Stones talk

edited December 2010 in General
lots of Stones talk lately; lots of wondering what the big deal was....
for me it was the summer of 65, "Satisfaction" saturated the transistors
of my cheap am radio and wiggled my freshly budding 8 year old ears
as I rocked the unsecured legs of my swing set off the ground with each
metronmic swoop.
we didn't care that the riff was lifted almost note for note from a Paul Burlison
guitar break in a Rock and Roll Trio tune- most of the kids in
our first grade class didn't even know who the hell Johnny Burnette was- we just
knew it had us moving in directions we hadn't ever moved before.
a few years later i finally got one of those suitcase jobbie record players and
a copy of "High Tides and Green Grass", there was no turning back.
point being: as with any music from any era, if it hits you in the right place at the right
time, you really don't have a choice but to follow.

i think someone over on the emu boards asked about worthwhile
lesser known tracks.
this would be my list:

Good Times, Bad Times- More Hot Rocks
I'm Free- More Hot Rocks
Sittin' On A Fence- More Hot Rocks
I Am Waiting- Aftermath
She Smiled Sweetly- Between The Buttons
Complicated- Between The Buttons
Back Street Girl- Flowers
Please Go Home- Flowers
2000 Man- Satanic Majesties Request
The Lantern- Satanic Majesties Request
Child Of The Moon- More Hot Rocks
No Expectations- Beggar's Banquet
Parachute Woman- Beggar's Banquet
Prodigal Son- Beggar's Banquet
Stray Cat Blues- Beggar's Banquet
Factory Girl- Beggar's Banquet
Live With Me- Let It Bleed
Sway- Sticky Fingers
You Gotta Move- Sticky Fingers
Bitch- Sticky Fingers
I Got The Blues- Sticky Fingers
Moonlight Mile- Sticky Fingers
Shake Your Hips- Exile ON Main St.
Torn And Frayed- Exile On Main St.
Ventilator Blues- Exile On Main St.
Stop Breaking Down- Exile On Main St.
Dancing With Mr D- Goat's Head Soup
Hide Your Love- Goat's Head Soup


  • It's been a year of suck in the DL world ... the RS sale is one of the better things to happen after the now tainted EMI giveaway (assuming nothing bigger is on the horizon). Thom put it best: too many months of downloading like the world will end. It's such a relief to get some fundamental music at the old eMu prices, regardless of the relationship I have with it.

    I'd add to your list "19th Nervous Breakdown" and "Pain in My Heart".
  • I'll add "Paint It Black" and "Mother's Little Helper". "Playing With Fire".
  • Agreed on Playing with Fire.
    I always thought "Monkey Man" was a great bar song on a packed Saturday night.
    The album it's on "Let it Bleed" is only three bucks at amazon.
  • "Paint It Black" , "Mother's Little Helper", "Playing With Fire" and "19th Nervous Breakdown" obscure Stones songs?

    Paint it Black went to #1, 19th Nervous Breakdown #2, Mothers Little Helper #8. Play with Fire was a flip side for The Last Time, which went top 10, but it's been on almost every early era Stones compilation that I've ever seen.
  • "Connection"
  • Hmmm...Gimmie Shelter and Can't Always Get what You want do something for me. I am a fan of Some Girls simply because it was in the background for some good times in HS.

    There are a few lines in Start Me Up that are also "moments in time," although the NBA's use of the song at tipoff has ruined most of the magic.
  • edited December 2010
    Paint it Black went to #1, 19th Nervous Breakdown #2, Mothers Little Helper #8. Play with Fire was a flip side for The Last Time, which went top 10, but it's been on almost every early era Stones compilation that I've ever seen.
    I think that some people would be surprised that even some of these hits were RS' songs, or maybe haven't heard them against the more popular parts of the catalog.
  • Those are the same people that think Bob Marley Legend IS reggae. Full stop.
  • Hey now. I love Legend. Of course "Paint it Black" and "19th Nervous Breakdown" are two of my favorite Stones songs. "Street Fighting Man" too.

  • I should flip that statement: Reggae is Legend.
  • Ah. Fair enough. I do like me some roots reggae on top of Legend. Whoever recommended that Poet and the Roots album during the Guvera giveaway (froggie?) gets another thank you.

  • i can go along with "Pain In My Heart", "Monkey Man" and "Connection" qualifying as lesser known songs; the others, as frogkopf pointed out, have been pretty thoroughly compiled.
  • Sway, Thru and Thru, Infamy, Torn & Frayed, and You Got the Silver for me.
  • edited December 2010
    Sway is a great lesser heard song. Moonlight Mile too. Monkey Man I don't think qualifies because of Goodfellas. Silly me though, until I downloaded December's children a few days ago, I thought I'm Free was a soupdragons song. But I still think mojo's original point makes sense, because most of these songs don't get radio play. But I haven't listened to radio in a long long time.

    Good call on Stray Cat Blues. Also love Jigsaw Puzzel.
  • How about c*cks@cker blues? I only heard that once.

    Or that version of yer blues off Rolling Stones' Circus? That was one of my happiest finds from the '08 drop. Ok, not really a Stones song.
  • My "lesser known Stones songs" would be all the ones Keef sings lead on inc. Slipping Away, Before they Make Me Run (the opening riff is my ring tone), You Got the Silver, and Thru & Thru. I first heard the latter on a Sopranos soundtrack comp and it got me into the Stones in the first place. Mick can rock, but Keef has all the ROLL.
  • edited December 2010
    All right, so I missed the "lesser known" above. "Sister Morphine' is my next nomination then.

    "Jigsaw Puzzle" is an excellent call by me.
  • It might be last call on those $3 albums. Beggars and Bleed are up to $5.
  • edited December 2010
    Sway is great. I'd add (or second, or third, as appropriate):

    Can't You Hear Me Knocking (not exactly obscure, but you don't hear it much)
    Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing in the Shadow (same)
    Prodigal Son
    No Expectations
    Jigsaw Puzzle
    Sittin' on a Fence
    Fool to Cry (off Black and Blue, which doesn't get much love but I like it a lot)
    Stray Cat Blues (live version from Ya-Yas, Mick Taylor)
  • Since I whiffed on Beggars, I'm thinking that maybe I'll just pick up the London Singles comp. It's only $6.99 over there. Thinking that might complement my copies of Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, and Exile. Any thoughts on how that one stacks up?

    I do already have a copy of Hot Rocks, but the "original mono" stamped on each track makes me think the Singles would be an upgrade.
  • The London Singles was the comp I went with, but I have not had time to digest it at all yet. I figured as a mono set it was at the least a good complement to the albums, and that was a nice price.
  • it's a damn good comp at a damn good price;
    you still need Beggars though.
  • A bunch more showed up -- Sticky Fingers (get it if you don't have it), and a bunch I was only vaguely familiar with. I'm liking Some Girls more than I thought I would, and Emotional Rescue and Black and Blue may not be as shitty as I thought. The jury is still out, and has called for sandwiches and fresh pencils.

    The surprise to me is Goat's Head Soup. I've heard this thing dismissed almost constantly, but I'm liking what I hear. I went to YouTube to find videos put up by those nasty boys that are nothing but the songs played straight through with nothing more than a picture of the album cover -- that can't be legal, but it's sure helpful -- when I found this COMMERCIAL. Another relic of days gone by. Clap for the Wolfman!
  • edited December 2010
    Just poking around over at 7digital and found this Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings 2-fer for $8.99 which is not a bad price - I myself like his albums a lot, and have, I think, all of them - link.
    Also found this insane 109 track comp for $8.99 - The History of Rhythm & Blues Volume 3 The Rock'n'Roll Years . I don't know exactly how many of these songs I already have but I'm pretty sure there's a whole bunch here I don't - until now. If you don't have the original of Red Hot by Billy "The Kid" Emerson then you don't got a lot. Just a crazy good bunch of songs.
  • edited December 2010
    Let It Bleed - best album ever, and the title track rocks esp when you're 17 and not quite grownup, having fun swinging on a swing in an unsafe child playground with metal swings

    "Angie" from Goat's Head Soup - I knew I'd never marry for money
  • edited December 2010
    Have you seen the TV ads for Call of Duty - Black Ops? My son tells me, on one certain map, if the mannekin heads are shot off within 30 seconds with cooperation from everyone playing at the time, "Gimme Shelter" starts playing like it does in the ad. Another stellar song from Let It Bleed.
  • edited December 2010
    Sticky Fingers - well, this is probably my 2nd fave album from the Stones. Every wedding I have been at that has played "Brown Sugar" has had that odd combo of young and old folks dancing that is wonderful.
    "Sister Morphine" has been mentioned already, and I love that song, but "Dead Flowers" wins the prize, no contest.
  • Beggars is back down to $3.
  • edited December 2010
    dead flowers!!!

    eh eh! i just had a stones discussion this weekend...ran into a woman who dj's at a classic rock station in the western suburbs. its not a biggie, but covers a respectable territory still the same. in any event, i had to fess up i haven't listened to radio in years - with the caveat i now listen to xm in the car.

    ultimately, i told her i had put together a smaller mixtape of stones covers done better than the stones. to which she about traded hands with me. in any event, moving the stones topic along, toss out stones' covers you've uncovered.

    here's a few for starters:

    "gimme shelter" by the hellacoptors (guitar wankery at its finest!)
    "dead flowers" by nine pound hammer
    "under my thumb" by anakelly
  • edited December 2010
    quick top of the head list of
    covers I've encountered or maybe just dreamed:

    Stray Cat Blues- Johnny Winter
    Let It Bleed-Johnny Winter
    Silver Train- Johnny Winter
    Satisfaction- Otis Redding
    Wild Horses- Cowboy Junkies
    Gimme Shelter-Grand Funk

    [oh shit] how could I forget Jumpin Jack Flash by Johnny Winter [/oh shit]
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