What are you listening to right now? (part 5)



  • edited April 2011
    "Ramada Inns in Rochester, Cleveland, and Tucson"!?! Awesome.


    Starting the day off with some power pop.

    I think Styx may be next so that I can get a (fake) feel for the awesomeness of Your Kinda People.

  • HE WASN'T THE STYX GUY! That was a joke. He just had the same hair as the Styx guy. I'm sure he would have liked to be in Styx if they'd called him, though.

    Here he is singing with Warlord: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ9vQVjL_q8. BUT note that the guy in the picture isn't our boy...he was the original Damien King ("Damien King I"). I'm sure some Warlord fans will be along presently to straighten me out if any of this is wrong.

    Meanwhile, something better that was going on in the 80s:

  • Doofy - That's why I said "(fake) feel". Surely the hair alone demonstrates that they sound the same doesn't it?

  • I am going to go grab @FakeStyx on Twitter right now.
  • The first post needs to be, "I'm so sick of living with Lorelei. Brighter than the stars forever, my ass."


    You thought I was kidding, didn't you?

  • ]

    Bizarro psych-folk recommended by Dying For Bad Music. Free.
  • edited April 2011
    From Bas van Huizen's co. curator at the Etherkreet label:

    Ezra Jacobs - Atonotoop

    - Released 21 December 2009 - 4 euros @ Bandcamp.

    "Atonotoop is a music composition made by Ezra Jacobs, which was recorded at the wavefield synthesis loudspeaker-system in the Scheltema Complex in Leiden, The Netherlands. This specialized system consists of 192 loudspeakers and allows the user to place sounds with great precision on a two-dimensional plane between the speakers. For this composition, the loudspeaker-system was used to diffuse densely layered masses of sound which would otherwise lose definition and impact on a conventional loudspeaker-system. As a result, the spatial diffusion and the trajectories in which the sound-masses move within the soundfield become integral part of the musical structure. In this compositon, larger sound-masses form the framework; within, layers of smaller tone-events & details have space to develop and provide textural interest.

    The title of the piece refers to this mechanism and the central role that sound-spatialization plays: tonotopy describes how a sound's spatial information is picked up by the inner human ear and passed on to the brain - this process occurs in the spiral-shaped cochlea, within which different areas of nerve-tissue correspond to different sound "positions". As a result, the literal "placement" of sound on these areas in the cochlea dictates how we perceive spatial information such as distance, height and angle."
  • 51Aim%2B7aUaL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

    When I'm sad, I also slide.

  • edited April 2011
    Played these in my car today whilst visting my parents



    Now playing this, having heard the first track on the radio thirty minutes or so ago. It reminded how good a vocalist she was

  • edited April 2011
    - Streaming from Bandcamp:

    Our Ceasing Voice - When The Headline Hit Home

    - A band from Austria, sounds like a mix between a band from the Lost Children netlabel and a band from the Swedish doom & gloom label Cold Meat Productions, spiced with a dash of Explotions in the Sky.
    - Very nice, actually. . .
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    Art of Noise - (Who's Afraid of) the Art of Noise

  • 417Ma-teJzL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    Thanks Guvera - and Guvera time should be coming again soon...
  • - Streaming from Bandcamp:
    (not yet released)

    - Oh Man !
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    One to remember if you wind up with a spare Guvera credit!
  • edited April 2011
    Kindly recommended by Dr. Mutex @ the Bandcamp thread:

    - Very charming - Thanks !
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    Fela Friday!
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    Sun Shifts by White Rainbow. NYOP.
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    - Sooooo good ! ! !
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    One of my favorites because of the heavy use of the keys.
  • edited April 2011

    A very enjoyable (in spite of I know somebody here had a big rant about hating Mainstream) Amie find; available for $2.67 at the above link to Amazon.
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    A likeable singer-songwriter-y thing from amie.
This discussion has been closed.