Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • How can all you cynics want to leave eMu after they've added this?
  • edited September 2011
    Wait, I own a record from that page...
    (Daft Punk, not China Anne)
  • Is Lemonade Mouth a teen euphemism for something? I don't get that as a band name.
  • Yuck!

    There's also a shoegazey-noisepop act called "Bubblegum Lemonade" that I have a couple tracks from... it's a better band name in any event, and of course I never thought of them as encouraging unhygienic sexual practices. Still, I guess it's easy to be misled by such things these days.
  • Oh my god. That's awful.

    Aren't they like a Nickelodeon Hannah Montana type of band?

    Huh, I guess pretty much every phrase these days probably has some sort of crude alter-meaning.

    But, still, gross.
  • edited September 2011
    Somebody should notify the Republicans as soon as possible!

    I have to admit, it is rather surprising - the Disney people are usually a lot more careful about this sort of thing.
  • Looks like it's the band of the film of the novel. Maybe the "urban" reassignment of the term came afterwards? ("Urban" seems to be getting about as misused as "adult").
  • It seems more plausible that the "alternate" meaning was around before the book/show/movie. But I could easily be wrong about that.

    But knowing now what I know, the movie sequel name of "Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up" just can't read without giggling.
  • Just had a look at the Message Board over there. So little activity - we create far more from only a fraction of the members - even when comparing the number of the regular MB users over there, including many of us. It makes me wonder what is happening?? Or perhaps why it is happening?
  • I do like how many of the active threads on the emu boards have the Jazz subforum tag on them.

    We. Will. Not. Be. Marginalized!
  • edited October 2011
    It makes me wonder what is happening?? Or perhaps why it is happening?

    To your point, greg, for myself it has been the high quotient of glitches, oops, BS excuses, and BS generally that have sapped my community spirit in regard to eMusic. I still review and add to my lists to some extent but the one time enthusiasm has been severely dampened. If I can offer something constructive to someone OK, but participating in issue discussions is less attractive because of the inevitable influx of apologists. The music oriented threads are welcome but too few, and it's not often at the moment that I feel sufficiently moved to start one. A sad decline overall.
    Edit- Not to mention that with The Moderators skulking around I never post what I think is a great deal on their MB anymore in case they decide they're selling something for too little - we've seen a few things "corrected" lately after being posted.
  • Yesterday I started a Any Recommendations? thread over there, just to try to get some discussion going about music. Fascinating that three of the four contributions so far come from Daniel, GP, and Brighternow, all emusers!!
  • @greg not a surprise sadly. The message boards have become primarily a place to complain (often justifiably) about the many tech and label issues.

    On a related note has anyone used Mtraks enough as a viable replacement/substitute for eMusic? I signed up for a free trial a few years ago, canceled it after using the credits, then forget about them. A recent email from them announcing that they will have albums from Victory Records, makes me think I should give them another shot.
  • edited October 2011
    I also did a free MTraks trial a while back, but found that they did not have enough tracks I wanted to keep me going for more than a month. Since then the catalog has been steadily expanding and I have reactivated the subscription twice since mid-summer for a month at a time, and will do so again soon as I have half a dozen albums on a SFL that they have and I want. They are easy to use on an occasional basis - just reactivate for a month at a level of your choice and then cancel when you've used the credits. I am basically checking albums I want on emusic against MTraks and building a list of things that are available and cheaper there, and when I have enough I buy a month. They have their own Ooops issues (try e.g. searching for Tinariwen and then clicking on the band name in the results), based on my very small sample their customer service responds fast but does not necessarily fix things, but their download process has so far been snag-free for me. They are still, for my tastes/favorite labels/buying patterns not quite far enough along to be a regular replacement (there are a couple of hundred albums on my emusic SFL that they don't have), but I am paying them more attention as a supplement because the significant price difference. If you did the trial your account will still be there and just needs reactivating and cancelling again is easy. The nice thing about going a month at a time like this is one month I bought 75 credits, another time 30, depending on what I needed. There is unfortunately no way to buy extra credits within a month once you have set the monthly level.
  • @GP: Thanks for your MTraks strategy. I definitely do price comparisons with albums now between amazon and 7Digital. If I recall, they seem to have forgotten that they previously gave me a trial month and have offered it again.

    Finally giving eMusic radio a spin.
  • I've had a steady mtraks subscription now since about January. There is plenty there to keep me occupied, and I too have noticed an expansion of the catalogue in that time.

  • I also appeared to be re-offered the trial, but when you click through to confirm it it tells you you've had a trial already.
  • Don't ya just love the 25 Classic Jazz Album Sale they just started - they forgot to put crappy Fraunhofer UMG encoding in there (they seem to be mostly {all?} Concord Group) but they must think everyone's forgotten about that already. However one of the selections, All Mornin' Long by the Red Garland Quintet, is at Amazon for $2.67 for anyone who needs it. This was not done completely out of spite. Well, OK, maybe it was.
  • edited October 2011
    Oh snap, I'd go for that live Joe Henderson, if it weren't in Frankenhofer.

    edit: couple bucks more at 7digital
  • edited October 2011
    From 17 dots:
    Miles Davis, Blue Flame: Someone complained a few years back that I never even attempt to summarize jazz or classical releases. I will now make that person sorry they said anything: This is apparently a compilation of Davis tracks selected by fans by Liking songs on his Facebook page. I wish to holy God I were making this up. The cover, also, is a fan creation. It’s not bad. I am glad this one didn’t win. As for the songs: sounds to these green ears like the fans prefer mellow Miles: lots of smooth, sonorous trumpet, restrained piano, and very very little from his adventurous later years (which I actually know a bit of and enjoy.) I can’t imagine there’s any reason why Miles fans would want this, but for newcomers, let’s go ahead and give it a RECOMMENDED. Stay tuned for the Coltrane compilation fans will select by checking into his tomb on Foursquare.

    So there Jonah!
  • I'm downloading right now the Ouija app for Facebook so I can communicate with all the 19th century composers and get their picks for a Best Of J.S.Bach compilation.
  • Guh.

    I need to get them to trade me free emu credit for some jazz content on that stupid blog.
  • They'd be chumps not to take you up on it, Jonah. Actually, they should pay you, to the extent that they pay for any of their editorial content.
  • Exactly, then you could buy your music from wherever you want! They really do need a devcent jazz reviewer - how could we start a campaign?
  • I took the liberty - hope you don't mind.
  • edited October 2011
    Thanks amclark, now I hadn't thought of that, but a great idea, so I've added my voice to the list. If any emusers do not understand this go to here and sign up!
  • Also, since Christie took himself out of the running, I say we draft Jonah as candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. Think of all the eMu credits you could get for that gig!
  • Doofy - I'll only participate if I get dibs on the first opening on the Supreme Court.

    Got my monthly come back offer last night. This month it's $11.99 for $0.99.

  • I say we draft Jonah as candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
    How will he explain the individual Jazz mandate?
  • I say we draft Jonah as candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
    Which category on the emusic board should we start that one under?
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