Great Expectations: is a go!



  • Thanks GP. Fixed.

    FYI all, I'm not planning to post anything this weekend, but I will be getting stuff ready to start going up again on Monday.

  • edited December 2011
    @kez - weird. I think the image must still be the size I cropped it to before I scaled it. I'll beat on it a little more.
    -edit- fixed now. That's what I get when I only use The Gimp a couple times a year, and mostly to adjust levels. Refresh the page to see it fixed.

    all - I've sent payment for the theme. I included a question about the long titles wrapping badly.
  • Anyone who has written an article that has a theme of holiday music (no matter what the genre) should go into their respective article and add a tag of "Holiday". I'm not seeing that at all.

    The reason I bring it up is that my grandmother today made a comment that it would be nice is someone wrote some serious articles about the types of holiday music that was out there. Well, I said, let me tell you about a little site my friends and I have started... then proceeded to tell her about MiG. She (Nan) was very excited. However, I also told her that she should find the first of the articles and then hit a tag that said "Holiday Music" (or something like that) to find the rest. But now I see those aren't up.

    I don't mention this because I want you to edit your articles so that my Nan can find what she needs easiers (well, actually, I do). Mostly I bring this up by way of illuminating some of the ways that people will want to use our site and how we can make it easier for them to find what interests them.

    Meant to be helpful.

  • edited December 2011
    Do you mean a Holiday category? Some of them are already tagged holiday - Admittedly it's not easy to browse by tags.
    (Sitting wondering how this blog managed to translate my usual opposition to Christmas music into two largely appreciative articles about it).
  • I think the Holiday Category got shot down because of all the different genres it could belong to. However, it couldn't hurt to tag a column with more than one category. However, I was talking about Tags. Searching by a tag shouldn't be bad, though... if one clicks on a tag, it should bring all the others as long as there's consistency.

    But then again, I'm trying to figure all this out as I go along, so I may be incorrect in some of my assumptions.
  • Clicking on a tag does bring up the others, but not quite every holiday article is tagged holiday. If you started from BT's article you wouldn't have seen the rest, because they were tagged Holiday and his was tagged Holiday Music. And Greg had a piece that was not tagged. I just went through and standardized the tags to Holiday; you should see them all by clicking on the holiday tag now.
  • edited December 2011
    I suggest that unless we get a quick answer on long titles from the skin author Craig go through and reduce all past titles as necessary to make it look OK in the mean time. I was lookjing at Greg's Christmas piece and it could lose the first instance of "Music" from its title without harm, but I don't feel authorized to mess with titles.
  • Yeah, I'll take care of that in the next couple of days.

    Currently drafting my musical influence article too.

  • Would anyone object to me writing a response to this article: "For politically aware songs, the '00s were all for naught"? We haven't specifically established the blog for review only, but this would necessarily require me to discuss the nature of radical politics.
  • No problems here.

  • Good idea. Go for it.
  • @Craig or Dr.M - I checked the preview of my baroque piece that is scheduled and evidently the codeshare to the youtube embed at the very end of the piece is no longer active. I checked and here's a different link to the same video that is active:

    Can you please edit my piece to substitute the above link for the discontinued one?

  • Done!

  • Any thoughts on the following: what is the time limit on an album review for a "recent" release? How long after release is it still plausible to review an album? (I'm not working on a specific piece, it's just a question that has been recurring for me as I discover things that came out earlier in 2011)
  • I don't think we have a time limit. I'd note if something has been out for awhile, but that shouldn't stop us from writing about it.

  • My top twenty 2011 piece is ready for review.
  • Just got the RSS feed set up on Pulse on my iPod Touch. Going to catch up on a bunch of posts from everyone now - got behind with all the traveling.
  • edited December 2011
    Something weird happening in Kez's piece, beyond my ability fathom. In Firefox everything works fine. But in Chrome:

    1. The speech marks in the italic text below the Stefano Landi image do not display - little empty box missing character placeholders show instead.
    2. The video link at the end of the next paragraph loads as - i.e. a closing parenthesis gets added that is not in the link, and the link therefore fails.

    Again, this is only in Chrome. Is this our fault, WordPress's fault, or Google's fault?

    @Kez, thanks for writing the piece - it's really educational! I'm working through all the linked stuff, having started with zero knowledge of this music.
  • Not sure GP. I'm not having those problems in either Firefox or Chrome.

  • That's weird.
  • Craig, I corrected "past time" to "pastime" in your music that has influenced me piece.
  • I uploaded a picture to the media library that I would like to use as my author image. I didn't see anywhere that I could add it to my profile, so I figure I just don't have the permissions to do that. The picture is off Rizzo the Rat.
  • About the "Best of free/NYOP joint piece" - the only thing I was maybe thinking about writing up was a short paragraph on Jessie Baylin's free EP 'Pleasure Center.' It's a little outside what I normally listen to, but I think it is quite good - kinda 21st century Dusty Springfield stuff. Or is anybody else already doing that one? If so, I'll happily defer to whoever is already including it.
  • @Nereffid, greatly enjoying and learning a lot from your series. This blog is turning into a free education.
    The 9th-century treatise Musica enchiriadis describes two basic forms of polyphony: drones are one, and the other is parallel doubling, in which the melody (the vox principalis) is accompanied by a transposition of itself by a fourth, fifth, or octave below (the vox organalis).
    Where can I read more about medieval use of drones?
  • OK - I've now seen 2 MiG posts that have audio embedded. How do you do that?
  • Hey, Kez. I can help with that. But I'm going to start a new thread about it. That way all the blog tech talk doesn't obscure the other MiG talk.
  • edited December 2011
    The opening line of your Sahran cell phones piece says:
    "Over on the right side of the screen you are currently reading is Music is Good’s Blogroll. "
    I think the word "what" is missing; also the blogroll no longer appears at the top since the redesign, so you might want to reword this anyway.

    Also, are you sure the first track is by Tinariwen? The way I read the track list, the artist is Group Anmataff and the TITLE is Tinariwen - isn't it a tribute piece?
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not seeing where the "what" would be missing, but you're right it should probably be edited.

    Of more import is the last question. I was operating off my download tags, and didn't question it because the fifth track does say "Papito" and "Iba One" quite a bit, but looking around, you may well be right. I'll do further investigation and correct that if necessary.


    ETA: Crap. It appears you are right and all of the tracks have the artist/track name inverted. That's seriously embarrassing. I'll get it fixed ASAP.
  • edited December 2011
    My thought was that it should read ""Over on the right side of the screen, what you are currently reading is Music is Good’s Blogroll."
    Taking out the first "is" instead would do it too.
    I caught the Tinariwen because when I downloaded it and was tagging it I thought wow, how did they land Tinariwen for this project? - and double checked. It had me for a while too.
  • For my eyes, taking out the "is" would make for a cleaner read. But that's just me.
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