Well, with with some warmer weather I've been able to get a shovel into the compost pile and get my first digs into the season. Plus, the Bohemian Waxwings have been murmuring around the neighbourhood for awhile so it's a perfect time for... Pausal 2012 Forms 2017 Avifaunal
Ps I'd be remiss if I didn't Thank @Germanprof for the introduction. Terrific start to this morning.
I was only able to get the Corner & Knowles tracks from Ubu as the George Brecht track listed as Das "Hsin Hsin Ming" Des Seng Ts'an is actually an excerpted track from the Flux Tellus compilation with James Tenney.
Ps- These were a most enjoyable listen and the Alison Knowles track Bean Sequences • Bohnen-Sequenzen will certainly show up again in this years garden rotation!
- "This new, extended reading by Mats Gustafsson and Fire! Orchestra of
the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki´s seminal "Actions For
Free Jazz Orchestra" (1971) was commissioned by the Sacrum Profanum
festival in Kraków in 2018. The idea was to place this classic piece in a
contemporary setting, with a new approach and a new body of sound.
However, the original score was used as a platform for the new reading,
connecting history with the present.The first performance of
"Actions For Free Jazz Orchestra" took place in 1971 at Donaueschingen
and featured the New Eternal Rhythm Orchestra, 14 international jazz
heavyweights assembled by Don Cherry for the occasion and conducted by
The composer had heard the Globe Unity Orchestra a couple
of years earlier and was fascinated by the possibilites of working with
musicians from a different background and with other perspectives than
he was used to from the classical world. The challenge for all involved
was to find the right balance between composition and improvisation. The
idea was initially met with some scepticism from the musicians, but
this soon gave way to acceptance and even great eagerness.
Orchestra´s instrumentation is almost identical to that of 1971, the
main difference being a tuba replacing one of the trombones. Also worth
noticing is that the new reading clocks in at 40 minutes, considerably
longer than the 1971 version."
Gareth Dickenson - Quite a Way Away
and get my first digs into the season. Plus, the Bohemian Waxwings have been murmuring
around the neighbourhood for awhile so it's a perfect time for...
2012 Forms 2017 Avifaunal
Ps I'd be remiss if I didn't Thank @Germanprof for the introduction. Terrific start to this morning.
Philip Corner
1994 Earth Breath 1996-97 java improvs
archive.org archive.org
archive.org Emusic
Ps This will take some time, but I seem to have lots of that.
1992 Gong / Orella : Ears in Catalunya archive.org
Through Two More-Than-Mysterious Barricades 2015 PoorManMusic
2014 (Improvizations After François Couperin)
Julia Kent Green and Grey (Expanded)
Sorry about the size of the image I don't appear to be able to change it.
think about pounding fence posts......I can't wait to get into the garden.
Philip Corner from UbuWeb
1990 Philip Corner/Alison Knowles/George Brecht 1997 Word - Voices
- Fluxus
I was only able to get the Corner & Knowles tracks from Ubu as the George Brecht track
listed as Das "Hsin Hsin Ming" Des Seng Ts'an is actually an excerpted track from the
Flux Tellus compilation with James Tenney.
Ps- These were a most enjoyable listen and the Alison Knowles track
Bean Sequences • Bohnen-Sequenzen will certainly show up again
in this years garden rotation!
Rachel Dadd - Flux
Today trying to hear albums that have not be played on my MP3
1993 Rift Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, 03.06.09
The Physics House Band
2013 Horizons / Rapture 2014 Horizons / Rapture: Remixed
Emusic Free
2014 Mercury Fountain (Bonus Version) 2019 Death Sequence
Emusic, Emusic Emusic
Released 28.02.20
2011 Sleeping In The Opiate Forest 2012 Other Ghosts
Free Free
2012 Young Galaxy 2013 Singularity
nyp nyp