What are you listening to right now? (16 Banners United)



    Greg Dulli - Amber HeadlightsLive At Triple Door
  •  httpsf4bcbitscomimga0230868249_14jpg 
    released September 15, 2017

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    Back after being away for a week - mostly mixes while away. Here's some new (for me) vinyl. 
    Frans de Waard @ Forthwith, Winnipeg, February 10, 2017

  • Well, it's a Saturday night with Gregg
    Gregg Kowalsky - Sicksealiner
    Gregg Kowalsky & Ljudbilden & Piloten - Ljudsky

  • edited September 2017

    Gregg Kowalsky with Jozef Van Wissem - Movements in Marble and Stone

    and ironically as I've been cleaning up my iTunes of unnecessary singles, samplers and whatnots, I just couldn't resist this VA album while I was checking to see if there was anything else available to me by him. Seems like a really interesting concept.

    Curated by Jozef van Wissem, the "New Music For Old Instruments" festival took place all over the world: in Brussels, New York, Paris, Utrecht, Antwerp and other cities. The idea was to rid traditional instruments of their clichés, liberating them by updating them in non-conventional ways.

    Thanks to the venues: Les Atelier Claus, Brussels; Issue Project Room, New York; Batofar, Paris; Gaudeamus, The Netherlands; Scheld'apen, Antwerp. 

    some more info from https://incunabulumrecords.com/inc013/
    ..... When one thinks of a lute for example the Robin Hood image comes to mind of the player standing under a balcony serenading a lady and getting a flower pot thrown at him. In order to update the instrument, to make it mature and give it it’s recognition it deserves, one needs to put it in an entire different and contemporary context, so one denounces audience expectations for example. like not playing the instrument in a classical manner or not playing the instrument for over a minute in concert, making the audience the performer, albeit uneasy and claustrophobic. what else can be done? early instruments can be processed on laptop in many different ways, field recordings can be added, lute tablature can be performed backwards, baroque themes can be repeated without end, the freeing up of these constraints seem endless.  the idea is to drag the instrument out of the museum, out of the safe hands of a small group of specialists and give it back to the people. the lute off course is only an example. there are other instruments like this which suffer from cliche. pedal steel, harpsichord, steel guitar you name it. “new music for old  instruments” intends to liberate these instruments by updating them in non-conventional ways.
    Ps. Lots of new exploring to do. I really enjoyed the Urph Lanze track so I'll start there.
  • "The scariest music you will hear throughout your entire life. Period"
  • Meanwhile, lots more Gs to get around to, eventually.

  • one more

    Guapo - Black Oni 

    Halou - Wholeness & Separation --- Sawtooth EP


    Hanne Hukkelberg - Little Wings, A Cheater's Armoury, Rykestrasse 68 & Featherbrain  
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    Starting the day off with Mr. Byron.

  • Hild Sofie Tafjord - Kama
  • It's turning out to be a very noisy morning

    Hijokaidan, Jojo Hiroshige & Per Gisle Galaen, Junko & Sten Ove Toft -
    Polar Nights Live
  • A mystery morning with Hanetration
    Who is that Guy?
    Clues from 2012...
    Tenth Oar EP --- Torn Heat EP
  • Hype Williams - Rainbow Edition
  • More clues from 2013
    Nae Troth EP

    Timelapse EP
  • ?

    A clue from 2014

    Murmurist EP
  • Clues from 2015 - Acid Reflux EP

    Waldsterben EP
  • one from 2016 - Coiled Fire EP

    The last one from 2017 - Gavia EP
    Bandcamp & they're all Free. A very rewarding listen!
    Who was that guy? 

    PS. Although I have no idea if those are any photos of him/her? (google image search), it made for a fun morning. :)
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