Terry Riley - In C . . . And more . . .

Terry riley - in C performed by Ars Nova Copenhagen & Percurama Percussion Ensemble
- Released by Ars Nova Records in 2006 and added to the eMu catalogue 04/07/10 as the first ANR release.
Terry Riley's masterpiece In C the piece with which American Minimalism established itself in the history of music is here, for the first time, to be heard in a version for only voices and mallet instruments.
- An absolutely stunning version, not to be missed.ARS NOVA Copenhagen is widely recognized as one of the finest vocal groups in Europe. Founded in 1979, the ensemble today is busier than ever. In addition to its annual season of concerts in Copenhagen and throughout Denmark, the ensemble regularly appears across Europe, in North and South America, and Asia. Ars Nova is also building collaborations with creative artists in different fields such as drama, film and ballet, as well as cultivating new modes of concert performance and innovative repertoire.
At the heart of ARS NOVA Copenhagens work is its equal dedication to early music and new music. Some programs explore the cross-currents between the two, while others form detailed portraits of individual composers or genres within a given period.
Each season, the group has a composer in residence: Toivo Tulev (Estonia) in 2007-8, Bernd Franke (Germany) 2008-9, Sunleif Rasmussen (Faroe Islands) 2009-10 and Áskell Másson (Iceland) 2010-11.
The group has its own record label, ARS NOVA Records (distributed by Naxos) on which Taverner & Tudor Music II - Gloria tibi Trinitas Mass is the most recent release. Other recordings like Taverner & Tudor Music I and the voices-and-percussion version of Terry Rileys 60s masterpiece In C received great reviews all over the world. Currently Ars Nova is finishing a large-scale recording project together with Dacapo Records (Danish national label), to record the six major narrative works by Heinrich Schütz, all to be released in 2009-10.
(My in C list)
Terry Riley's seminal work, In C, performed beautifully by a 20+ piece orchestra of Montreal musicians. The performance is just under one hour in duration, and took place February 27th, 2015, at the Montreal venue, Sala Rossa.
released March 25, 2015
Apart they are obviously wonderful. Together they are at times beautiful, chaotic, dissonant, syncopated, awesome or all of these at once. A completely new experience of this piece. Enjoy!
- for me at least
You can preview the whole thing on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FXQ68ZkWVw
so you can listen here.
The album cover takes
you to Discogs.
2. In C pt.2 11:00
Terry Riley's "In C" as interpreted by NYX 12/21/13.
Bandcamp nyop
Matt Smiley - Terry Riley - IN C (Electric Bass) - free bandcamp dload, with the score for cover art if you want to give the piece a try for yourself.
Track one is In C, Mixed By – Brian Eno, Jon Hassell. I am not sure where I got this version...not on eMu or Bandcamp
One of my favourites:
ETA: a bit off topic but truely fascinating;
Erik Baron - Rock in Opposition 2012
2002 re-sound - In C
An electroacoustic performance
Ps. I'm going to have to keep looking, this was another most enjoyable listen!
With its innovative combination of electronica dance rhythms and beats, pre-recorded sequences, electric bass and guitar and an acoustic chamber ensemble, re-sound's engagement with In C has been a journey - not just for the musicians but also for the group's audiences.
Whether Terry Riley himself might feel that this recording stretches the limits of interpretation or whether he indeed welcomes the acquaintance with popular electronic music, he has nonetheless provided through this work an exciting and genuinely mind-expanding musical experience - an experience that this recording endeavours to prolong."
2014 The Gothenburg Combo - Guitarscapes
about - http://www.gbgcombo.com
2016 Ragazze Quartet, Slagwerk Den Haag, Kapok
Four Four Three: music of Terry Riley
about the album -
and for the record,
Tr.12 Bandcamp nyop
A most enjoyable listen!
A masterpiece of the early minimalism, re-proposed with electronics. Drum loops, organs and glitches accompany the piece performed by eight percussionists.
released January 26, 2016
It is strange that it is in a "newsletter", though.
- I thought that it was a 1964 version, but it could be because it's composed in 1964
ETA: You are right @Plong42, it is the first 10 minutes of the Ars Nova Copenhagen version.
- quite extraordinary to have two of the exactly same version running at almost the same time.