Great Expectations: is a go!



  • @ScissorMan: I added a file browser plugin (for admins) It allows to maintain all of the files and folders. It's under Tools. I modified Night Transition to look for images in uploads/night_transition/. I added the Custom Upload plugin to store the post uploads in a folder structure that matches the permalink (existing uploads stay in 2011/11, at least until I get annoyed enough to edit all the posts.)
  • I added an image to The Hillbilly Continuo. It's Creative Commons Attribution license.
  • For adding images, what do we do? Via upload or via URL?
  • edited November 2011
    Either one will work, but if you embed an image directly from another site via URL, you just have to hope (or ensure, if possible) that the other site doesn't mind. Some domain owners can get a little fussy about that...

    Dr. M, I'll give that a shot - thanks! (I guess!)
  • OK, I think I'll go back and add images to my posts. Don't want to be left out!
  • edited November 2011
    Since everyone seems to like Night Transition, I contacted the developer to ask how much he'd want for us to use the theme without the ad links in the footer. I don't have a problem with the links if the cost is unreasonable. I'd just prefer to only have links we want. I do plan to keep the link to the designer that's at the bottom left corner.

    @ScissorMan: I stuck some Lorem ipsum text in your bio. Feel free to update it if you don't feel it accurately describes you.
    @Nereffid: If the image isn't on an image hosting site like Flickr I recommend to upload it.

    All: Does anyone not like Night Transition?
  • I'm cool with Night Transition.

    I just uploaded a long draft. It's much more of an article than my first two, so if GP or someone can edit it I'd appreciate it.

  • Sure, will take a look tomorrow. (Will be at the office past 9 tonight).
  • Much obliged. Hopefully it flows like I think it does.

  • Does anyone not like Night Transition?
    - I think it's supercool.
  • Actually, the Lorem ipsum text is probably the most accurate description of me that I've seen yet...
  • Night Transition is OK. Had a momentary twinge that it reminded me of eMusic in some way but that's probably just PTSD.
  • edited November 2011
    Scissorman, that's the second time you've made me laugh out loud in the last 5 minutes (here and at the other board re: 74 minutes). Much obliged. And then PTSD...:-)
  • edited November 2011
    Craig (and/or Dr. Mutex) - I can see your draft in the list of drafts but I don't seem to have permission to access it (everything that is not by me is greyed out). Want to whisper it to me here? (Or am I missing something?)
  • I changed it to "Pending Review" so hopefully that will fix the issue.

  • Nope, still can't get at it. I'm guessing I don't have the right level of admin privileges.
  • GP: I think you originally said you didn't want to edit. I've made you an editor. You should be able to see and edit Craig's article.
  • edited November 2011
    Too late! I already published it, as it didn't need much revision. But feel free to reverse that, or make further revisions if I missed anything. (Which I didn't, of course.)
  • Interesting read, thanks, Craig.

    Two edits (with apologies to ScissorMan):
    "To be clear, Albini’s objections seems to focus" - need to make objection singular or drop the s from seem.
    "have largely stayed out the public eye over the last 15 years" - out *of*

    One other unrelated thought, not an edit, just something it made me think (I think it struck me after the comment about the connection of making porn movies to pushing the boundaries): language of boundary-pushing and envelope-pushing can sound kind of noble and artistic, and it can be...but there's another side of it where your actions start to affect other people, rather than just "society". To me part of maturation would be exhibiting some awareness that when you perform and make statements in public it could be having consequences for other people too (e.g. slurs being legitimated, homosexuals suffering violence, people involved in porn, etc. - not looking to start a debate about the direct effects of music here, just make a much more general point about taking responsibility for others in your public actions), not just the artist's feeling that they are doing what they want to do.
  • "have largely stayed out the public eye over the last 15 years" - out *of*

    Whilst I totally agree with you GP, does it show our Englishness?
  • I wondered about that - can only report that it sounds wrong to my ear. Feel free to adopt a US override if it's correct in these parts.
  • It should have an 'of' in there. Both of the corrections you note GP were late edits that I apparently didn't fully proof after the fact. Thanks!

    As to your thought process GP, I agree completely, but didn't include that line of thought because I don't feel fully qualified to defend the point. Would welcome a comment over there, though!

  • edited November 2011
    Good idea. Will compose my thoughts and comment later. There's suddenly a new decision to make about whether to respond there or here to our posts...
    In my experience there should be a way of expressing in a formula the fact that the number of errors is inversely proportational to the number of proof reads but continues to approach zero without very often getting there....
  • Indeed. Even after you pointed the 'of' out though, I still mentally inserted it into the sentence.

    It's officially there now though!

  • Yes, it'll be interesting when people like Nerefidd and me use a word that we spell differently! For example, programme and colour are two possible words, along with all the times we generally use s instead of z, eg specialise. (And actually when I was at school my first sentence would have been Nerefidd and I) I tend to use program when refering to a computer program and programme when referring to a TV or radio programme. But I am probably being pedantic here.... Brighternow must wonder what on earth I am on about!
  • Greg: I probably won't even notice. I've read the British spellings so often they just blend in.

    In fact, I often have to stop myself from spelling labor with a u (that stems from my history undergrad degree I think).

  • Like Craig, I barely notice British spelling and idiom because I read so much of it. I wouldn't want to see the articles edited to one usage or the other, just consistent within the article.
  • I worked for an American company for several years, so I tend to spell in American English but not all the time. Consistency will probably be a problem with me.
  • I know it's Thanksgiving, but I've got dinner in the oven and thought I'd play around a little with saving a draft of my first attempt at writing up something for Musicisgood. Was appalled to see visibility setting was 'public'! Yikes - not sure I want anyone to see it yet in such a rough draft form. Plus I have made all kinds of fumbling posting mistakes I'm still trying to work through. Can't seem to figure out how to successfully insert an image into my post, much less embed a Youtube video and an audio I wanted to use.

    If I can't figure it out, I'll submit it the way it is and provide the relevant links in hopes a kind editor will fix it for me. But it's not going to be ready for editors to look at for another few days.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S.
  • I'm about to go back to a draft I put up there last Friday - work has taken over (GP will recognise what happens when marking/grading comes in) so no chance until now to have a final review of it. It is English Folk Music Part 1. This is an amended version of somethimg I put on a thread here. I intend doing Part 2 etc at monthly intervals for about 6 months or so. If someone could check it once I've moved it up a level I'd be grateful.
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