Curator's note: The images posted by amclark2 are his own work (unless otherwise indicated). After we got about a hundred posts into the thread it occurred to us that it would be helpful to show the file name as a way to refer to the images.

Is it Craig's image that's the Kandinsky?
Whoever it is, I rather like it.
Note: File names were added after this was posted -Dr. Mutex
Too bad. I was going to make an offer.
That's really nice.
I'm always fond of the threads where people share some of their creative pursuits.
I'm just concerned, though, that users are gonna get confused between your thread and the Bandcamp page I linked to for the excellent electro-acoustic ensemble [-].
@greg - the first 8 are one thing; the top one's the whole picture, with a bigger view behind the link, and the ones that follow are details. (The last one's a detail of the second-last also).