I wish it to be known that this is one of the most beautiful things ever and the fact that it has not sold out represents a massive dereliction of duty on the part of humankind in general.
@Plong42 you're welcome. They have a new one out, also free; have not had chance to listen to it yet; ambientblog gave it a good mini review. I think most of those LastFM tracks are also available at the label; the bitrate may be higher there.
Sometimes you forget that albums are famous because they're great. (Most of them!)
(picture link = download from label). Free ambient release from 2010, very nice indeed.
Not sure about this one. Some sappy star-child lyrics. Some good proggy passages though.
Another of the Fania $4.40 sets mentioned elsewhere. You gotta like mambo, but if you do....
Hat tip, Doofy; RIYL Calexico.
Meanwhile, jazz for a buck from the Bandcamp thread:
I wish it to be known that this is one of the most beautiful things ever and the fact that it has not sold out represents a massive dereliction of duty on the part of humankind in general.
@gerrmanprof...thanks for the link to Marow. At Last.fm there are more free tracks, although they are a mere 128kb (like most samples on Last.fm)