Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • I guess the ironic saving grace is that given the track record, when this kind of thing happens, instead of assuming they are cynically trying to get me to pay more, I just assume incompetence.
  • Well, they corrected the problem. While I don't know their code base, I find it very difficult to imagine how this is an accidental logic path.

    It also galls me that their response ignores the bs functioning and pretends the issue was simply the track not being flagged as free. Today I find myself strongly leaning to the hate side of the love/hate balance.
  • They didn't actually correct the problem. If the track is flagged as free then the track downloads; assuming you don't have any credit on account, if so you may or may not get charged for the free track. If the track hasn't yet been flagged as free (why wait to flag it?) then you get the chance to upgrade your plan.

    I'm beginning to think that the Triplay guys are even less customer friendly than the previous owners.
  • Is the plan change trigger happening when you try the daily download and have no credit? That actually makes sense. Any time you try to buy a track and have no credit to buy it with, it triggers a jump to plan options in case you want to add credit so you can buy the track. So if you have no credit, this would not actually be a separate bug - it would be the site behaving normally as a consequence of the original mistake of the track not being free. 

    If you do have credit, then of course its weird.
  • I think you have gotten it @Germanprof. Thanks, that makes more sense now. Would seem less slimy if they asked you to buy a booster pack rather than upgrade your plan.

    Easy enough to prevent, simply flag a given track as free and THEN add it to the daily download. Workflow - what a concept.
  • edited February 2016
    Well the booster pack thing is due to another design flaw...um...feature - because of the way they have the plan options page set up I think any link that takes you to that page you see the plan options first, because of the tabbed thing.

    They've probably got some macro that is supposed to flag a track for free when it is made a daily download but that fails to work on tracks that were uploaded on a Tuesday or something.
  • I got an email about the latest booster sale, problem is it is not available here. If they can seaparate us that way, why can't they separate emails? It is the second time this has happened 
  • Greg, that's funny, because a user on the other board specifically says it works in the UK!

    Btw, my plan finally changed at Feb refresh, but in name only.  I used to be "preferred basic" or some such, now I'm just basic.  But in a "non-standard" plan, and I still have my bonus of a couple bucks a month.
  • Thanks Doofy, I will try again
  • Greg I got that email. Presumed it was an error as I've never had one. Long story short it worked even with  Error 504 Gateway Error or whatever they are called. So it's either a new policy or another shambles. Managed to get another 6-8 albums off my SFL list which is neato. Every month now I'm told my plan is changing but apparently in name only.

  • edited February 2016
    Likewise plan changing every month! Tried again and it looks as I can get the deal now but as I am intending to go on a hold I will miss out this time. I was going to hold this time but decided to wait a month just to get a few more albums off my SFL. As I have said before emusic is an addiction for me.
  • Ha! I went on hold for 3 months a couple of years back - despite new cds coming in the house plus other downloads and lots of streamed music I developed a really bad twitch, a limp, a stutter and a rash. Once they've got you... ;-)
  • Anyone else having problems with downloading at the moment? A couple of people have picked up at the message board over there. I can't get anything to download for the last couple of days.
  • I still cannot download - no response to my email or on message board. Interestingly, in the 24 hours since I posted a message over there, there have only been three messages added to their board.....
  • edited March 2016
    @greg I will try and download the free track and let you know how it goes. At this point in time the free track isn't actually flagged as "free" yet.

    As for the eMu board, I've stopped posting there since no one seems to listen. I don't even check the daily download very often; even though it has been "fixed".

    It seems to me that TriPlay has switched their limited customer support to platforms I don't use; and have no intention of using. So, I'm acting accordingly....

    I'll check the free download status in a while and let you know how it goes for me.
  • @greg I've just downloaded the Allen Ravenstine album with no problems.
    - in Firefox.
  • edited March 2016
    Thanks for the info. I've downloaded Firefox, and I'm still getting nowhere. All I get is a .emx file, and a list of the tracks on download manager, but then it goes no further. The credit is taken off my balance and I get re-try a few moments later. I'll email the help desk again.
  • I just dloaded the free track with no problems, Chrome and the eMu manager. 
  • edited March 2016
    greg said:
    Thanks for the info. I've downloaded Firefox, and I'm still getting nowhere
    Try to go to Settings > programs (the left sidebar) and see if the DLM is there.
    If it is, try to set it to "use Emusic download manager (standard)" (translated from danish)

    ETA: BTW, way back when I got the Firefox, I checked the Emu DLM help section and found the "help" useless and very confusing.
  • edited March 2016
    Oh seems like this issue has ended up in two separate discussions. I posted my possible solution in the computer help thread. Think it is my fault - sorry about that :*
  • I've now tried everything that emusic suggests. I've taken off the download manager and reloaded, but still getting nowhere. A friend, who knows far more than me about computing, thinks it could be because their 'certificate' is out of date and the malware protection he's loaded on my computer is preventing downloading. We (really, he) are going to explore further. But having been through iTunes in the last couple of days with an new iPod, sorting out what to load on it, I have so much music that is unplayed or only played once, I don't think I'll miss emusic, so I may well cancel before the next refresh
  • edited April 2016
    The certificate issue is a possibility (depends on the tools you are using). When TriPlay first bought eMu I explored their other sites, to get a sense of what the company might be like. One of the first things I found was that the certificate had expired on their blog site; which prevented access. It took them a week or so (I forget now) after I posted about it on the eMu boards before it was corrected; who knows how long it had been out before that (of course my post just as likely had nothing to do with them correcting it). So, TriPlay isn't the best at maintenance of their sites.

    A message for your friend - security certificates can and are faked (not to mention that they expire all the time and not everyone is on top of renewing them). Tools that are too dependent on "valid"certificates are flawed in my option. However, no one security approach is fool proof; you need a mix. Sounds like that may be what your friend is doing which is good. Best of luck....
  • On the off chance that it is of interest to any one - my current position on eMu is to only visit the site when my credit refreshes.

    I used to check the free download every day and then scoop out the boards. Not any more. I get more than enough free music elsewhere and what community that remains at eMu doesn't seem worth investing any of my energy in (I spend that time here now).

    While TriPlay has put some fresh band-aids on the platform, I was hoping for more. I'm in the camp that thinks TriPlay is more interested in selling than rebuilding. However, it is possible that they will move to a better code base to facilitate attracting a buyer. 

    I have plenty of backlog in my SFL and the refresh and downloading is working for me, so I'm keeping my account active but that's it. Who knows, may be TriPlay (or more likely someone else) will port to a new platform and then work to attract fresh users and put some life back into the site. I'm keeping one eye open but not holding my breath.
  • I'm still having problems downloading, whatever we do. So now emusic has offered to connect up and look at my computer remotely. Because of the time difference and my schedule this week I won't be able to do it until next week. I'll report how I get on. I must have spent days trying out different solutions. If this gets nowhere, it will certainly be the end for me there.

  • greg said:
    Thanks for the info. I've downloaded Firefox, and I'm still getting nowhere
    Try to go to Settings > programs (the left sidebar) and see if the DLM is there.
    If it is, try to set it to "use Emusic download manager (standard)" (translated from danish)

    ETA: BTW, way back when I got the Firefox, I checked the Emu DLM help section and found the "help" useless and very confusing.
    @greg, Did you try this ?
  • Welp, they got me back for a bit.  They sent me an email to activate my cloud, and after I did they offered me $50 for one month.  So I took it.

  • Welcome back :-)
  • I have eventually sorted out my download issues by simply switching to emusic-j download manager. Now to try to get back last month's credits! Once this is all sorted out I will be going on hold, now I've got a new iPod, I realise how much little played or unplayed music I have got and I need toc atch up on that. 
  • I had an email from eMu offering me a $100.00 account credit to rejoin at a minimum on the $11.99 plan. Saw mention in another thread here that they were offering 100% booster pack match. Boom! Deal. $211.99 credit for an out-of-pocket cost of $61.99. I may buy another booster once I get orientated again and get an idea of how much stuff I end up wanting badly enough.

    @greg eMusic-J - best and most reliable thing about eMu (and they didn't even develop it).
  • @luddite - no problems so far, after I'd spent a month plus trying to sort out their own DLMs on my computer, trying everything suggested on several browsers.
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