Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • My use of the SFL is bound to change as the numberof downloads per month that I have has dropped drastically. I've had a range of 6 month Groupon deals over the last 16 months or so. For the last six months I've had an extra 150 downloads per month that cost me 12p each. Consequently I have been able to download what I want without too much thought. Now I am back to my normal figure I am going to have to be much more selective. So at the moment, unless it is something I really want, I will use my SFL until a few days before refresh day and I'll prioritise those that I want most. I suspect I'll be downloading much less jazz tha I have in the last year or so. I'll give it 2 or 3 months to see how it goes. I must admit I check my Groupon email everyday to see if there any more offers coming!
  • GP: it sounds like we have a similar process with our SFL. I have a few albums on there for years and started to delete a few I think I will never download. Conversely I will download albums not on my SFL.
  • @choiceweb0pen0 (you are a hard person to abbreviate - @cw00?) yeah, last weekend I looked at the list and asked myself how much sense it made to have albums on my SFL for years that were never important enough to actually purchase when it came to making choices, or to have a quantity of music on my SFL that it would take me four or five years to buy at my current rate of purchase even if nothing new came out in that time that interested me at all (ha!). Answer: no sense at all. Just the lust of the ears.
  • I've never treated my SFL as anything other than a digital notepad, noting albums that I might want to explore in the future. I've pared it down a few times, but I find the process cumbersome. It's rather long now, but many items on the first half of the list don't hold as much appeal since prices increased.
  • @BT, that's the part that still keeps me using it, though I've started a second list called "check out further" for stuff that I have no idea if I want but would like to give a listen to see if I do.
  • I've just looked at my SFl, just under 500, I'll never download most of those, so some serious surgery on its way. Some have been there since I joined emusic, so time to go!
  • I've gone from 495 to 188, still needs a bit more editing, but I need to listen to some of those remaining to reduce it a bit more.
  • edited January 2012
    I did my bit to stir the pot on the eMu messboard.

    Those of you in the reality-based community may be unaware that jazz trumpeter Nicholas Payton has vociferously objected to the word 'Jazz,' which he equates with the word 'Nigger.' (I don't play the 'N-word' game.) Payton proposes the term 'Black American Music,' which takes in pretty much everything after John Phillips Sousa, if you ask me. Vijay seems to be skirting the issue by saying 'this music.'
  • He probably only started calling it "BAM" because he realized that "Postmodern New Orleans" would be abbreviated by most people as "POMONO."

    He also accuses people who support the idea of "jazz" of being "necrophiliacs," which also seems a bit harsh to me... but what do I know? Other than that I'm not into that sort of thing either.
  • So lemme get this straight... Payton thinks calling something Jazz is like a racial slur, but naming your album Bitches is a rad title.
  • I admit I don't see what is wrong with 'jazz' as a term, but I'm only a white English man, so how would I know? I think I understand where Payton is coming from, but using the term 'Black American Music' is actually no better as it ignores the West African heritage of much of this music
  • edited January 2012
    This is currently #21 Most Downloaded out of all categories in Freshly Ripped at eMu. What the hay.
    (Edit 1/22 - I'll be hornswaggled but the music on here is actually really good - old-timey C&W type stuff. I am downloading it. Go figure.)

    On the other hand, this is #2, a ray of hope. Was that you, BT?

    Then again, night has fallen once more. I don't even know how to process the necessity of this.

    Then again this might be OK for $5.99, but you have to go here to see who the Various Artists are - is retagging 37 artists on the tracks worth the $2 (Edit 1/22 - Now $8.99 so $3 - I am fairly certain it was $7.99 when I posted) you'd save at eMu?
    Actually FWIW there is an interesting looking series of albums at Amazon on the Pickathon label.
  • edited January 2012
    Nah, I'm going to hold off and wait for the 50 most essential transcendental thrash metal covers of mystic Gregorian chant pop remixes.

    Listen to the sample of track #40 for a dozen reasons not to listen to any more. And the trend towards cover art on Gregorian stuff that smacks more of the occult than the monastery is a bit disturbing.
  • edited January 2012
    Thanks BDB - Pickathon £5.99 Amazon, £15.54 emusic in UK. Don't complain about album pricing, there are more gains than losses in my view. Even allowing for my bonus, it still works out 25% cheaper at Amazon. I might look at the Pickathon stuff with a view to buy some
  • On the other hand, this is #2, a ray of hope. Was that you, BT?
    If only my purchases could make such an impact. Great to see these prices on old Alia Vox. Now, if you want physical CDs, this 8-disc set is nifty even at $35.
  • Interesting - I have been using my computer for nearly 5 hours and I have just realised that I have not yet logged onto the emusic site. It shows that its message board is not attracting me in the way it used to once.
  • @Greg

    I think it's part of the natural growth of the forum becoming more active as a blog. There's less inclination to just stop by and post random stuff in a random format. Thoughts and expressions of music are becoming more formalized for MiG and more likely to be expressed on MiG than here. That there is less activity on the forum, while sad, isn't at all surprising. I'm surprised something like MiG didn't start sooner, quite frankly.
  • So, am I supposed to be giving the internet the cold shoulder today? Am I not allowed to post something on my blog? Have I already screwed up by posting here?
  • edited January 2012
    But this message board does still keep me attracted and active,I think it is indicative of the way that the message board there has developed into a 'slag off emusic' board as many old-timers have moved on, very little muisc content. The main reason I sill look is for Dhaun's update of new releases in Europe -otherwise I might give up totally
  • Oh, wait, never mind... you said EMUSIC board. I initially read Emusers.

    Oh, yeah, I almost never got to the emusic forum anymore.
  • edited January 2012
    Wikipedia a se interrompu seulement en anglais. Peut-
  • There are even get rounds in English - it is availablefor example on smart phones and tablets, I read something earlier today explaining how to get round it, but can't find the link now, probably the Guardian website if anyone is desperate
  • Wow, I can read more French than I thought I'd still remember this many years after I last took a class in high school.

    Wow, that was an incredibly awkwardly phrased sentence.
  • Even I can read it, so it must be straightforward but I wouldn't know if it is badly written. My French these days is mainly spoken from visiting there
  • I'm a great reader of many languages and a decent speaker of a few. Writing is something else. When I write, even when I speak, I tend to sound officiel in the worst way.
  • edited January 2012
    Just an fyi, the "awkwardly phrased sentence" I was referring to was my own...
    Wow, I can read more French than I thought I'd still remember this many years after I last took a class in high school.

    ... which wouldn't indicate that Anglais est ma premiere langue. (I had to look up langue; forgot that one, ironically).
  • Auch auf Deutsch.

    Na, das freut mich sehr.
    I tend to sound officiel in the worst way.

    Dann schreiben Sie nicht auf Deutsch, das ist fast ein automatischer Effekt.
  • More miscommunication packed into this short thread this morning that I've seen here in a while.
  • edited January 2012
    Thoughts and expressions of music are becoming more formalized for MiG and more likely to be expressed on MiG than here. That there is less activity on the forum, while sad, isn't at all surprising.

    I've been wondering whether this was so, or whether it's just natural ebb and flow. I've also wondered (and would be happy to hear thoughts on this especially from those who read these threads but don't post much):

    - is the move the the blog and the amount of conversation about it here discouraging anyone from participating here, like "gosh I can't write that well/don't know that much about that album/don;t have time to be that committed so maybe don't belong here"? (I would hope not but I could imagine that being the case).

    - is there anything about the way the prolific posters use this board that makes others less likely to post, like breaking into an in-crowd talking in the corner? (I had that feeling quite a bit in the first few months I was here, "these people seem to all know each other already and know way more than me about music, maybe I'm just butting in where I might not be wanted..." - now I feel like I know folk to a degree and sometimes worry that I help create that effect for others by posting a lot) - again, I would wish that weren't the case but can see how it could be.

    - Are there reasons to do with this board why some prolific posters disappear or is it just the natural ebb and flow of folks' lives that they move on?

    - Are there any ways we could be encouraging more folk to converse here? To just post what they are listening to? I still think emusers is very valuable and that emusers and MiG is not a zero sum.
  • I look in here most days, but since going on a music-buying diet, I don't have much to say. I have twice been offered a free month at eMu, but I'm just not interested. I am listening a bit, but have been doing more reading than listening.
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