"By the late-1970s, the Artifacts/yclept "collective" had tripled in size, with everyone involved intent on creating their own unique sound or sound language. From this distance, there's no way at all to begin to covey how many nights, days, and months of improvised experimentation went on deep inside the Capital of the Confederacy in the days between Altamont and the birth of MTV, but we stayed busy."
"In 1981, after the release of the first two Bomis Prendin flex-discs, Wm. Burke (aka Key Ring Torch), who was living in a coat closet under the stairs at the Bomis Prendin house in Arlington, decided to put his own stamp on the Artifacts product line and assembled and distributed a cassette compilation he named, “This Strange Little Cricket.” His intention then was clearly to illustrate that Bomis Prendin wasn’t an entirely unique agglomeration, but was instead part of a larger community of likeminded mad scientists."
Beatles- Rubber Soul. On hearing of the death of George Martin, the first track that came into my mind was In My Life from Rubber Soul, on which he plays the piano. This is one of my favourite Beatles' tracks. The rest of the album isn't bad too!
Very nice. And $2.70 on emusic US!
Erased Tapes Collection VII
Hmmmm ? I'm not sure I like this BBcode switched on . . .
- And the Header 1 and 2 has vanished.
I guess I need to catch up with the "update" thread - We are back to entering BBcode now?
The link button is inserting quotes around the link url - Delete the quotes and all works fine
It seems like uploading images is no longer possible
Thanks, @rostasi
"By the late-1970s, the Artifacts/yclept "collective" had tripled in size, with everyone involved intent on creating their own unique sound or sound language. From this distance, there's no way at all to begin to covey how many nights, days, and months of improvised experimentation went on deep inside the Capital of the Confederacy in the days between Altamont and the birth of MTV, but we stayed busy."
"In 1981, after the release of the first two Bomis Prendin flex-discs, Wm. Burke (aka Key Ring Torch), who was living in a coat closet under the stairs at the Bomis Prendin house in Arlington, decided to put his own stamp on the Artifacts product line and assembled and distributed a cassette compilation he named, “This Strange Little Cricket.” His intention then was clearly to illustrate that Bomis Prendin wasn’t an entirely unique agglomeration, but was instead part of a larger community of likeminded mad scientists."
"Here's his evidence."
Going to but that Andreas Soderstrom album, sounds wonderful
Brand new from Ninja Tune:
Throwing Shade - House Of Silk
Tegh - Night Scenes
One of the artists from that Iranian experimental compilation.
Thomas Köner - Tiento de la Luz
Thanks, @Brighternow.
Abul Mogard - Schleißen 1
ETA, Soundcloud streaming, you are so great, but why do you always think after my playlist is done that I want to listen to some dancy funky beats?
... and I guess while we're looking out death's window,
I'll play some Tuxedomoon as well...