edited December 2009 in General
Lost a great Minnesota guitar player today with the death of The Suburbs Bruce Allen, and thought I'd start a thread where we can list musicians who pass on so that people don't miss the opportunity to raise a glass in their honor.

I'm sure Bruce is in a valley where boys run free and where Brother John is his guide.

To quote brittle-b, clink.



  • damn.

    glad to hear family and friends were at his side when he was called to rest.
  • Indeed. Unfortunately it sounds like it may have been suicide. Extra terrible for a family to have that happen at the holidays.

  • He always looked depressed to me. Being a paraplegic since age 18 must have left him with pain/health issues. Too sad for his friends and family, and for us, who will miss the music he still had in him.

    I knew a wonderful fellow who lost his mobility at about that same age when he dived in the water to save a friend who was screaming for help. Turned out she was joking, and he lost the use of his limbs. I asked him if he ever felt anger at her. He said he did not, and he would do the same thing again if he thought he could save someone. (We used to take notes for him and tape record our classes.) He died in his early 40s, of health-related issues. That loss of mobility has terrible repercussions, both mentally and physically. Danny was always upbeat, so we never saw how life in a wheelchair affected him mentally.
  • From Brainwashed:

    "Roland S. Howard the guitarist for the legendary Birthday Party died December 30 of liver cancer in Melbourne Australia at the age of 50. Howard had also been a member of the bands Boys Next Door (who went on to become The Birthday Party), Crime & The City Solution, and These Immortal Souls. He had planned to perform in Australia the night before his death opening for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but had to pull out due to his illness."
    - Brainwashed

    May he rest in peace.
  • He was scheduled to open for the YYY the day before liver cancer took him? Dude was hardcore.


  • Teddy Pendergrass, age 59 -- just heard it on the news, so did a quick Google.
  • Doug Fieger of The Knack.

  • edited March 2010
    As Daniel points out on eMu.

    Alex Chilton

    This is terribly depressing.

  • really devestating news. moments of brilliance: holocaust; september gurls; ballad of old el goodo; thirteen; blue moon (which was my wedding song, btw); take care.

    a tribute, by another brilliant songwriter. crank it.
  • edited March 2010
    Damn... for me that's probably the biggest music related death since Joe Strummer.

    He hasn't dome much in the last 35 years, but #1 Record/Radio City/Sister Lovers is one of the greatest hat tricks in rock, ranking up with Highway 61/Bringing it all Back Home/B on B, Rubber Soul/Revolver/Sgt Peppers, My Aim is True/This Years Model/Armed Forces, the first 3 Clash albums (come to think of it there are several great hat tricks -Stones, Who, Zep X2, Mingus, etc.). I remember hearing the Big Star albums as a teen, when they were out of print (the local record store dude would play them for me from his private bootleg stash, while I browsed).
  • edited March 2010
    i was in my teens when the first 2 Big Star records came out( they were all over KSHE radio and Circus magazine);
    "#1 Record" certainly made an impression on me but "Radio City" left a dent that remains to this day.

    Thank you for the beautiful skew, Alex Chilton
  • The Replacements "Alex Chilton" has always been one of my favorites of theirs (and probably is my post Let it Be favorite). To be totally honest because of my age that song was my introduction to Alex Chilton/Big Star, and for a number of years he was just that guy The Mats wrote a song about. Then I finally got around to listening to #1 Record/Radio City. Needless to say he was no longer just 'that guy', and became Alex Frickin' Chilton.

    Haven't been this bummed about a rock death in quite awhile.

  • edited March 2010
    Charlie Gillett. Man opened a lot of ears.
  • Thanks for that Tim. I'm unfamiliar with Mr. Gillett, but that article leads me to believe I need to rectify that fact.

  • edited March 2010
    Craig - Sound of the City is a great book.
  • say, tim - while you are around...keep an eye on the thread re: holy shiat jacked up jazz...i need to share a bit with you. srmojo, amclark, etc. just about plain ol' writing.

  • Jim Marshall

    The man is responsible for so many iconic music photographs it's ridiculous. If you don't know his name off the top of your head, let me jog it a bit:
    Recognize this?
    How about this one?
    My personal favorite
  • Cool. I've seen many of those Jim Marshall photos without knowing who he was. That one of Ginsberg looking at "God" is priceless.
  • - This is just way to early...
    BBC has some more about it.
    May he rest in Peace.
  • He's one of those people like Leonard Chess, Barry Gordy, and George Martin - if he wasn't the person he was when and where he was, we would have never heard of him, and popular music would have taken a very different trajectory.
  • Will Owsley

    His two solo records (Owsley and The Hard Way) are excellent, guitar-heavy power pop. I first heard of him when I saw him open for Chris Isaak probably ten years ago, and I've been a fan ever since. RIP.
  • Lena Horne - at least she live a good long life....
  • Ah, Lena Horne. Classy, beautiful woman, wonderful voice, someone I admired. I still listen to her music.
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