What are you listening to right now? (part 4)



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    One of my favorite releases from '08 and a great way to start up Sunday morning.
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    (NYP @ BC)
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    Outcast - The Family

    Found this dusty old gem in my library. Most likely came from eMordac in the good old days. They don't have it now, though.
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    I can see myself playing this several times today!
  • edited March 2011
    Just finished the above Jason Parker album for the second time. I love it! Great interplay between the instruments, amazing vocals. A great interpretation of Nick Drake's album. Thoroughly recommended, even if you don't like Jazz. This will convert you, I promise. This really does deserve great success

    Now onto something different - I was going to put totally different, but it is not that as both are covers of previous recordings


    Following discussions here, I went in search of used CDs on Saturday. Amongst those I bought is this album of covers by Peter Gabriel Scratch my Back. Basically it is Peter Gabriel with an orchestra, singing, IMO, quite slowly. The first two or three tracks were fine, starting with Bowie's Heroes, but by the second half I wasn't enjoying it as much. Some more of my purchases are bound to apopear here later in the day
  • edited March 2011
    I guess maybe you'd call this a sort of psychedelic rock thing with various vocal samples. Mostly samples built around beats with some keyboard and bass stuff interweaving. I don;t have a good handle on how to describe this kind of music. It's a free download. First heard the band on Amie. Not bad.
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    Lovely album.
  • edited March 2011

    Veal - The Embattled Hearts

    I completely forgot about this album from the band fronted by Luke Doucet. It's good.

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    Thanks Jonah - half way through and enjoying it
  • 51uZpIQNQ2L._SL500_AA280_.jpg
    Can't wait for Spring to arrive for real...
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    Thanks Kargatron

    @thom - we've had a lovely spring day today, nearly over, following some really good days last week (cloudy weekend though!) The daffodils are all out in the garden. The problem is that rain is forecast for the next couple of days, but the farmers do need it as we've had no rain for nearly a month
  • A few weeks ago I was bragging how there was no winter in sight. The last few days have had overnight frosts, and today I awoke to hail.


    and, for the boy,

  • @BT - that sounds a bit like the CD I had on in my car taking my 2 year old grand daughter to and from nursery today!!
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    Perfect for a sunny, if not warm, day.

  • edited March 2011
    Streaming from Bandcamp, the magnificent Danish pop "combo":

    - Translates to: Land of milk and honey.

    (nice one with that Denmark tag)
  • reliquary.jpg?ts=1263849589

    An incredible find from the amie days. This starts off sounding like godspeed! you black emperor cooperating with a Klezmer band on some Messiaen compositions, and ends with bombastic pipe organ drones with leftfield operatic vocals, and I'm realizing that that description doesn't really want to make me hear it, so it's like all of that but really really good. Available on emu; one to check out.
  • Interesting to see the Bibio being played - not released here until next week. Most of their material is available to us on emusic, but not Ambivalent Avenue - I have requested it from the mods. I'll probably need to ask for this too

    Just finished


    Thanks Jonah

    Now onto

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