Great Expectations: is a go!



  • Is apellate anything like acapella? Maybe you could write about that.
    Seriously, I hope the work goes well and you find some musical balm for it. We'll all go through seasons with this.
    I was thinking this morning, maybe it's worth putting together a short piece based on my 12k sale recommendations - it's not just a sale but launching the new 12k online store, so perhaps worth highlighting in that way? I could include some mini reviews of recommended titles (I have most of what is on the first 2 pages of their store; 12k is one of the few labels for me that is an almost automatic purchase when they release something).
  • My new post is submitted for review.

    While I am at it, a brief rant. After writing, I did a quick search for other reviews of the album It's always interesting AFTER writing to see what others said, and worth checking if you might have got it all wrong. The penalty is getting annoyed by lazy reviews. I found this one, whose author does not appear to have listened to the album with more than half an ear. ""Lodi" shimmers with an almost whimsical sci-fi drone, growing in volume but not in vibe" - um, actually, I would not call that track a drone track. ""The Sea Saw Swell" is slower, a Krautrock-like ambient, with bird song" - well, no, the bird song appears three tracks later on Elysia, not on this track. Sigh.
  • @GP, I sometimes do the same thing - google for reviews of albums I've written about. I have a little rant of my own. Yesterday I saw a review that somebody had written and they had completely lifted a whole paragraph from my review word-for-word, plus 3 additional complete sentences. Admittedly, I have used some phraseology that someone else has written but I say so when I have done that, rather than pass it off as my own writing.
  • Wow, I'd say that deserves an email or comment. Was it on their own blog or a place that has an editor?
  • Eh - I'd rather let it go. It looks like it's two guys' blog - maybe Scandinavian.
  • edited April 2012
    Probably little recourse in that case then. Still, might be worth considering a friendly 'hey, nice blog, but that's not such a great thing to do you know' kind of email; who knows, it might discourage them from doing it someone else next time. Your call though.
  • edited April 2012
    Plagiarism!! GP will know all about that from his work, as I do. When I was still a teacher, a colleague and I did a conference presentation, including a diagram we had drawn. I was amazed ten years or so later to see it in a book by a well-known writer in the field, including a small error that we had made with spelling, and he was certainly passing it off as his research. But at least it shows that what you did Kez was worth copying. I think GP is right, a friendly email would not be of any harm, maybe from Craig. Also do we need a copyright statement somewhere, as the articles are the intellectual property of the authors. I am working part-time in a different university this year and part of my induction was about intellectual property rights and how to protect them, and this does fall into that category, certainly within EU rules, which would impact upon some of us.
  • edited April 2012
    MiG has a copyright notice. It's at the bottom. "All contents copyright © Music is Good. All rights reserved."

    I've had my work plagiarized as well. When my daughter was in 5th grade, I wrote her a guide for how a short story is constructed. For example, one normally starts by introducing the characters and situation (not necessarily in that order). She told me she had shown it to her teacher who had said it was a good guide. I was quite bemused a few years later when I attended my son's 5th grade open house, where the teachers proudly presented their "writing rubric" which was nearly word-for-word what I had written. They left out the best part, which was how your teacher can tell if you plagiarized someone else's work. One of the examples was that it starts with "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." There were several famous lines in that list, not a one from a work suitable for grade school. I should look for that file.
  • Should have reviews of Colin Vallon's "Rruga" and Zubatto Syndicate's s/t albums up pretty soon.

    Now that I'm starting to get my eMusic and AAJ rhythms settled, I can start getting some more jazz on MiG.
  • I might have part 5 of my classical history ready by the weekend - certainly by early next week. I've developed a draft outline for the series up to the end of the Renaissance, which would bring it to part 21. Hopefully I can speed up production a bit now that I know what I'm going to be writing about.
  • Nerefidd - this sounds quite an opus, great!
  • kezkez
    edited April 2012
    This morning I submitted a new piece on John Fullbright's upcoming album (CD release show scheduled for May 3) that's ready for review. Also, the baroque piece that is still pending review covers a new album that was released March 20, so it might be better if somebody could find the time to review it before the Fullbright piece.
  • The baroque piece is up Kez. Again I apologize for being slow on the editing, I should be through the worst of it on my appellate briefs and ready to get back to it soon.

  • @Craig, no apologies needed. I hope you survive your appellate briefs!
  • Oh, I will. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't basically need to be a welding expert to draft one of them. They don't tell you in law school that you need to be able to understand whatever it is your client does.

    As for MiG, I'm scheduled to attend Soundset 2012 at the end of May and will be writing a review. My buddy and I sprung for VIP tickets so we'll have awesome access and I've also requested a photo pass to bring my nice camera. Should be fun.

  • Good news - Tafelmusik has tweeted my review of The Galileo Project on their twitter page, which is more good exposure for MiG. I'm sure that wouldn't have happened without me emailing the link to the review to Tafelmusik's label. Thanks, GP, for your good advice.
  • I think you're right that the email thing is a way to go. Especially on the classical stuff.

    The jazz guys picked up my BitW stuff pretty quick, and I think most of the indie/ambient net label stuff is all over that shit, but some of these others... maybe not so much. I have noticed a real lack of twitter accounts on the classical and some folk/oldie article subjects.
  • Hey, Craig, what does the MiG schedule look like for today/tomorrow? I'm trying to wrap a review of Colin Vallon's "Rruga" and I think it would be in MiG's interest to pub it tomorrow (Sunday). I just noticed that BitW got mentioned on NPRs blog supreme around the jazz internet article, and it might drive some traffic to MiG if I were able to put down a BitW post on Sunday that said, hey, my Rruga review was posted at MiG, follow the link to read the rest after the lead-in paragraph... that kind of thing. I don't know how much interest people would have in MiG, but I think it's the start of a really good site and I'd like to see MiG get some momentum.

    I'll try to wrap that review up right now. You could pub it late today if you wanted to (assuming I finish it), even though my "read-it-here" BitW post wouldn't go up until Sunday.

    But it might be nice to take advantage of, what I assume will be, a burst of traffic to BitW.

  • jonah - (I feel like I should call you Dave now). I don't normally publish on weekends, but can certainly make an exception for that. Let me know when it's ready to go. I'll be out for awhile, but would certainly be able to do something with it tonight at the latest.

  • Cool.
    It's 11:30am EST right now. I feel like I could have something up by 5pm. And quite frankly, I don't think it would necessarily lose anything if you were to hold off 'til Monday, if you prefer keeping to the no-weekends scheduling. It was just a nifty thing with the NPR thing, and I immediately thought to spread the love a bit over to MiG. But I'm definitely not looking to disrupt any normal workflow on MiG.

    You've got a game to watch at about 3:30 today, don't you? Mine starts at 1pm.
  • I believe you have me confused with a certain Floridian!

  • edited April 2012
    Ah, yes, it's Esquire that's the misguided sports fan.

    As for you, I still can't believe the T-Wolves aren't in the playoffs. Not quite sure how that team is so sorely managed and GM'd, but it is.

    The Vikes can go suck it.

    Bear down.

    P.S. And the packers can go suck it, too (just in case you're one of those packer fans with an MN in your address).

    Bear down.
  • Rubio tore his ACL, Ridnour got hurt, and Love got concussed. They didn't have a prayer at the playoffs when all that happened. Next year they should be pretty good though.

    Skol Vikings!

  • I just banged out a longish MiG piece. Will have it tidied up and ready to go by Mon or Tues. That clears my backlog of things I wanted to review, so will have to think a bit after that as to what I might do next.
  • FYI for planning the publishing schedule, my John Fullbright piece that's pending review is about a new album with CD release party scheduled for May 3 and 4, and release date May 8.
  • I've submitted my piece on 13th-century motets.
  • Craig, sorry, I forgot that we were going into Louisville overnight, just got back. I'll submit the review tomorrow, schedule it whenever.

  • OK, my piece is submitted and ready to go; no particular time pressure on this one, so slot it around the others wherever.
  • Nereffid - my initial quick scan read your article as 13th-century motels! I thought that must be a monastery....
  • Okay, here's my plan: I'm going to get jonah's post up this morning ASAP, kez will go up on Wednesday right before the release parties; and then Nereffid and GP will go up on Friday/next Monday in some order.

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