Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • edited June 2012
    I decided to go for three jazz albums I might not otherwise have downloaded, so I got the following

    Liam Sillery Phenomenology 5 tracks
    Neneh Cherry The Cherry Thing 8 tracks
    Florian Pellissier Quintet Le diable et son train 9 tracks

    That gives me three full albums and, with a few pence carried forward from a previous offer, I've still got two tracks left to download. Any suggestions of a two track jazz album welcome!

    I've also put this post on the emusic board. It'll be interesting to see if anyone responds to a music thread!
  • edited June 2012
    The Klein email intrigues me. It gives out free credit and then tells me that there are lots of ways to discover music on emusic. Either this is just a reflection of their standard advertising line... Or the management are paying more attention to the message board (and our recent lengthy discussion of how the site is not as good for discovering things any more) than I had supposed...? (OTOH if the latter, then the suggestions in the email are not a very convincing response).

    Nereffid put it well, two posts up. It shows what emusic are up against when they give us free music and that make us think about how poor the site is. My first thought was: things must be going badly over there, they are worried about folk leaving.
  • I agree GP - I'm happy to take their money, but it doesn't make it any less likely that I will go back on hold again at the end of this month. (In fact the extra downloads might actually increase that happening, as there will be less I want to download) But it must be costing something, because of all the downloads we have been given, they will have to pay a bit extra to the labels/artists. It does suggest that they are actually concerned about the situation. If every member has the $/£ 10 it will cost an enormous amount. Perhaps it is a vain attempt to stop membership decreasing? Maybe emusic hopes it will lead to more downloads? Perhaps it is a bit like a shop having a sale to bring in extra income quickly when they are in financial problems. I do get suspicious at such times with emusic.
  • Could someone go over to the other board, ask why I received the email and would I receive the bonus if I resubscribe?
  • edited June 2012
    2 track jazz album rec.: Eric Dolphy and Booker Little - the Memorial Album

    Eta: or Charles Mingus - the Town Hall Concert, 1964
  • I think the last time I got some free credit, the email said it was because I'd signed in in the last 30 days or so. I haven't had the latest email, but then I haven't signed in to the site for ages (since discovering I couldn't add anything to my SFL while my account was on hold, which made me lose interest in keeping up with the site during my hold period).
  • Will anyone help me?
  • BT,
    While I have not yet received my $10 credit, I know a former subscriber who received an email stating that he had received the $10 bonus. He is unsure why he would have gotten this email unless he could use this bonus.

    If he were to re-subscribe, would he be able to use the bonus (as he was a valued eMusic member when he was a subscriber)?

    Thank you,
    (hoping at some point to be a valued eMusic member himself very soon).

  • BT...
    I'd like to, I just don't know what exactly to write.
    - The answer to the why is quite obvious, I think.
  • Thanks, bremble
  • Thanks for the suggestions amc2. Sorry BT I have been at meetings all day, I hope Bremble's input works! If you go to your account does it show up any credit?
  • edited June 2012
    If I click on the link in the email, I can sign in and go to the page that shows account information. It shows no balance, not even $0.00.
  • I have a theory: the mods are on vacation. The credit is meant to placate people at the impending slowing of customer service during the Independence Day week (you know, when we gained our freedom from soccer players).
  • @BT

    On one of the forum threads, someone just mentioned that they were on hold, received the credit, but were immediately charged for a new month of subscription.

    That may answer your question.
  • I don't mind getting charged for the month, but will I still get the credit? A hold is differently than being a former (recent) subscriber.
  • I received it too. I feel like they do this at least once a year or maybe I'm misrembering?
  • Got my £10

    Bought the following:

    The Magnetic North: Orkney the Symphony of the Magnectic North

    Underated Silence: Ulrich Schnauss and Mark Peters

    1 credit left so

    Celer: Tightrope

    Now going back on hold again
  • Aha! I have a balance now, $10.17, the gift credit plus the money (no eff'n plural) left over from the previous month. that's nice enough for me to resubscribed. Thanks to bremble, again, for inquiring.
  • I forgot to mention. I was in a deposition a couple weeks ago where opposing counsel and the witness kept saying 'monies'. I swear they said it 15 times. I had a bit of an issue holding it together.

  • Wow, look what you can miss when you actually have to work seriously for a while. While pleased to find this manna from the exalted Klein, adding this to the measly $5 from last fall still only matches or falls short of the total value of the repeated "You Rock" bonuses of several years ago - given the grievous nature of the site malfunctions of the last seven months I am slightly underwhelmed. None the less it's better than nuthin', and I think I'll crack open my jazz or classical SFL and splurge on something I would have thought overpriced otherwise.
  • I don't understand why I never get these offers, and here I was almost considering signing up again for a month or two...
  • you know, when we gained our freedom from soccer players

    Never, BT, we are everywhere! Even China and India have succumbed
  • Managed to get 2 albums for my credit, the Lorn one that BN rec'd the other day and a Rhian Sheehan one. Was relieved that they let me download from my account though I am outside the US. That will alleviate just a little the slight panic I am feeling checking in at emusers every now and then on iPad and seeing all these interesting Recs fly past and not having time to investigate them :)
  • the role of a critic, a smart piece that summarizes -- to some degree -- my feelings about an earlier debate that, really, I have no interest here in deeply revisiting. Still, with some trepidation, I'm linking to it here.
  • 600x600.jpg

    This, BTW, is what I ended up getting with the bonus - $13.10 for 2 disc set, so $10 off makes it pretty sweet for some damned old music.
  • There was music at the time of the Crusades?
  • I just looked at last and they gave me the $10.00 twice. I had $0.01, now I have $20.01. Shhh! It expires July 1st, though.
  • That is tomorrow!
  • Another two track jazz album rec: The Survivors' Suite by the Keith Jarrett Quartet.
  • Okay, eMu is apparently desperate for subscribers at the moment. After not getting a rejoin offer for about a year I came home from Chicago to a free month at $11.99. This right after they gave all the loyal customers $10.00. Coincidence?

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