Flash Bandcamp Sale



  • I plan to share the money I'm not spending at shows at Bandcamp Friday.

  • Me too. Some favorite artists immediately leapt to mind.
  • Not really Bandcamp, but yes really.

  • I will definitely budget something for the Covid-19 day.
  • We’re super appreciative of Bandcamp, who are waiving label fees for today, March 20. 

    For a limited time Greenleaf Music is taking 20% off our entire catalog of artists from myself to Donny McCaslin, Linda May Han Oh, Rudy Royston, Greg Ward, Ryan Keberle, Mareike Wiening, Anna Webber, Angela Morris and more.
  • This week Bandcamp announced their support for musicians, artists and labels by getting rid of their own commission on sales for a full day, on Friday the 20th of March. This is usually 10% of merch which means when customers buy our music, they pay the same and the artists/labels earn a little more.

    We've decided to pass that back to the people who buy our music with a 10% discount. We've also decided, we'll run this for exactly a month as I'm sure music can really help some of us escape right now. Simply enter the code whitelab10 in the discount box at checkout to enjoy 10% off all items and digital too. Here's our website where you can check out all of our discography:

  • Andrew Tasselmyer (ambient, I have one excellent album by him) has reduced his entire discography to $1 (total)/NYOP.
  • Sunnyside adds its support:

    The Sunnyside Staff is concerned for all our Supporters and
    Artists during these troubling times.

    We support the efforts of many enterprising businesses that
    have made efforts to find ways to benefit Artists in their time
    of need.

    Bandcamp.com has waved their Artist Fees today (March 20).

    Sunnyside will additionally add a 20% discount on our
    Full Catalog!

  • @soulcoal The most exciting thing about the Greenleaf promotion is that they are making available releases previously available only on a subscription basis - notably including this one from last year:

    feat Tomeka Reid on cello and Jeff Parker on guitar. Will post later with some of my other Bandcamp adventures, including more Jeff Parker

  • Today Bandcamp are waiving their revenue share to support artists effected by the mass cancellations of live events. Now seems a good time to extend our HALF PRICE sale to cover recent releases, bundles, artist copies, full discography purchases and - for the first time ever - digital downloads. We hope this may entice you to complete your collection and support our artists directly at this especially challenging time. Simply use the discount code "half" at checkout. Many thanks as ever for you support

  • Unexplained Sounds Group Newsletter #40. Global Network Of Aural Disorientation.

    Welcome to the Unexplained Sounds Group Newsletter #40.

    Being based in Italy we know very well how the current Covid 19 global emergency is serious. All over the world, for several weeks, we'll have to stay safe in our homes, work remotely, and limit many of our usual activities. It's a hard life, but we'll win this difficult battle if we take the right precautions. As curator of Unexplained Sounds Group Network, I'm receiving plenty of messages from friends and followers who tell me how they will spend the time at home: making and listening to music, reading books, watching movies, and of course taking care of their loved ones. Till the end of the global emergency we'll have a 50% OFF PRICE on the the full digital discographies of Unexplained Sounds Group, Eighth Tower Records, ZeroK and Sonologyst. Weeks of high quality music listening with an affordable price. I wish it will help all of us to stay well and a little safer. We also would love to be together listening to the streaming radio program "The Recognition Test" regularly running every Sunday 9.00 p.m. UTC + 1 (http://www.unexplainedsoundsgroup.com/). There you'll find a community of people sharing the same interest and passion for the music we love.

    Wish you, and your loved ones, all the best.

    Unexplained Sounds Group

    Eighth Tower Records



    Sound Mapping Bundle

  • edited March 2020
    I guess it is encouraging that bandcamp's servers are not handling the load. Checkout for multiple items is taking forever, punctuated by regular "site down" messages (refreshing the page is enough to get back in most times).
  • Indeed a little slow, but I've been successful in everything I've tried to purchase! 

    I have a little money in Paypal and have been using it to buy Bandcamp stuff all week. Bragging about/linking to my purchases on Twitter...This one is the other Jeff Parker I mentioned above

  • Abstract Logix is offering 10% off at Bandcamp. That's John McLaughlin's label; remember that he offered his latest album for free.
  • I guess it is encouraging that bandcamp's servers are not handling the load. Checkout for multiple items is taking forever, punctuated by regular "site down" messages (refreshing the page is enough to get back in most times).
    - And the "selling right now" is in high speed mode . . .
  • I guess it is encouraging that bandcamp's servers are not handling the load. Checkout for multiple items is taking forever, punctuated by regular "site down" messages (refreshing the page is enough to get back in most times).
    - And the "selling right now" is in high speed mode . . .
    Yes, it’s kind of mesmerizing!
  • edited March 2020
    Just bought a few things:

    XTC Covers Compilation - The Garden of Earthly Delights
    Hallelujah The Hills live set from last month
    two ByeByeBlackbirds albums

    and the night is not over here in the eastern US.
  • Dear Folks, It seems we find ourselves with a touch more of that precious asset; time. Music is an art of time, so with that in mind we’re offering 40% off everything here at bandcamp for the next day or so. Use the code coronakiller2020 at checkout. Spread the word, not the virus! We’ve also upped a bunch of editions that are now essentially OOP...including works from Merzbow, Alexandra Spence, Andrea Belfi, Tim Hecker and other fine humans!

    (Editorial comment: all the labels that are sending me emails about us having more time are clearly not thinking about all their potential recipients. Aside from the obvious healthcare workers, my colleagues in higher education are working ridiculous hours to move all their courses online).
  • Today Bandcamp is waiving their revenue share (this is the % they take from each sale) to support us struggling artists. As many of you know, my upcoming European tour dates was canceled due to the current crisis & associated travel restrictions. I’ve made every digital release available “name your price”. Please enter $0 to DL for free. Hoping you can curate your own playlist, mixes, etc and share my music with friends who are currently quarantined/isolated & offer a little respite from all the chaos happening around us

  • Wayside and Woodland Records home to Epic 45 and many other fine bands are NYOP this week, well worth a visit.
  • Today only: all album downloads at the Sahel Sounds Bandcamp page are available as pay-what-you-want! Thank you for your support!


  • I guess it is encouraging that bandcamp's servers are not handling the load. Checkout for multiple items is taking forever, punctuated by regular "site down" messages (refreshing the page is enough to get back in most times).
    - And the "selling right now" is in high speed mode . . .

    I had never seen it move that fast.  It was dizzying to watch.  Especially if you were trying to see if any of the album covers caught your eye.  Remember the old emusic home page with the block of tiny album cover thumbnail images?  Imagine that block changing every few seconds, and that was the experience.
  • Doofy said:
    Indeed a little slow, but I've been successful in everything I've tried to purchase! 

    I have a little money in Paypal and have been using it to buy Bandcamp stuff all week. Bragging about/linking to my purchases on Twitter...This one is the other Jeff Parker I mentioned above

    This is a very fun album.  I'm interviewing them for a write-up for The Bandcamp Daily, and there's some fun background to this recording... including what appears to be a Machiavellian plan by Chris Schlarb to the get the quartet back in the recording studio in the first place.
  • Thanks for the heads up, guys. I purchased the latest album from Diego Barber on Sunnyside last night.

  • Greetings sonic explorers. A couple things of note:

    80% off - All paid digital releases on my site are 80% off from now until May. Just use the code INLANDIA at checkout. (This includes the following releases: Blue Narration, Eventide Passage, Out World, Quiet Earth, Quinarian, Resonance, Slow Waves, Tidewater Pulse, and Voyage/Home)

  • edited March 2020
    The amazing results are in. Buyers sent artists/labels $4.3 million dollars last Friday when Bandcamp waived its fees. Bandcamp also notes that many labels in turn waived their share so ALL the money went to artists.  https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/update-on-fridays-campaign-to-support-artists-during-the-covid-19-pandemic

    One cannot help but compare that to the $0 that artists earned on eMusic last Friday, last week, last month and last year.
  • @yarjazz, indeed.

    From Ubiquity Records:

    Bandcamp Digital Flash Sale*
    3/20/20 - 03/27/20 
    *30% off all digital, excludes single tracks, prices already adjusted
    For one week only and to do our small part in keeping music alive during these
    tumultuous times we're offering our complete digital catalog at 30% off. Let's make
    music our sanctuary!


    SHOP HERE: Bandcamp

  • Polyvinyl Are offering all pre-2020 releases on Bandcamp for $1 and all 2020 releases for $5, until the end of the month.
  • The Polyvinyl special also includes pre-orders and, best of all, all the money from digital purchases goes to the artists.
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