Great Expectations: is a go!



  • @Nereffid

    Okay, you should be good now.
  • Also, cleared out the spam folder, including the very nice person who commented that our "cycleway cattle grids are great".
  • My David Olney piece is now submitted and ready for review.
  • kezkez
    edited April 2012
    I probably should have added that my submitted piece features a new CD that was timed for release shortly before Palm Sunday, so it would probably be good if somebody has time to review it pretty soon so as to get it up before Easter. It probably needs some minor tweaking since I edited it so much I can't see blaring errors anymore.
  • I'll look at it today.
  • edited April 2012
    I just finally found the time to finish translating the French portions of the FareWell Poetry interview. There's a lot of film terminology in there, so it cost me some sweat. It's quite a while since I had to translate French properly. As soon as the band get back to me and sign off on the final text I'll be ready to submit. It's 3300 words, so I am thinking two parts spread over a couple of days. Does that sound right?

    Is there/could there be any way on MiG of letting outsiders preview a draft in it's final form? Would be useful for interviews.
  • Kez, added some queries in the response section on MiG.
  • kezkez
    edited April 2012
    @Craig -
    I know I promised not to be 'high maintenance,' but this one's really not my fault...

    The first photo which I used in the Kate Campbell has been removed from her website, so there's no picture now. Could you replace it with this one from her website?
    Caption: Photo by Michael Wilson

    Thanks (and sorry).

    EDIT// Gosh, it's worse than I thought. Kate changed her website bigtime since the release of her new album so a few more links are now broken. These changes should fix things:

    3rd paragraph, last line:
    Remove last sentence, "Audio samples of all the tracks ca be heard here."

    Next paragraph:
    Remove sentence, "Listen to the full song here."

    Next paragraph:
    Unlink the last word "website."

    (I'm beginning to think I'm jinxed.)
  • I think I got everything, kez. Let me know if not.

  • It might be a good idea if we don't like images to a url, but instead upload them to the MiG platform. That way, we've saved our own copy of the image and don't have to worry about an artist or label moving stuff around and breaking a link.

    However, there is an issue in terms of server space, so Dr. M might not want to do that. Can't recall if that's been brought up before.
  • I've been saving all my images to the MiG platform.

  • @Craig - thanks for fixing broken links in the Kate Campbell piece and for substituting the first picture. There's a lot of blank space to the right of the picture, though. Can you fix that? Or if it won't line up right, I guess we should maybe just remove that picture.

    Since the first picture disappeared, it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't be cutting and pasting pics into my drafts. How is everybody else getting pics into their pieces? Would it be better to save the picture to my desktop and then upload?
  • Not sure why it changed the layout like that. I just centered the picture.

    I upload photos from my computer. It's seems easiest for me and allows me to edit them to my liking if necessary.

  • OK, at long last the Farewell Poetry interview is submitted for review. It's in two parts. I think they should be posted on consecutive days. When the second goes up I'll update the link at the end of the first to connect them.
  • edited April 2012
    @Craig, since the FP interview piece is a two-parter, I wonder if it should wait until after Easter, since Kez's piece fits Easter thematically and this doesn't at all.
  • A little more good news for MiG exposure - David Olney's website has provided a link to MiG via Reverbnation.
  • FareWell Poetry has now shared the Part 1 link on Facebook!

  • @kez, good work!
    @Craig, my tweet about it also got retweeted by the label and by someone else who has 1300 followers, which is a good deal wider than my modest twitter reach.
  • Farewell Poetry interview has been tweeted from MiG account.
    Will do the Olney one tomorrow.

    We picked up a few followers. Hopefully MiG will get some more similar to GP and Kez's activity.
  • My baroque piece has been submitted and is ready for review.
  • Woo-hoo! Today David Olney's website posted under the "News" tab the entire Mig review with a link to MiG.

    Now that I have the baroque piece finished and submitted, I plan to start on the Kate Campbell review of the new CD her label sent me.
  • Great stuff!
  • kezkez
    edited April 2012
    Just re-posting that I submitted a piece for review last Friday. I wasn't sure if folks have just been busy or if my original message got buried.

    Also, the MiG site seems to be down this morning.
  • kez - Yeah, I intended to review it this morning, but haven't been able to get to MiG. Will do soon, though.

  • @Craig - no rush. I just wasn't sure if my original message got buried.

    Is anybody else having trouble calling up the MiG page this morning?
  • I can't get in either. If it's any consolation, google standard & image searches don't come up with a lot of spam text or naughty pictures, so it's probably not a hacking situation.
  • My 2nd Kate Campbell piece is ready for review.

    I still have the baroque piece pending review, but maybe it would be a good idea if somebody could find time to look at the Kate Campbell piece first, since I feel more obligated to get that one published in a more timely manner because Kate's label sent me a promo CD to review it before it was released and it's been out since April 3 now.

  • Should have a MiG piece ready tomorrow.
  • Fantastic GP.

    Sorry I haven't gotten anything done in a while, folks. I'm in the middle of two separate massive appellate briefs and the thought of writing/researching/reviewing anything else right now makes my brain hurt.

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