What are you listening to right now? (part 5)



  • edited April 2011

    Greymatter - Mind Over Matter. Some cool, free beats.
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    Dropped into rotation solely for the song, Fuck You, Elton John. No idea when, where, or how I got this album but so far I'm enjoying it.
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    From my last (for now) month at emu - glad I got this one when I did - it's gone now.
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    In anticipation of their new one...
  • edited April 2011
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    The 80's never sounded as good as I Love You But Have Chosen Darkness' take on them with Fear Is On Our Side.
  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011

    Edit: I used to always prefer the John songs on this one, but now I find myself leaning more Paul. Your mother should know.
  • edited April 2011

    Concern - Truth & Distance - (2009)

    "Gordon Ashworth is Concern and this is his manifesto. "Truth & Distance" is a mini-epic, a minor masterpiece. Within these sonic walls lies a stunning landscape, adrift in golden tones and silver siren songs. Ashworth creates beautiful, shimmering music that defies categorization. It stands on its own, droning away into the furthest reaches of the night. Using only acoustic instrumentation, Ashworth conceives pieces of music in which resonance and timbre mutate and in the air and unfold naturally, organically.

    Hints of piano glisten like night shadows whispering through the leaves. Strings are bowed and plucked into oblivion. Everything is turned into a pile of reverb. Everyone is a ghost. Concern will shine a light on it all. "Truth & Distance" indeed"
  • kezkez
    edited April 2011
    300x300.jpgLa Terre Commune by Iain Matthews and Elliott Murphy

    emusic link

    Finally, finally I found this one in my stack of CDs which I've been itching to hear again since I've been on my recent Elliott Murphy kick. Wow, I forgot how good this one really is. I'm loving it.
    This CD brings together several Matthews and Murphy originals, with each singer also throwing a couple cover versions into the mix. For Murphy's part, he chose to take on Bob Dylan's "Blind Willie McTell" and Bruce Springsteen's "Sad Eyes," while Matthews covers more obscure ground with Jesse Colin Young's "Darkness, Darkness" and an outstanding song by Adam Sherman and Carmen Di Marca titled "One Cold Street." (CD of the Week article by Brad Quinn dated 8 Feb 2001 from CityBeat.com
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    Niun Niggung by Mouse on Mars
    Haven't listened to this in ages. Some nice tracks.
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    According to iTunes, by fifth time through since I bought the CD. Pretty nice record, although a bit short and just a bit over 38 minutes. First three songs are solid, happy bouncers.
  • edited April 2011
    "Abandoned words between debris. Pieces of parget and tiles. Tea cups and piano ivories. Tiles, wire and burned circuits. Fragments of a speech and a beer without gas on the bottom of the glass. Nerves, skin, teeth, sinews, eyes and ears thrown away in the melted gold of dawn. Let explode space and time as in a bubble of glowing material. Upturned body like a huge tortoise buckler. Ghost sounds under the floor. Our head is a big red flower, bleeding on the Hong Kong sidewalks. A girl pick it up. Hands pushed on the ears. No one is listening to the dead leaves blues."
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    17 hours until I start the drive to Outer Banks. It will be the longest 17 hours of my life.
  • edited April 2011
    Enjoy Your Rabbit by Sufjan Stevens
    I like experimental electronic music. I like Sufjan Stevens. This is Sufjan Stevens making experimental electronic music. I really don't like it.


    Black Paris 86 by Arms and Sleepers
    I don't greatly care for this either. Too anodyne. The last two tracks are OK. Downtempo.

    I'm digging into long-unlistened-to corners of the collection looking for lost gems. Mostly pyrite so far today.
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