Great Expectations: is a go!



  • Wooo, we're on a roll!
  • @kez: The Christmas music article sounds great. I recall a thread about favorite Christmas music but the search (here, the other place & Google) isn't finding it.
  • I love the idea too, Kez. I was actually thinking about writing something similar myself. Maybe if others like it we could make it a series through the month of December?

  • I like it too. If I wrote on that topic it would be about the few Christmas recordings I can stand because they manage to not sound like Christmas music, so if you wanted a Grinch piece in there I could provide that.
  • Yes! I was actually thinking of suggesting a series on Christmas music, so I'm glad to see others are thinking along the same lines. Sounds great!
  • edited November 2011
    We've got a good initial stable of really solid posts now - everything I've read so far totally deserves to be read. Is there anything we should be doing to try to create some traffic/audience? I've already emailed the labels and artists of the releases I reviewed with a link to the articles and done some facebook linking. Is there a blog anywhere that reviews new music blogs? Should we post links at the other place?
  • I was waiting to start up the marketing campaign until the design changes are made, but could certainly move up my plans.

    I'd definitely post at the other place, though, I'm not currently a member.

  • edited November 2011
    I wondered if we were waiting on that. I gather it's nearly ready to go. My connecting has been mostly just at a personal level. (And my twitter audience could all have dinner together in a small room). Thought: should the blog have its own twitter feed at some point? Shall I post at the other place now or wait until the new shell is on?
  • I believe amclark2 already grabbed a Twitter account so we should probably do something with that (and a Facebook page if someone is really gung-ho).

    I'd say wait to post, though, until the new shell is up so that we make as good a first impression as possible. That's just my gut feeling though.

  • Yes I agree with waiting Craig. We do now have enough there for people to see, but given the emusic experience we need to have the final version ready and in place. I'll have to get a Twitter account soon, not so sure of Facebook though!
  • I submitted my Christmas draft a few minutes ago. I hope it is not too long - I may have got a little carried away.

    I did not check any catetory box since I didn't see any that I wanted to pick (except folk, which is appropriate). I know there is concern about having too many subcategories, but if we end up having a Christmas series as discussed, I think we really need a Holiday category. The other categories I would pick for my draft are Folk, Celtic, and Renaissance (classical doesn't work for this one, I don't think).
  • edited November 2011
    Holiday and Renaissance should be tags rather than categories. Celtic is also too narrow for a category. If it can't be subsumed under folk, than there ought to be a Traditional category that covers any sort of ethnographic music--Irish, Scottish, Old Time, Cape Breton, Breton, Swedish Nyckelharpa, etc.
  • Kez - I've just tried to read through your article, but because I am not an editor I can't access it, sorry. I thought your last article was great by the way. Maybe Dr M or Craig, could I be added to the editor list?
  • Wait...Swedish Nyckelharpa isn't a category? That's a shame.

    Greg - I don't have that particular access (to my knowledge).

    We now have a basic Facebook page: Music is Good Facebook.

  • Wait...Swedish Nyckelharpa isn't a category? That's a shame.

    It will be a category when we start the "Instruments played by members of The Replacements" blog.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm going to have to join Facebook.... I've been resisting it so far!
  • Hah! I had totally forgotten that discussion.

  • @Greg - I would love for you to add your editorial input to my Christmas piece.
  • I certainly will do if Dr M sets me up!
  • @kez I'll take a look at it too.
  • kezkez
    edited November 2011
    Apologies to the editors - I printed out my Christmas draft and then hit 'submit' without reading it a final time. Now that I have read it, I see lots of typos and some grammatical fixes I should have made! I was a little too anxious. I promise to do better when I write my baroque draft. (Sorry).
  • edited November 2011
    You can re-edit your own draft by going back in and selecting the post and hitting 'edit' - you can also unsubmit and resubmit. Want to have a go over it before we read it over?
  • Yes, I'll unsubmit and resubmit.

  • GP - How do I "unsubmit"?
  • Just a minute I'll look. Can't remember.
  • edited November 2011
    Go into the edit screen and on the top right there's a drop-down menu for status and an OK button. It says "draft" now so maybe you figured it out already.
  • GP - Yeah, I think I fixed most of the things that bugged me. I re-submitted now. I'm sure it will benefit from more editorial input, but I don't feel as bad about this version as I did the first!

    Hopefully, Greg will be able to get access to it, too.

    Thanks so much for your patience and help.
  • greg is now an editor.
  • @kez, looks great. Very nicely written. Great range of themes for an article on Christmas music - held my interest. Great last paragraph.

    I made two changes: added some missing quotation marks from a song title, and changed "Both two disks have similar titles" to "The two disks have similar titles" - if they are both similar it gives the slight impression that they are both similar to a third thing.

    One other query: in "(yes, Fogelberg – although one may not necessarily view his music as fitting into this category)" I was a little unsure what "this" referred back to. Christmas music? Traditional Irish music? Music from simpler times? (Those seem to be the three candidates, with Irish music being the one that seems grammatically implied, but it's a little unclear).
  • kezkez
    edited December 2011
    @GP - thanks for the editorial changes. About what "this" refers to, I struggled a lot with that sentence. What I was meaning is that people may not necessarily think of Fogelberg's music as fitting music that sounds like it is from olden times. I'm not sure just how to make it clear. Maybe we should just eliminate the whole parenthetical phrase.

    A couple of other things I thought of -

    When I describe the Aengus CD as a collection of Irish, Scottish & Welsh traditional tunes, I forgot to include "English". Should I go in and edit that, or do you prefer to do it?

    Another thing that has been nagging at me is that I refer to the track "Rivers of Frost and Snow" as an Irish flute solo, but I'm pretty sure it is really an Irish whistle.

    @Greg, can you listen to that audio sample (it can be heard by listening to track 11 in the audio link I provided in the text when discussing Oiche Ud I Mbeithil - or maybe it would be easier just to listen to the Amazon sample) and confirm?
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