Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • I agree that some comments have gone way to far.

    But I do believe, unless I missed it, that as of yet, no one has said - "This sight sux!"

    So, does Andrew-Lee Potts dress the same in real life as on Primeval, or am I missing something?
  • A little more casual, but all the same elements are there: vests, hat, scarf, stubble, blonde.
  • Curses, I just tried the wmp workaround link and got a black page of death with large banner, 24-48, but no albums. Drat, drat, double drat.
  • Major functionality is back for us now finally, although now Iet to see all the things you've been complaining about. I don't really mind the layout too much, but only 48 albums? AT least have the 24/48 at the top so you can make it the maximum without scrolling down. Anyway. The mods have done the best they could working for an incompetent company, I'm glad Germanprof had that nice conversation and I've no doubt they are indeed working hard to fix things but all too little, too late for me to restore their reputation as vaguely competent as a company and management. I was at a training course this week which was mainly a snoozefest but one poster on the wall made me instantly think of all this: "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not have been done at all."

    And I agree personal abuse etc is out and EMu were right to delete whole threads (I work for a trade union - one of the most militant - so I'm extra sensitive to the issues of ordinary schlubs getting blamed for management fuck ups and go out of my way not to do it) however Scott Taylor is publicly on the Internet waxing enthusiastic about how great migrating eMusic to Wordpress is/would be so the wisdom of that decision and its implementation is fair game. Again, he is the guy put up front to take the heat while management get off scot free but unfortunately he's the guy with his name attached to it. If it were a triumphant success, he'd get the kudos but it ain't so ....
  • I actually don't have a problem with the guy getting called out, though I sort of do with digging up his accounts and casting aspersions on his personality and habits. The response to GP's post, which basically amounts to a demand that this guy be fired, is kind of weird. Verging toward cyberstalking, IMO.

    Hoodies: We have quite a few gang-type idiots in my part of town who attach great significance to various types and styles of headwear, which then "filter up" to young (and not-so-young) white guys who think they are making a fashion statement. This is just one aspect of "hip hop culture" that I have no patience with...eg, my sister-in-law's grad student ex-boyfriend who once explained to me at length why it was OK for him to call certain people "niggas." But I digress, and unless you are wearing it over your eyes like a thug juvenile, a hoodie is just a hoodie...
  • ..except in San Francisco where it's apparently an infallible guide to moral character. (There was a poster from SF who seemed more hot and bothered about the guy wearing a hoodie in public than any specific feature of the site).
  • San Francisco was the home of many of the Unabomer's targets, and the Unabomer wore a hoodie, so...

    I'm not saying the eMu programming team are the sort of folks who would send IED's through the mails to main and kill people, but given what they've done to eMusic, that could be the next logical step for them.
  • Also, is it just me, or do recording artists who start selling MP3s online long before their "official release date" tend to be really, really shitty?
  • On a related note to that theory, by the way, I just learned that ECM is now going to have something like a three month delay following official release dates of CDs before they sell the MP3 albums. Kinda interesting plan.
  • edited December 2011
    Well, all I know is that I've been spending time I could have been browsing new releases on eMu in the old days instead browsing recipes off the Food Network site and this is going to cost me some serious calories thanks to their technological malfeasance. Hmm, Red Velvet Cake or Ricotta Cheesecake, or do I throw myself upon my sword in a do or die attempt to do a Buche de Noel?
  • It's actually been the quietest it's been for a couple of weeks on the emusic board today. Not much activity at all, apart from a couple of people communicating that they still don't like the management.
  • Well, I've just got a £5 courtesy credit from emusic. I'm not complaining - since Jonah's Picks started my SFL has grown a fair bit. Not sure if it is for everyone, maybe it is because I did a survey on the new site, but whatever, I'm not objecting to free music
  • I also received a $5 credit. Good timing.
  • Bah, nothing for me, should have been more of a squeaky wheel over there...
  • I got a $5 credit, and made hardly a peep, and I quit.
  • edited December 2011
    Just received $5 too. Seems at least a small way to make up for the new website design.

    EDIT: Just received the site redesign email.
  • Did any of you who got the $5 also get the free month a couple of weeks ago? And did you get the email from Adam Klein about free credit? I didn't get the $5 yet, and also didn't yet get some free credit yet that was promised for talking to Mr. Soroca on the phone, but both could still be processing (or might be the same thing? Or my free month might be what Klein was referring to?); I'm not sure how many credits I'm looking out for at this point.
  • edited December 2011
    The message board has turned into an oops page.
  • The message board has turned into an oops page.

    What was it before?

  • Mod note seems to suggest that only those who contacted Member Svcs are on the list. I e-mailed to request the credit.
  • I got the e-mail but not the credit, yet. It does say something to the effect of have or will receive. Five clams is better than the ass end of a diarrhetic turkey, but it's still a diarrhetic turkey.
  • the ass end of a diarrhetic turkey

    I think that's considered a delicacy down here in the South.

    But what the hell do I know? I still can't figure out the enigmatic obsession people around here have with grits.
  • Anybody else able to get onto emusic right now? Not me.
  • the enigmatic obsession people around here have with grits

    I don't know, man, but raised and lifelong NYC I may be, but I like grits.
  • I'm horrified by pimento cheese.
  • YES! Totes! Can't figure out pimento cheese, don't want to figure it out, don't want it in the same room with me or my loved ones.

    Also, country ham sandwiches. Waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too salty. Way. However, when my gramma-in-law makes these mini country ham sandwiches, I nibble at them like a sodium-addicted chipmunk a tiny corner at a time. Put it down. Look around. Make some sounds. Run in a few circles. Then come back for another mini nibble of the mini country ham sandwich.
  • They must have tried to fix something?

    You can still search via the eMusic Toolbar, so it's not like the servers are down - this is almost certainly programmer error, like (evidently) everything else that's been going on. Every other list page is basically empty at the moment - for them to have this happen right after they've handed out $5 "credits" is, shall we say, not good timing.
  • Yeah, nothing's working for me either. Maybe a new fix is in-process and it's creating some temporary bugs. I hope it's not a case that somebody thought they fixed something, then walked away.
  • I got my £5 credit yesterday and the email today. I didn't get any extra credit a couple of weeks ago, so maybe those that did have been missed out this time?
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