Do we have a thread for television shows



  • edited April 2014
    @ Bad Thoughts
    The season finale of Parks & Recs was hilarious. All the cameo appearances didn't detract from the regular story line, either!

    @ Jonah
    Haha, that GoT intro msic is one of the few series I'll listen through entirely.
    Jodpur's (you make up the best nicknames, evah) death scene was fantastic.
  • @Katrina

    Wait, you mean King Bieber's name is Jodpur? Seriously? I thought, okay, it's Joffrey, right, gotta be, though I really thought his name was Joprey, except, I said, no, Joprey isn't a real name. It's probably Joffrey.

    Jodpur IS NOT a real name.

    No wonder I can't get any of the GoT name right. They're all just made-up nonsense.
  • Unlike jonahpwll? :)

  • Isn't it short for Jonah of Hewlett Packard Way?
  • @Katrina: I've a hankering for a burger with slices of pizza for buns.
  • The Letter to Cleo bit on Parks & Rec slayed me. Watching Ben sing along and then his reaction when she winked at him were just top notch comedy.

  • edited April 2014
    Unlike jonahpwll? :)


    Good point. I think my username qualifies me for a council seat at Castle Blanding.
    Isn't it short for Jonah of Hewlett Packard Way?

    Jonah - Pitchfork Won't Last Long
  • A Game of Thrones moment:

    Sherrie - "That will be all, Lord Commander."
    Jamie - "Sweetie... things have been so awkward between us ever since I raped you over our dead son's corpse."

  • ::Spoiler alert"

    "Not to mention, Jamie, when you were beaten up by your own metal hand"

    All we need to Nelson from The Simpsons "Stop punching yourself"

    So, I've watched the first, um, either two or three seasons. I think I'm on season four. Or, to put it another way, I just finished the Jimmy Smits season and now I'm on the John Lithgow season.

    First off, I enjoyed the first two seasons well enough. Season One was really good. Two had it's weak spots, actually, quite a few weak spots now that I think upon it, but it was entertaining.

    I'm totally disappointed with the Jimmy Smits season. I was very encouraged when I noticed he was going to be a recurring character. He's always been so strong on other shows, including the dreadful NYPD Blue, but damn, his character was lifeless. Maybe the writing had something to do with it, because a lot of the characters lacked any real energy, but still, I expect an actor like Jimmy Smits to be able to overcome it.

    Now the John Lithgow thing, which I'm finding a bit obsessive with the killing, though it appears like maybe they're drawing some parallels between the seriously disturbed Lithgow and Dexter, the cute serial killer that everybody likes. That would be a good thing, because while I don't shed a tear for Dexter's victims, at the same time, he kills people... not the kind of thing to be idolized. So, if the show's creators are going to start working that vein, well, that's something I can get into.

    I'll keep watching from time to time. I've been told that the show really goes downhill, but we'll just have to see about that.
  • Oh, hey, we're also watching Peep Show. Pretty much the funniest thing we've seen lately. Fans of Black Books and Workaholics should take to this one.
  • I'm kinda sorry I erased that last Parks & Recs. It would be fun to watch again. This thread reminded of some things...the pizza burger, and yes, Ben almost peeing his pants when he got winked at. Also Leslie agreeing with everything Michelle Obama is saying now ....and in the future! and everyone's reasons why they wouldn't move to Chicago.
    Also how they brought back some of the odd characters from past seasons - Tammy2 and the crazy twins that are friends with Tom.

    As for the G0T reviews, Jodper, Joprey, Samsa, Sherrie - they all crack me up.
    This season's opening credits are a lot different - I like how the different areas have different gears than past seasons.
    BUT WE NEED TO SEE MORE DRAGONS. They were only in the 1st episode of this season.

    That reminds me, time for Black Books season 2 from the library.

    How stupid was The Following? Even stupider than most of the episodes. At least that's over for a while. Those twins are boring. So is Ryan. There's only so many people left to kill. Guess they'll all get finished off in season 3.

    Anybody catch "Silicon Valley"? Kinda slow, parts of it was amusing. The pilot where the investor rants about college....precious.
  • edited May 2014
    Breaking Bad aficionados might be interested to know I'm seeing Vince Gilligan "in conversation" tonight. It's part of the Sydney Writers Festival, although the SWF doesn;t actually start until the end of May I guess this was when they could get him. It sold out in quick time (even with tickets $40!!!), so he's doing a second session straight after it.

    I have been binge watching all of The Good Wife, almost finished season 4 so I'm way behind on my week to week watching. Backlog of Mad Men, Americans, Hannibal to get to, haven't started Orphan Black but looking forward to S2.
  • I liked Peep Show. I've made it through the first few seasons and may get back to it.

    Nanker: Maybe he will talk about the Spinoff Prequal featuring Saul?
  • @choiceweb0pen0 He briefly mentioned Better Call Saul, most notably to say they were starting filming June 2.
  • edited May 2014
    Loving Mad Men~I knew somebody was gonna eventually be a hippie, and it's Roger's daughter. I thought it would be Don's daughter, too, just not yet.
    Yet it was Don's daughter who told him to come clean with Megan.
    Last week's episode had him agreeing to a non-drinking clause, and this week's episode had him breaking it.
    I can certainly sympathize.
    Peggy had lots of fun.
    And I loved seeing that IBM 360 getting rolled in. VTAM winky
  • edited May 2014
    Hey GoT book readers who have seen last night's episode. Join me below for a question if you please.

    Okay, now that jonahpwll is gone...Am I just forgetting or did Littlefinger/Lysa not say anything about killing Jon Arryn? Thanks.

  • edited May 2014
    carig, Lysa did say something, and Petyr had to kiss her to shut her up. Lest someone overhear.
    No dragons in that last episode. What, is the computer stuff really expensive to do? Can't they be flying around in the background when blondie decides to rule like a queen?
  • The past 2 episodes of Grimm have been delightful! I like the new Truble.
  • edited May 2014
    Okay, some (brief) thoughts on the most recent episode(s) of Game of Thrones.


    Technically, yes, but if the show is already kind of rotten, I'm not sure how I could add to it (ooooooh, foreshadowing).

    -So, what, did the dragons go on strike or something? WTF? That is the only compelling aspect of Daria's scenes. Otherwise, it's comprised of:
    ----Daria on a huge overlook, staring moodily off into space.
    ----Daria scrunching up her face and shouting "you are free!"
    ----Daria standing near a castle and dispensing sour looks to everyone who displeases her (which is about 95% of the scenes)
    Without the dragons, about the only thing nice I can say about her character is that I think it's admirable that she's bilingual.

    -Not. One. Fucking. Dwarf. Scene. Are you fucking kidding me? Tyriol is the best thing on that show! How do you not have him in it? Whatever, this season is seriously in the crapper, and right there is a great example.

    -So, I guess they've neutered Sherrie. She seemed very dull in that last episode, very level-headed and calm and DULL. The only time the "old" Sherrie peeked out was when she went to talk to the sex addict and he responded to her invitation to see the royal gardens, "well, I can't very well refuse an invitation from the royal guard," and Sherrie gave a knowing smile and said, "No, you can't." I miss those kinds of sly interactions. Many of them involved Tyriol, and guess how many scenes he was in last night?

    -Great, that breast feeding sister is back. I don't even want to get into this. She was great for the one time they used her, but she's so over-the-top unbelievable that it neutralizes her usefulness for character/plot development. And that's saying a lot for a world populated by white walkers, magic visions, dragons (sometimes), and animal familiars.

    -That said, the breast feeding sister's zeal when she announced, "I'm going to howl like a banshee on my wedding night!" And then, later, the scene Samza in bed, hearing exactly that... that did make me chuckle. But seriously, if either Samza or the Mayor of Baltimore on the Wire doesn't push her and her weird kid through that trap door in the throne room very very early in the next episode, I'm going to start yawning.

    -I guess it was supposed to be a heartbreaking scene with that legless Fob kid being so close to Jon Snow, watching him fight those rogue Wall dudes, but knowing that he'd have to leave without reuniting with him... but it wasn't. I felt nothing. This show lacks even the ability to pull easy heartstrings. God, so disappointing.

    -Glad they're spending more time at the Wall and North of it, but, damn, they keep going to THE EXACT SAME PLACES. Leave it to the GoT producers to turn the vast tundra of the north into a couple of tiny set-pieces. They have made the north feel like a suffocating patch of soil.

    -I don't think I realized until now just how stupid the name Jon Snow is. It's even dumber than the names of the castles... Dreadfort, Northfall, Iron City, FearBridge, BloodyGate, BlackFort, EvilRamparts... they're all terrible names, and yet Jon Snow is the worst of all. I mean, you're going to send this character to the wall and into the North where it's Winter all the time... did you also have to name him after that, too? Lemme guess, the writer was going to name him John Wall, but the editor said, no, that's a bit too obvious, and besides, it might confuse people and make them think you're talking about the Washington Wizards starting point guard. How about something like, I dunno, Jon Winter, Jon BroodingFace, Jon BastardKid... wait, I got it... Jon Snow! Because, y'know, he's like around snow all the time. Writer: Brilliant!

    -That scene with the Bloody Gate, and then the wideshot with the castle off in the distance atop the rocky arch... very cool. It's about the only thing the show is doing well this season... wide shots that look like oil paintings of the vast imaginary landscape.

    -Well, the scenes with the big blonde knight and Tyriol's squire capture none of the whimsy of Tyriol's relationship with him. Now it's just Miss Serious Knight and her bumbling squire. I'm sure, at some point, the squire will redeem himself in her eyes, a well-placed kill or something, and then their relationship will change, but the after-picture is just as likely to be as boring as the before-picture. Boring!

    -Speaking of boring, Dog is still alive. Why? And for the show to tease me like that, with Aria stabbing him in the preview. Bah!

    -Absent from the last episode... Tyriol, Jamie, the mother of the new queen or whatever she is... you know, with the boobs... her mother, dragons, Tyriol's guard dude, white walkers. Basically the show left off everyone who is worth anything on the show. Did the Good Actors Guild go on strike?

    -Good to see the wolves make a return. Those guys I like.

    -So, in the episode previous to this one, we learn that the mother of the queen (or whatever she is) and the Mayor of Baltimore on the Wire conspired to kill the Bieber king. Fine, cool, whatever, but... huh, I forgot where I was going with that thought. Nevermind. Oh, no, right, so then there's the breast feeding queen who may have done something with it, too... I miss the court intrigues of this show... they're the best part, and I hope this is an attempt to bring that back into the show. Because if it's just more fighting, then, BORING!

    -Still pissed at Jamie for not killing the legless Stark kid. Those scenes with him and his Fob friends are so damn ass boring. They could've found another way to sneak in those cool shots of the tree in sunlight and red flowers.

    Okay, I guess that's it. This season sure as hell better get better.

  • edited May 2014
    Jonah, for the record, I am finding your commentaries significantly more entertaining than I found reading the first volume of Game of Thrones. And that's without having seen any of the TV series.
  • Today the part of over serious book pedant will be played by me. "Snow" is the generic surname given to all bastards in the north (ie those not entitled to their father's name). The dude who tortures Theon is also a Snow - Ramsay Snow, because he is Roose Bolton's bastard. In other parts of the realm the generic name is different, reflecting the character of the area - Rovers, Sand, Stone, Storm, Waters etc etc.

    /over serious pedant

    As you were.
  • edited May 2014
    In other parts of the realm the generic name is different, reflecting the character of the area - Rovers, Sand, Stone, Storm, Waters etc etc.

    EXACTLY... dumb.

    They do the same dumb things with the castles, apparently. Boring!
  • Aria stabbing him in the preview

    Sounds painful.
  • edited May 2014
    No, The Hound had armour, and didn't have to leap around like a nancy water dancer. Aria didn't even nick The Hound with her Sword That Has A Name.
  • @katrina That's Hobbyhorse Lobby Craft Project to you!
  • haha.
    Just watched Mad Men: “Peggy, we gotta reproduce!”
  • Okay, I'm ready to talk about the most recent episode of Game of Thrones.

    So, yes, SPOILERS.

    -Okay, good, dragon. Finally. But the thing of it is, I didn't realize what assholes dragons are on this show. They need to leave those cuts goats alone. What a travesty if the dragons become as irritating as Betty.

    -Speaking of Betty, I do enjoy the turn that her storyline has taken. That she placed more importance on the former slaves being recaptured and the towns taken over by the slavers than she does on capturing Castle Blandings and winning the crown... I dunno, it made me interested in her storyline for the first time since she was getting pushed around by the barbarian tribe. #Promising

    -FINALLY, the damn dwarf gets some lines. They just need to drop pretty much everyone else and call the show Game of Tyriol. I love his little trial monologue, but even more, I love that he's clearly figured out what his father's whole plan is after Jamie told him to plead for mercy and go to the Wall. By demanding trial by combat, he puts his father in the position of knowing that there's no way he can win a fight, which means Jamie won't leave the white guard (or whatever it's called... King's Protectorate, something like that), which means that Jamey & Tyriol's father (who might not even have a name; I don't think it's ever been said on the show) won't see his lineage continue. Now, instead of having to plead guilty and go to the Wall, Tyriol is going to make his father find him innocent of killing King Bieber and let him go, since it appears the whole point of the trial was to get Jamie to leave the white guard so he could then have kids again. Anyways, cool scene.

    -That said, Tyriol at the Wall interests me quite a bit. Of course, they could team Tyriol up with Dog, send them traveling the countryside, and I still think that would be the best part of the show.

    -Dog... still alive. Why?

    -That whole thing with Theo and the Iron Sister. Boring!

    -That whole Borackian dude storyline is so damn dull. I used to not mind his smuggler sidekick, but now he bores me, too. They go to this whole new city... the Iron City?... and that, too, is made boring. That Borackian dude has no fucking charisma... why can't they just get rid of him. And give the boot to his creepy witchy redhead chick, too. Boring!

    -God, this season is so damn-ass dull.

    -Did something else happen that I'm forgetting about already? Probably. That's a pretty sign of how boring this is. But at least they gave the dwarf a big scene. That was the best. That guy is the class of the show, and its wit for that matter.

  • edited May 2014
    Your Tylenol reports crack me up.
    Since you obviously love the show enough to write such hilarious recaps, if we may call them that.

    @NankerP, I'm glad you posted that about the bastard surnames, because it saved me from having to do so.

    Lordy, I would not want to be under pressure like Georgie is, to write the next GoT installments. I kinda figured HBO would lap him on the productions track.
    He's one guy, I wonder what the HBO budget is?
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