Great Expectations: is a go!



  • Submitted a review of Anders Koppel's "Everything Is Subject to Change".

    MiG's theme must have some formatting tics, because my edit screen doesn't look like my preview screen. If anybody doesn't like the way my article sits on the final page, feel free to tweak it to make it look more presentable.

    Killed a bunch of spam while I was in there.
  • Genre question: In my head, the designation "world" as a genre category seems to mean "non-Western" - is that right? Should an album from Norway be tagged "world" on the blog? I've always found it an odd genre tag to use because it is (a) geographically vague and (b) lacking in reference to any particular musical genre.
  • As a Tag, definitely. Tags are really for the user, and since many listeners would agree with that definition, then they'll use that as a search term. But there's no reason you can't have a World tag and a World-Norway tag, too, or just Norway. But I'm all about lots of tags used very consistently. Others may and probably do have different theories on how we should use the MiG tags. In fact, I feel like this was addressed a while back.
  • I personally hate 'World' and 'International' tags, but I think to be more specific in all instances would be overload on a blog (although my personal collection is very specific).

  • edited March 2012
    So should I use "world" as a tag but not check the "world" category? Or do both? The article in question will be submitted for review momentarily. The album reviewed was released yesterday or the day before, by the way, so MiG will be among the early reviews.
  • My opinion: Use World as the Category, Norway as the Tag.

    But since Craig is the dispatcher on everything that gets posted, he's gonna have a better handle on how to keep things consistent with what's been done previously on MiG.
  • I concur with jonah.

  • 'Tis done.
  • I think I forgot how it was done on MiG. If it's Draft, does that indicate I'm still working on it, and when I change the status to Pending Review, that means Craig schedules it? I just changed my Koppel review status to Pending Review. I'm ready to let the article go out into cyberspace and make me proud.
  • That's the right sequence.
  • Anders Koppel read the review on MiG.

    I left a lead-in paragraph on my site, with a read-the-rest-here link to MiG.

    He then commented on BitW.

    Seriously, I feel like Bruce Springsteen just walked through my site. Too cool.
  • Very cool, Jonah. Congrats!
  • My recent BitW article "An Open Letter to Musicians: Lemme Hear It" (inre: streaming full albums) is getting pubbed on AAJ soon. Music is Good gets a couple mentions in it, including the web address. That won't hurt.
  • Rock on jonah!

  • edited March 2012
    Well done Jonah - I was aqctually day dreaming on the train a couple of days ago wondering how I could get an exclusive interview with Bruce, but decided no chance!! But you have achieved the equivalent. Maybe I will try, the worst will be no reply...
  • Hey, GP.

    Could you edit your Pjusk article header to include the artist name? I think that will help on google searches (as would, probably, adding musician names as tags, but that's a whole different beast), but it couldn't hurt to get people to read it if they had the band name. As it is, we're already talking about music that not many people outside of emusers knows about, so... but that's just what I think.

    In any event, tweeted!
  • edited March 2012
    @JP, done. Updated past reviews as well to fit that pattern. Emailed the label direct as well and had a nice reply. have been doing that as standard when reviews go up.
  • That's really a good idea. I started doing that with BitW, but it just became too burdensome because of all my micro-reviews. The twitter thing really is a decent middle ground for me.

    We're getting new Followers from time to time. And I just tweeted about the emusers forum, so that might help.

    That Lemme Hear It article looks to be on the AAJ schedule for the 20th, so who knows if anybody starts hitting MiG out of curiosity. And, actually, I think emusers gets a reference, too, now that I think about it.
  • edited March 2012
    The Sebastian Plano interview has 53 likes - how did that happen? Mostly from his networks I suspect.
  • That's awesome! Good grief, I think that's more than the entirety of likes on BitW. And if you're right, then good, the artist should add a little sweat equity to a bit of PR. That's how it's supposed to work. Everybody chips in to spread the word.
  • Just switched my Makunouchi Bento interview to Pending Review. (I think I'm ready to release it onto the world...I think). GP can you take a look? I think you're the only other one with the ability to do that.

  • I just put my Peter Broderick "Float" review as Pending Review. It's probably as good as it's gonna get. It seems like the more I connect with an album, the more abruptly I break from editing the review.
  • edited March 2012
    Will do, in the next few hours. nice little burst of creative energy all round this week!
  • One member of Pjusk just followed MiG - and me - on Twitter. I'm having jonahpwll's Springsteen reaction!
  • @GP

    Hopefully it was the good member of Pjusk... and not the evil one.
  • Awesome. Now these folks just need to start liking us on Facebook too, then their Facebook fans can see our work!

    We should have started MiG a long time ago. It's fun.

  • Was just thinking the same thing. Fun indeed.
  • @everyonewhoisn'tcraig - Craig's forthcoming Makunouchi Bento interview is a lot of fun. You're in for a treat.
  • I just tweeted about MiG's Facebook page. I said only nice things.
  • edited March 2012
    An open letter to MiGers

    By Sunday I hope to transmit a draft of the final chapter of my dissertation/thesis. I promised my advisors I would have finished months ago, but my father's death (as well as other commitments) ate up my time. Indeed, I must convince them that I only need to do some editing (at least 3/5 chapters are well polished). Truthfully, I should never have taken on such a complicated project in comparative history, and I've never succeeded to convince my advisor to scale it back.

    I love the MiG and desire to participate, but instead of writing about music that I might not only like, but about which I also might have special insights, I've had to write about French and German administrative politics (Mittelinstanz, GP). I would love to write about the Lomax archive or the Lessazo album (there's a lot of mumbling, but I believe I understand all the French lyrics). I have three half written reviews. However, I cannot make any commitment.


    Bad Thoughts
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