Great Expectations: is a go!



  • What's a favicon? Is that some sort of transformer? My 4 year old has constructicons...

    So I've been sitting back trying to figure out something to do. Did someone here say we're avoiding Bandcamp stuff? Because I think I'd most like to spotlight Bandcamp and other free and underrepresented artists. I'm also not much of a music writer - dancing about architecture and all that. So I'm trying to think of some sort of short form shout out/spotlight on a revolving basis... Any thoughts how that could fit into this?

    As far as an icon/favicon, I'm happy to take a shot, but need some ideas of what you're looking for. Never been much of a graphic designer, but sometimes that can be a good thing.
  • No, we're definitely not avoiding Bandcamp stuff. I don't see any reason to avoid writing about anything related to it.

    I believe the issue with Bandcamp, emusic, etc retailers was in listing links to their sites on our front page. I'm pretty sure that the scope of the discussion was that narrow.
  • Did someone here say we're avoiding Bandcamp stuff?
    Nope. Go right ahead. The only issue I had was with placing retailers on the sidebar (and I don't consider Bandcamp to be a retailer).
  • GP - I'll take a look here in a bit (work thinks it actually gets some of my time. What's up with that?) and get it posted.

    amclark2 - The favicon is so small that I'm not sure how much design even goes into it. Maybe something based on the emusers one?

    Free and underrepresented artists on Bandcamp would be awesome.

  • It's up GP.

  • @amclark2: A Favicon is a small picture file that is displayed next to the web address or on the tab in most recent browsers. The small version of the icon is 16 x 16 pixels. 32 x 32 and 48 x 48 can also be included, but the small one seems to be the one that is mostly used.

    We would need a drawing that looks good shrunk to 16 x 16 pixels, so it can't be very complex. I can handle making the actual icon file.
  • Thanks, Craig. Didn't mean to rush you - just to signal that I was done fussing with the video link.
  • Do we want facebook/twitter/google+ buttons on articles to help spread the word?
  • edited November 2011
    A few ideas for an icon:
    Heart with one or more musical notes superimposed, or passing through
    Hearts and musical notes swirling around
    Musical notes with a thumbs up
    Stylized letters MiG or MG
  • The emusers icon works well for me - it's very easily visible in a row of tabs. How about that icon with a superimposed M?
  • edited November 2011

    Ah! How nice to see all these compliments and the cooperation at emusers.

    I am past tired of all the political rhetoric, finger-pointing, pontification.
  • Dr. Mutex, when you say the free themes show adverts, do you just mean the tag line for the theme itself? That doesn't seem unreasonable to me, if it's on the bottom ofthe page.

    I was thinking something like this "Imbalance" theme might be nice - it requires JavaScript, though, which could be a dealbreaker too for some people. In fact, if you ask me that should be the first question to answer, whether or not we should exclude JS-required themes from consideration.

    I guess we might also have to decide if all articles should have at least one "header" image associated with them, because if we're not going to require that, then we should probably stick with themes that are more conservative - maybe even something similar to the default.
  • edited November 2011
    I was also thinking a stylized "MiG" for the favicon. I think it looks nice just as it is there typed on my screen.

    However, I'm good with using the current emusers one, too. There might be some added currency in having some consistency between the two entities.
  • I dunno, the problem with using "MiG" for the favicon is that 16x16 pixels is so small, when you shrink those characters down they're going to be indistinguishable from "MI6," and there's already an intelligence agency using that name.
  • edited November 2011
    @ScissorMan: The free MagPress themes include sponsored text links in the footer. Based on what I've seen on the demo pages and in the comments, there are links we wouldn't want to be associated with. The $38 developer license allows to remove the links and use the theme on multiple sites. If someone likes a theme enough to buy a license, there are a couple of themes I like such as Viberu. Of course, we should load up the theme to be sure it does what we want before anyone spends money.

    I suggest we stay away from the themes that are designed to show an image for each post in multiple columns (some of them resemble the iTunes store). They look bad when some posts don't have images--Unless the writers and editors want to commit to coming up with a legal-to-use image for each article.
    edit: It looks like some of the MagPress themes can use a default image when the post doesn't have one.

    I'm not opposed to a theme that uses JavaScript as long as it supports users who choose to have JavaScript disabled. The theme I'm using for mobile uses JavaScript.
  • I am very excited about the prospect of being indistinguishable from MI6. It makes us sound dangerous and that our readers should fear us. That is as it should be.
  • edited November 2011
    O.k. Ladies and Gentlemen: I've installed a theme-switcher plugin. If people want to propose a few themes I will add them and provide links here that will allow you to view MiG in each of the themes.

    @jonahpwll: I thought the same thing about MI6. We're the music intelligence agency.
    edit: Music Intelligence Group.
  • edited November 2011
    - Is it just me who can't find the author's name on the Alva Noto post ?
  • @Brighternow: No, it's not you. The author is hidden in the data below the post. On the article's page is isn't there at all. We may change to a better theme (a set of files that controls what WordPress looks like) that features the author's name below the title. If we stick with the current theme I will modify it to move the author's name.
  • edited November 2011
    I've set up a few themes for folks to preview. Clicking the link will take you to MiG with the selected theme. The theme will stay active for 10 minutes, then go back to the standard theme, which is currently Contempt. Unless noted, none of these themes show the author name on the single post page (the one you see when you click to read the whole article). I can add that to a theme we choose if necessary. Other details like the image in the header are also easily changed.

    Contempt This is our normal theme. The author's name can be moved below the title (small tweak to the code for the page).
    Saphire Not too different from Contempt but it shows the author name where we want it. The ugly wrapping of the motto should be easy to fix.
    Viberu ScissorMan suggested the themes on I picked Vibreu for an example. I see the option in the settings for the featured category slider as seen in some of the other MagPress themes, so this theme appears to be able to display the slider. The site says ads can only be removed if we buy a license. Shows the author name on single post page.
    Connections Reloaded Requested by BT. Shows Author name on single post page.
    Rindo Requested by GP. Shows author name on single post page.

    Themes added 2011-11-16 based on feedback for the above themes. These are all MagPress themes,.

    Crema Shows author on single post page.
    Costello This is a 3 column theme. I've changed 3 column themes to two column (some have a setting for that. I didn't see one in Costello. I'd prefer a theme that doesn't require too much modification. Shows author on single post page.
    Peava Shows author on single post page.

    Themes added 2011-11- 18

    Blue Lollipop Innocuous links in the footer. I didn't see any statement that the author would accept payment to allow us to remove them. Author name below the title but is not on single post page.

    Innocuous links in the footer. I didn't see any statement that the author would accept payment to allow us to remove them. Author name below the title but is not on single post page.
  • edited November 2011
    I made this favicon, at least for until we come up with something nicer:


    Not super-original, but it's original work, at least.
  • edited November 2011
    @ Dr Mutex, those theme links don;t seem to work for me - clicking on each I just see the original theme (tried two browsers). From what I can see from online images both the other two themes look more attractive to me than Contempt.
  • edited November 2011
    I really haven't done an extensive search, but themes like this:
    look contemporary to me. Our current default comes across to me a bit staid.
  • @Bad Thoughts - thanks for the comment on the blog - would love to hear you expand on it a little.
  • @GP: I'll comment so more in a few days. I don't want to write too much for fear of looking stupid. My knowledge of German culture gets shaky post-1945. I am familiar with that sort of Cologne-Dusseldorf school that Stockhausen inspired. However, from your analysis and from listening I detected both an hommage to and critique of Boulez.

    In the next week I should have a (mixed) review of the Bombadil album and, perhaps, a review of Noam Pikelny. I don't think either will be long enough to require pre-clearance.

    I also want to place a seed in everyone's head. Some uncertainty was expressed over how to approach guide's for labels. Something I think that we should consider is producing guides to how to shop various digital retailers. This is perhaps our greatest strength.
  • That sounds like an excellent idea, BT.

    I have a piece just about ready to go on Micachu and the Shapes' 2009 album Jewellery. I'm mostly waiting to post it to allow GP's post time to breathe.

  • edited November 2011
    I had an access setting wrong. The links should work now.
  • Of the three themes, I like Sapphire the best. However, I have a deep affection for Connections.
  • @cafreema: You can set the date you want to publish. Editors can publish and the article will go live on the date set.
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