Erdem Helvacioglu
- "Is one of the most renowned new music composers of his generation in Turkey. His music has ben performed and broadcast all around the world, included in many prestigious festivals and received numerous international electronic music awards including prizes from Luigi Gussolo, Insulae, Electronicae and MUSICA NOVA Electroacoustic Music Competitions. Erdem Helvacio?lu has been called the genius of unusual sounds by prestigious German magazine Ragazzi."
- "Per Boysens live concerts focus on instrumental music with an openminded psychedelic touch, utilizing live looping and interactive electronics to extend traditional instruments in multi lateral improvisation. He is a Swedish freelance worker in many creative fields, often referred to as a renaissance man. Has toured worldwide as a musician, affiliated with both major record labels, small independent labels and as a self promoting artist. Former studio musician counting one gold selling album. Produced recorded music for CD, surround DVD multimedia, radio and television.
- Emusic
@ Brighternow: that A Place to Bury Strangers album is something I loved from a few years ago and have been coincidentally listening to again lately. Joy Division, and a heavy dose of JAMC; I like it a lot.
Refresh day tomorrow, so I had to use my remaining credit today. I know why I went on hold for a month or so: I had enough left for 38 tracks (out of my grandfathered 100). Six months ago I was downloading 250 tracks a month (I also had a number of six month Groupon deals at a very good price) and had no problem finding music to buy. Now it is far more difficult to get music from emusic.
I choose this because amc2 has been playing it a fair bit, and in many respects we have similar tastes, so I ought o like it.
There are eleven versions of Giant Steps on this set, I am listening through them in sequence, then the "release" version, and a live version by McCoy Tyner.
Way back when this was a revelation to me. I'd developed my interests in rock music through The Beatles, Stones etc to Dylan and the Summer of Love. My father played in big bands throughout my early years (he still does in his 90s) so I grew up with that music too. But this brought it all together. Chicago were a tight unit then, but by their fourth or fifth album that had gone, sadly.
I'd like to find contemporary music in a similar style, so if anyone has any suggestions, please .do let me know.
Well, I hope you like it Greg; my only complaint about it is : when can we be done with hidden tracks at the end of 15 minutes of silence? It was a cute trick when Nirvana did it in '91, but now it's just annoying.
I will say this about emu: as much of a pain as they are, they still have the widest variety at the lowest price. I don't think I could have found my last two listens for less than $12 anywhere else.
A little followup on Amelia Cuni & John Cage posted by Nereffid:
It was mentioned just a few days ago in a Other Minds newsletter:
"OM CD 1010-2
Amelia Cuni, dhrupad vocals
Werner Durand, drones/electronics
Federico Sanesi, percussion
Raymond Kaczynski, percussion
John Cage wrote his 18 Microtonal Ragas after years of immersing himself in Indian music and philosophy. Nearly forty years later, Italian-German dhrupad singer Amelia Cuni, with extensive training in both the European and Indian classical traditions, interprets this work that could have been written for her special artistry. On this CD she performs the complete Solo 58 from Song Books, combined with numerous performances of other solos from the same collection, with percussionists Raymond Kaczynski and Federico Sanesi, and Werner Durand establishing both the traditional Indian drones specially created to accompany the microtonal ragas, and performing on electronics."
- Other Minds
- And re: A Place to Bury Strangers (Ac2):
They are new to me, I saw in some newsletter from someone that there were a new album released, and yeah, its great stuff.
NP: [
- There's a free track from this one and 2 other albums with Mark O'Leary over at AAJ
Editor's comments: "Moody piece. Bass and drums keep a frenetic but steady cant as trumpet soars overhead, guitar slices and drones, and mild electronic effects fill the gaps in between. Should appeal to fans of ECM small-combo albums, Explosions in the Sky, and maybe even those whose favorite Miles Davis album is In a Silent Way."
I've already grabbed 2 of them and will grab the one feat. Alex Cline before the end of the day.
BTW: Mark O'Leary's:
- from 2009 was one of the best album from that year
Yes I did like it amc, but I do agree with you about the hidden track. In the uK emu have that track as album only as it appears to be so long. One of these days I'll have to try to work out how to get rid of the gap in itunes, I'm sure there must be a way!
- "Waves III is the third installment of a trilogy recorded in California by Mark O'Leary with various luminaries within the LA music scene.
Two other releases, Signs (Fmr records) and On the Shore (Cleanfeed) have all received various modicums of praise.
The trilogy which has Alex Cline and Mark O'Leary as the common denominators, stretches into a proliferation of areas within the great body of contemporary improvised music.
Waves III essentially encompasses a more ambient dimension with laptop generated soundscapes, seascapes and processing, juxtaposed with varying degrees of Eastern music, Japanese music, post ecm, contemporary classical and even elements of some contemporary Americana.
People, Gardens, Seas, Ceremonies and Mountainscapes are the muses.
Ulrich Zwingli, the Religious figure and founder of Zurich, Hindu Kush, Sea, Japanese gardens, in essence disparate, but connected here within the subtle textural fabric of the musical conception proffered.
The praxis, combined with various concepts is the impetus to cultivating the fertile musical terrains, thus a continuation of a sonic/visual/conceptual aesthetic that O'Leary is wishing to portray within an Ambient contextual background.
Oblique themes that unfold into delicate ambient interplays where Alex's symphonic simpatico percussion, Jeff's sensitive violin and the ambient infused guitar intertwined with the various soundscapes structures all coalescing into a kaleidoscope of contemporary narratives, it evolves as ambient washes of sonic waves that ebb and flow on a seascape under an azure sky, Waves is an apt description of the project."
- Tibprod. Italy 2011
I can't remember if I have mentioned this one before, if not, it is certainly about time:
- "The first ever collaboration between prolific american composer Tomas Phillips and prominent italian newcomer Luigi Turra, "Vignettes Amplifie" presents a sequence of subtle sound constructions characterized by minimalistic and contemplative approach. Quiet field recordings, soft acoustic sounds and organic electronic arrangements builds panoramic view on two levels. The acoustic gestures like bells, manipulated objects and drone fragments are coming from silence and disappearing after some time. On the other hand, there is a kind of reflection of these sonic events in the background, muted and abstracted, hiding from your ears. But these microscopic sounds, short and forgetful, seems to be the main part of the whole thing - when you are trying to trace them down, to catch your attention, and to understand the aesthetical value of this music. Shy and confused, these sounds represents the soul of this music, but in fact they are just grow and fade away like the autumn rain. This album will teach you how to turn your mind into ears, hunting for every little susurration in total silence."
- Niktie 2011
Tomas Phillips (b. 1969) - "is a composer, novelist, and teacher whose sound work focuses on improvisational performance and minimalist through-composition. He began composing electronic music in the early 90s, releasing limited edition cd-rs under such monikers as Sea Optic, Lisbon and Eto Ami (with Dean King), and also created music for installations and collaborations in dance and theatre. Tomas has taught in the disciplines of literature and fine arts at various universities in the USA, Qu
Good live performances of Mingus' standards. Worth a listen. Free.
(The label, Lucid Live, might have other interesting things on it. I will check them out later.)
Erdem Helvacioglu
- "Is one of the most renowned new music composers of his generation in Turkey. His music has ben performed and broadcast all around the world, included in many prestigious festivals and received numerous international electronic music awards including prizes from Luigi Gussolo, Insulae, Electronicae and MUSICA NOVA Electroacoustic Music Competitions. Erdem Helvacio?lu has been called the genius of unusual sounds by prestigious German magazine Ragazzi."
- "Per Boysens live concerts focus on instrumental music with an openminded psychedelic touch, utilizing live looping and interactive electronics to extend traditional instruments in multi lateral improvisation. He is a Swedish freelance worker in many creative fields, often referred to as a renaissance man. Has toured worldwide as a musician, affiliated with both major record labels, small independent labels and as a self promoting artist. Former studio musician counting one gold selling album. Produced recorded music for CD, surround DVD multimedia, radio and television.
- Emusic
Free CD with the Guardian on Saturday!
Thanks, Plong42, £1.89 in UK!
Borrowed from the library, a couple of tracks in so far and not sure whether I like it or not!
2/3 of Galaxie 500 + Michio Kurihara + Nmperign =
@ Brighternow: that A Place to Bury Strangers album is something I loved from a few years ago and have been coincidentally listening to again lately. Joy Division, and a heavy dose of JAMC; I like it a lot.
Refresh day tomorrow, so I had to use my remaining credit today. I know why I went on hold for a month or so: I had enough left for 38 tracks (out of my grandfathered 100). Six months ago I was downloading 250 tracks a month (I also had a number of six month Groupon deals at a very good price) and had no problem finding music to buy. Now it is far more difficult to get music from emusic.
I choose this because amc2 has been playing it a fair bit, and in many respects we have similar tastes, so I ought o like it.
There are eleven versions of Giant Steps on this set, I am listening through them in sequence, then the "release" version, and a live version by McCoy Tyner.
Way back when this was a revelation to me. I'd developed my interests in rock music through The Beatles, Stones etc to Dylan and the Summer of Love. My father played in big bands throughout my early years (he still does in his 90s) so I grew up with that music too. But this brought it all together. Chicago were a tight unit then, but by their fourth or fifth album that had gone, sadly.
I'd like to find contemporary music in a similar style, so if anyone has any suggestions, please .do let me know.
Well, I hope you like it Greg; my only complaint about it is : when can we be done with hidden tracks at the end of 15 minutes of silence? It was a cute trick when Nirvana did it in '91, but now it's just annoying.
I will say this about emu: as much of a pain as they are, they still have the widest variety at the lowest price. I don't think I could have found my last two listens for less than $12 anywhere else.
Disc 4
It was mentioned just a few days ago in a Other Minds newsletter: - And re: A Place to Bury Strangers (Ac2):
They are new to me, I saw in some newsletter from someone that there were a new album released, and yeah, its great stuff.
- There's a free track from this one and 2 other albums with Mark O'Leary over at AAJ I've already grabbed 2 of them and will grab the one feat. Alex Cline before the end of the day.
BTW: Mark O'Leary's:
- from 2009 was one of the best album from that year
Sun Shifts by White Rainbow
- "Waves III is the third installment of a trilogy recorded in California by Mark O'Leary with various luminaries within the LA music scene.
Two other releases, Signs (Fmr records) and On the Shore (Cleanfeed) have all received various modicums of praise.
The trilogy which has Alex Cline and Mark O'Leary as the common denominators, stretches into a proliferation of areas within the great body of contemporary improvised music.
Waves III essentially encompasses a more ambient dimension with laptop generated soundscapes, seascapes and processing, juxtaposed with varying degrees of Eastern music, Japanese music, post ecm, contemporary classical and even elements of some contemporary Americana.
People, Gardens, Seas, Ceremonies and Mountainscapes are the muses.
Ulrich Zwingli, the Religious figure and founder of Zurich, Hindu Kush, Sea, Japanese gardens, in essence disparate, but connected here within the subtle textural fabric of the musical conception proffered.
The praxis, combined with various concepts is the impetus to cultivating the fertile musical terrains, thus a continuation of a sonic/visual/conceptual aesthetic that O'Leary is wishing to portray within an Ambient contextual background.
Oblique themes that unfold into delicate ambient interplays where Alex's symphonic simpatico percussion, Jeff's sensitive violin and the ambient infused guitar intertwined with the various soundscapes structures all coalescing into a kaleidoscope of contemporary narratives, it evolves as ambient washes of sonic waves that ebb and flow on a seascape under an azure sky, Waves is an apt description of the project."
- Tibprod. Italy 2011
followed by
Muic to get through today's commute
emusic link
This is a great album. Only gets 3-star "it's OK" rating from emusic members, though. What's not to like?
One of my best library finds ever.
- "The first ever collaboration between prolific american composer Tomas Phillips and prominent italian newcomer Luigi Turra, "Vignettes Amplifie" presents a sequence of subtle sound constructions characterized by minimalistic and contemplative approach. Quiet field recordings, soft acoustic sounds and organic electronic arrangements builds panoramic view on two levels. The acoustic gestures like bells, manipulated objects and drone fragments are coming from silence and disappearing after some time. On the other hand, there is a kind of reflection of these sonic events in the background, muted and abstracted, hiding from your ears. But these microscopic sounds, short and forgetful, seems to be the main part of the whole thing - when you are trying to trace them down, to catch your attention, and to understand the aesthetical value of this music. Shy and confused, these sounds represents the soul of this music, but in fact they are just grow and fade away like the autumn rain. This album will teach you how to turn your mind into ears, hunting for every little susurration in total silence."
- Niktie 2011
Tomas Phillips (b. 1969)
- "is a composer, novelist, and teacher whose sound work focuses on improvisational performance and minimalist through-composition. He began composing electronic music in the early 90s, releasing limited edition cd-rs under such monikers as Sea Optic, Lisbon and Eto Ami (with Dean King), and also created music for installations and collaborations in dance and theatre. Tomas has taught in the disciplines of literature and fine arts at various universities in the USA, Qu
Latin - West African crossover
My favorite record of contemporary folk music.
Also: listened to Tinariwen Live at Bouffes du Nord, which I believe Greg discovered a very long time ago (thanks).