Do we have a thread for television shows



  • HBO just decided not to review Family Tree, which is too bad, and also Hello Ladies. Not surprised about the latter, Stephen Merchant was just not that great in it.
  • Maggie Smith on jazz in last night's Downton Abby; "I wonder if any of them knows what the others are playing." :)
  • That made me grin, too. She has some really great lines.
  • Caught the last Sherlock last night. I was mostly right about Mary!
  • Yes, Craig! But I couldn't tell you a few weeks ago... I'm looking forward to the next serious to see how they follow it but it is quite a while off I gather
  • I was proud of myself. I picked up on some of the specific things they flashed back to as things Sherlock missed.

    POTENTIAL MINOR SPOILER: I was wrong on one thing though. I thought she'd end up being Moriarty's sister. Some of her facial movements kind of mimicked his. I suppose that is still possible, though, seeing as Watson didn't check out the thumb drive.

  • Now I hadn't thought of that, quite possible I'd say
  • @cafreema, I'm glad you're proud of yourself.
    I, on the other hand, am disgusted to report that I have watched every episode of this season of The Following. It's digusting, violent, and I can't understand why, but there it is. I'm not even in love with Kevin Bacon.
  • I'm not even in love with Kevin Bacon.

    That's just a matter of degrees.
  • Maybe it depends on the cut of Kevin Bacon too? Uncured? Hickory smoked?
  • You guys are funny. Applewood. Oh, and I bought some bacon yesterday. Yikes! $7.50 per pound!
  • Craig - I'm proud of you; I didn't suspect anything until I saw your comment; then I suspected completely the wrong kind of things. I think I'm more of a Watson than Holmes. Or maybe I'm a Lestrade.

    But yes, Jim, I did miss you.
  • HBO has released a 15 minute Game of Throne preview. Nothing spoilery at all but book readers might notice a few sly things. (it is called 'foreshadowing' after all). It seems like a cool cast. I am most excited about THE RED VIPER FRACK YEAH!
  • House of Cards, Season 2, Episode 1.

    Okay, not a spoiler per se, but if you haven't yet seen this episode and think there's even the remotest chance that you will, please just skip ahead to the next post.

    Are you fucking kidding me? That's it? She's gone? I mean, I didn't really like her or anything, but HOLY SHIT, are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? GODDAMMIT, NOW HOW AM I GONNA STOP AT ONE FRIGGIN' EPISODE. FUCK!!!!! NOW I HAVE TO WATCH THE SECOND EPISODE!!!
  • Hey, I was just watching something, I can't remember what... a movie probably, but maybe it was a tv show, and it had two different actors from two different HBO shows. I think one of the actors was on Oz, though I can't remember who. The other actor played Pouty McPouts-a-lot from Game of Thrones... y'know, the bastard kid who is stuck up at Snowfell (or whatever that wall is called).

    What the hell was I watching?
  • I'm pretty sure you were watching a commercial for Pompeii. I'm getting a little worried about you if you can't tell the difference between a movie and commercial for a movie. Do you have regular blackouts?

    Oh, and that wall thing is called The Wall. Another reason I'm concerned for your health. :)

  • edited February 2014
    Pouty McPouts-a-lot!!! Hahaha!

    Just caught up on season 1 of The Americans. Can't remember if it's been mentioned here. Set in the Reagan era in Washington, DC, it's about deep-cover Directorate S Russian spies & their shenanigans.
    Just in time for season 2, which is starting next week.
  • I'm pretty sure you were watching a commercial for Pompeii.

    YES! I was just coming back to update that I remembered that the Oz character was Adibisi. And that IMDB page has him listed on there, so this must be it.

    Yeah, it was probably a commercial I was watching. I forgot that I saw a few of them when I was over at my in-laws recently. I kind of recall seeing a commercial from some dumb movie that uses a mass tragedy as a vehicle for some kind of love story or something. I dunno. Actually, I wasn't paying attention to the commercial, so I can't even comment on what the commercial was about. I just remember seeing the actors and saying, "Hey, Oz and Game and Thrones in the same room!"
  • some dumb movie that uses a mass tragedy as a vehicle for some kind of love story or something
    Well, that narrows it down to about a thousand movies.
  • Well, that narrows it down to about a thousand movies.

    That number doesn't sound quite right. I'm pretty sure the number of movies I haven't seen that I despise is more than that.
  • A Mountain Goat's song at the end of the most recent episode of The Walking Dead, Woot!
  • Any anime watchers here?

    I am interested exploring certain genres of anime, and I would love to get whatever advice I can. Except for Jonah reading comic books, I don't think that this subject has been broached here.
  • edited March 2014
    My daughter is an anime fan and fan of Japanese culture. I'll get some tips from her. Based on what she has taught me so far, you should definitely watch My Neighbor Totoro, which is quite delightful, and in general look out for things directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Spirited Away and Ponyo are both films by that director that my daughter admires and we all enjoyed.
  • edited March 2014
    Thanks, GP. I've seen Totoro kicking around, and thought it looked interesting. I'm glad you approve it. As for recs I'm looking for: historical and slice of life stuff, no overwhelming violence in terms of amount, and nothing that will make me want to throw copies of Betty Friedan at people. If it makes a difference, I've been checking out Naruto, Aria, Peacemaker, and Count of Montecristo (Gankutsuou).
  • edited March 2014
    Anyone been watching True Detective on HBO? We are insane for this dark twisted show in our house. Matthew McConaughey is amazing, and I even like Woody Harrelson in it.
    Finally got the wife interested in Walking Dead, had a big catch-up marathon, but new season is a little disappointing so far. I don't like the non-synchronous split storylines.
    Edit - Doh! Thanks to Craig just below for mentioning House Of Cards - that was our other marathon recently. Wow, is all I'll say. Considering how nauseated I feel about politics and politicians currently, it says a lot that I can not only watch this show but really like it.
  • True Detective is on the DVR, and as soon as we finish up Masters of Sex (probably tonight), it'll move into the lineup alongside House of Cards. Really looking forward to it based on everything I've heard. Just need to keep avoiding spoilers after the finale tomorrow!

  • For once we must be getting True Detectives around the same time as you. Like Craig we've got it recorded so still to watch
  • Now three episodes into True Detective. Holy crap it's amazing. Dark enough that I'm afraid it'll collapse in on itself and form a black hole, but amazing.

    Up next is episode 4, which from my Twitter feed after it first aired is ridiculously great.

  • edited March 2014
    Hubby was watching the end of the season^ the other night. It did look good! It was too far into it for me to make sense of it. Will have to set up the Tivo to catch re-runs.
    The ending credits song was pretty cool - "The Angry River (feat. Father John Misty & S. I. Istwa)".
  • Yay True Detective. Twisted stuff. Used to live where it takes place more or less.
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