Great Expectations: is a go!



  • Oh, for certain, git/mercurial would be the best means to manage your install for versioning and even some DR if you want to include the DB in the repo.
  • I'm planning to use a separate repo for the database and dump each table (excluding some) to a separate file which will be under VC control.
  • edited February 2012
    [ignore this. See below.] anyone looked at who is following MiG on Twitter?! If you're not following yet, here is your chance to be in select company :-).
  • What select company - I shall add my name!
  • Isn't that who MiG is following? I just don't think Tyler, the Creator is following us. Although it would be hilarious.

  • edited February 2012
    Oh, you're right. my bad. Astonishment retracted. moving too fast - thought I had clicked on 'followers' and trusted what I saw as the result of a well-aimed click rather than a misaimed one. As you were. (Actually not so impressed with our one follower that I don;t recognize).
  • I tried to create an MiG image for our twitter account (because that egg avatar looks kinda amateurish), but I have no idea how to create a simple image on my wife's Mac. If anyone can create a simple three letter image and posts it on the forum, I'll go ahead and upload it to the MiG twitter account.
  • edited February 2012
    Whoops, never mind, I can't do it either.

  • I created a simple jpg image but don't know how to get it pasted into the emusers forum.
  • @kez, upload it here and copy the resulting url and then insert it as you would cover art.
  • edited February 2012

    (detail cropped from an online pic of a MiG fighter jet. Of course that may not be the connotation we want...)
  • kezkez
    edited February 2012

    Well, I didn't expect it to be THAT big, but it worked. Thanks, GP.

    EDIT// Well, smaller but not enough.
  • edited February 2012

    In that case, here's mine properly flipped...cut from a box of toy MiGs.
  • How long is a MiG post? I am at 1070 words in the Farewell Poetry interview after four questions...shall I wrap it up at about 1200 or ask a few more (will take a bit longer) and make it a two-part post?
  • Or...math nerd version:

  • GP - just throwing in my two cents - I think most of my articles have been around 2000 words. I think you should let the interview go as it will. It's a wonderful opportunity and you shouldn't cut it shorter than you'd like. If it gets too long, why not divide it up into two parts?
  • I like Kez's version of MiG - the red stands out

    GP - if you feel it is getting too long, I agree with Kez, split into two articles. In once sense it partly depends on how long you feel it is
  • Cool. Thanks. It's so frustrating to not be able to do so many of the simple tasks I could do in a Windows environment.

    I used the one with red letters, since that was one of the ones I liked most on a google image search. Later, if we develop a favicon and want to use it as the image, we can change it. It's way easy to upload the photo. But at least now, MiG has a sense of permanence with something other than the egg.

  • @Nereffid

    Can you think of any good media outlets or record companies that would make sense for us to follow (and hopefully follow back) in regards to those excellent classical lists you make? Don't worry if they actually have twitter accounts or not; I can look for those. Just maybe a small handful of names of companies that you have or likely will include in your lists and who I should research.

    1. Labels
    2. Artists
    3. Media Outlets

    Much heavier weight applied to the first two.

  • @jonahpwll, thanks for the twitter work. Does this reappearance mean you are properly moved in now?
  • Yes, just got internet up a couple days ago. Just in time to catch a fever; I'm sitting here coughing my ass off and wondering how the hell I'm gonna get through all the jazz new releases today for emusic. There was a huge drop over the last week and today's drop may double it.

    Plus, my AAJ dotd schedule and queue is a mess from the backlog and changes. Bird is the Worm has issues. Seeing the results of taking two weeks off from my various jazz "responsibilities" has really shed a new light upon how I view them.

    On a happy note, I noticed that Songlines got caught up on their catalog (or near about). It seemed like there were no drops from it for 2011 releases, but now Brad Shepik's "Across the Way" and Harris Eisenstadt's "Canada Day II" are now available (in the USA, at least).
  • We're getting some retweet action. Hopefully some Follows and MiG traffic will ensue.
  • Classical labels: the "major indies" would be Naxos, Hyperion, Chandos, Harmonia Mundi (the French/US one, not Deutsche Harmonia Mundi), and BIS.
    As for artists, I have no idea who tweets. If you're willing to do the legwork, one possibility is to go through the Nereffid's Guide Awards.
    Of the 5 magazines that I get the Classical Highlights from, I think only Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine have any sort of social-media presence.
  • edited February 2012
    RT'd the NYOP posts. Suggest following @WFMU and (especially) @freemusicarchiv
  • I've submitted the latest classical history post.
    Could whoever's releasing it create a new category - I suggest A History of Classical Music - and also add it to the previous posts?
  • Done. And the new one is posted. Fantastic as always, Nereffid!

  • edited March 2012
    You know, if anyone wanted to review the new Monolake album that I posted on the New Releases thread, there's a ton of information on Robert Henke's site to draw from...I don't think I am going to do it, but there's some low-hanging fruit there if anyone else likes Henke's stuff.
  • I submitted an article that's ready for review.

    Also - I have a question about the recent question whether we should use Grooveshark on the blog. I didn't use Grooveshark in my recently submitted piece, but would like to know what has been decided about that issue since any mixtape pieces I might submit in the future would probably not be possible without Grooveshark (I seem to be the only writer who has trouble finding audio embeds of my chosen music on the alternative sites!). If Grooveshark is nixed, would 8tracks be an acceptable substitute to use for audio embedding?
  • I'm really not sure about Grooveshark either. I think if it's a choice between Grooveshark and nothing, it might be worth going with grooveshark because our mission of music discovery and sharing that knowledge outweighs any alleged reputation that site has. I'm hoping to learn more about grooveshark, so I may change my opinion later in either direction.

    The other big downside to grooveshark that is more problematic is that from my limited experience thus far, those tracks cause broken links pretty quick. But like I said, both my knowledge and experience with the site are limited.

    I'm not familiar with 8tracks.
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