What are you listening to right now? (#10 - For everything, everything, everything)



  • edited January 2013
    Galun - Meltwith Myvoice EP
    - "FUSELab presents something quite different. A pack of really stunning tunes for Moscow-based producer Galun - and it's all made by voice, believe it or not.

    Meltwith Myvoice could be easily described as abstract beatbox or something like that but the things go really much further with the variety of sonic decisions Galun presents. Ambient, glo-fi, beats, boogie - whatever you may hear - the goal is it's all naturally born with a man tongue, teeth and everything you my find in your mouth, if it was digital enough."
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    First Impression by Mikhail Alperin, John Surman
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    Perfect for making a big pot of New Mexico green chile stew for New Year's
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    Chris & Cosey - Collectiv Three: An Elemental Rendevous
  • edited January 2013

    - Takes my breath away . . .
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    God MC.

    Via Guvera.

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    And it's companion:


    Both GU!
  • @BT - was just poking around at G and noticed they have Strict Tempo by Richard Thompson - all instrumental, Brit/Celtic stuff. Have you heard it? If not I think you'd like.
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    Gunshae - The Lost Cascadian Suite
    Kuma (Transmissions)
    Lady Eve (Oboe)
    Vanessa Stovall (Harp)

    - "The Lost Cascadian Suite is Gunshae’s celestial anthem for the Pacific Northwest, in four parts. This is a collection of sub-aquatic ambient for the tribes of the Cascadian revolution. Far more laden with sub-bass than anything Gunshae has done to date, The Lost Cascadian Suite is what happens when free improv collides with classical orchestral training and is topped off with a life long passion for sound system music. Drift that can also make you vibrate."
    http://www.notype.com/drones/cat.e/pan_070/ - http://archive.org/details/pan070
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    Thanks to an Amazon sale.

    BT, thanks for pointing out that Billy Preston; I'd never heard of it before, but anything connected to All Things Must Pass is something I want; I downloaded it immediately.
  • AMC: imagine if the Beatles had recorded "Sing One For the Lord."

    Big-D: Thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow.
  • edited January 2013

    It is good to be back after a busy two weeks or so - visting relatives, relatives visiting us, then my stepson moved, so helping there. Finally my two year old granddaughter had to go into hospital on Sunday with a chest infection - she's still there but getting much better. We've been looking after her four year old sister, but her nursery restarts this morning, so time to log-on. Lots of music to follow-up on too
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    Thanks BT
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    Again, thanks to BT
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    Thanks, BigD. Though not an entirely successful album, I feel that I'm learning a lot about Thompson's relationship with traditional music, and I find myself replaying specific moments to see how he articulates particular phrases. It's a great study of his work.
  • Streamin at Gu:
  • edited January 2013
    - Any Offthesky fans on this board ? ;-)

  • @BN, yes, got the email about that. Just as soon as I can psychologically justify spending money on music after the Guvera/Christmas splurge I'll be onto it!
  • Streaming some brilliant violin performance from composer and violinist Kurt Rohde from Soundcloud:
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    Struggling to keep up with Guvera - they have so little in the genres I know well, so I'm mostly getting jazz; but that means I have to research and listen to things to find out what I might like, and that's slower than the accumulation of credits right now...not that I'm not enjoying the jazz and learning a lot.

    If anyone stumbles across any interesting electronic/ambient/experimental things, do shout.
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    G. I'm getting behind with Guvera too, but only in terms of time to listen and space to store. I'm still not carrying a large backlog of credits, although getting a big Lee Perry box and and a big Gerry Mulligan set helped empty out some credits. Have you listened to much dub GP? I would argue that Lee Perry's more out there stuff is just as experimental as anything else, and it definitely has a strong sense of ambience.
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    Virgin Suicides Soundtrack by Air

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