil and Daniel Thomas Freeman's The Beauty of Doubting Yourself. That one will take me a while though - it requires some serious listening and a little research. In the mean time I am going to see if the new release from Tarwater and pending releases from Pjusk and The Boats are worth reviewing.
  • edited November 2011
    @Dr. Mutex, is there a way to send something to an admin within the site? I can't see it. Otherwise if you can whisper me an email address I'll send over the picture.
  • kezkez
    edited November 2011
    @GP - Yes, I hadn't realized I had a dangling 'it,' but your suggestion to change the text to read 'Or is it resignation?' is a big improvement and makes more clear my meaning.

    EDIT// Also "Or is it really about resignation?" expresses what I meant. I might like that better, but use your best judgement.
  • I was writing another draft for a baroque piece, but got sidetracked with another idea. I'm writing a draft now about some Christmas music that is extra-special to me. I'm really excited about it because I love the music so much. I plan to submit the draft this week.
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