What are you listening to right now? (part 5)



  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    Gobi by Monolake (Amazon)

    Easily my favorite Monolake recording. Desert ambience. Got it for under a dollar on Amie.
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    Late to the party but really enjoying Cotton Jones' Tall Hours In The Glowstream.
  • edited April 2011
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    One of these days I need to get Third/Sister Lovers.

  • edited April 2011
    Dreamtime Submersibles by Evan Marc & Steve Hillage
    Excellent album.
    @elwoodicious, funny, just rediscovered a couple of tracks from that Future Clouds and Radar album lurking in a corner of the hard drive the other day.
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    Just what this afternoon needs.
  • edited April 2011
    @amclark - nothing wrong at all with the 20th Anniversary edition! It's just that I am becoming almost as much a completist about EC as I am about the Boss. Seeing you playing it reminded me I hadn't even got the single CD version - just a number of tracks off other CDs, plus the LP that I can no longer play. It is the sort of thing you do when you get to my age with no young children to support. You go back to those things you couldn't afford when they came out! Who will you buy on some yet unknown system in 20 years time?? (Challenge for everyone there....)

    Just been playing this in my car, because I forgot to take out another CD or my ipod


    Now playing

  • I was just saying the other day that I'll probably always buy everything Radiohead comes out with.


    Nick Harper - The Last Guitar - another nice, free thing from Amie. Available at emu.
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    From Amie. Available at Amazon.
  • edited April 2011
    Naked Movements by Aglaia (I am pretty sure that this was tagged by a non-native speaker of English that that this is what was meant to be the proper title. I am not sure what it would mean to 'nack' or how to get 'nacked'). A bunch of Aglaia showed up on Amie right before the end.

    @greg, sadly, a lot of what I'm buying on CD these days is in very limited editions to start with - some of it has an initial release of as few as 100 copies - so I can't imagine that in 20 years more than five people will care about it. I'll be sitting in my rocking chair complaining that they don't make antique MP3 players like they used to.
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    More from amie. Pretty good.
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    In my top 3 most important albums.
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    Giles Thomas and Patries Wichers - Piek & Flap

    Another amie find - really really like this one - expirimental guitar and vocal stuff - seems to be available only at CD Baby.

    On a little label called Batteau Lavoir.
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    Great band cut tragically short. :-(
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    - hellosQuarerecordings 2009 (free @ Mandcamp) - Brilliant !
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    - Takes my breath away. . . . .
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    Girl Talk - All Day
    Creative Commons license.
  • edited April 2011

    i wish I had bought 21 when it came out when I could have got it on Amazon for £4 - now it is at least £6.99 minimum. I read a great article about Adele in the Guardian a few days ago. I'll try to find the link to add here

    Lovely morning, sunny blue sky already at 7.00 am, maybe the beginning of summer? Shame I have to spend the day inside teaching all day, but at least it is the last day of the student term at my university
  • edited April 2011
    Red Records 35th Anniversary - free on emusic and thanks Brighternow for letting us know. Couldn't find an image
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