7 Digital Sale



  • That King Tubby may well need to be in my collection. Thanks for pointing it out!

  • edited December 2011
    Hmm, 5 disc set focusing one disc on each of five artists - Jazz - The Essential Collection, Vol.1, 6 hours, $9.99 - $36 Amazon, $29 eMu. The artists here being King Oliver, Jelly Roll Morton, Bessie Smith, Sidney Bechet, and Fletcher Henderson. Nice songs, might be a question of overlap for those with collections of any of these artists already.
    Amazon has a Vol.2, 3, and 4 but I don't find them on either 7dig 0r eMu.
  • That EMA album is a winner.
  • This is weird: every album on sale on the Advent calendar is about the same price at Amazon. That's far from coincidental.
  • I have some recollection of there being a lot of coinkidink going on last year as well.
  • For today it's John Maus "We Must Become Pitiless Censors of Ourselves" for $3. One of their more tempting deals for me anyway.
  • Yeah, a good one, a better price, and it's not cheap on amazon either, or I don't think even available on emu.
  • edited January 2012
    Well.....Bah! Humbug!
    Now that we got that out of the way, I found another of those 4 CD JSP sets for $8.99 I don't think has been posted before - J.E.Mainer - Classic Sides 1937-1941 - whom the album cover describes as "One of the most influential figures in Appalachian music". Being no expert in Appalachian music myself I don't know if that's a righteous description or not.

    Woo hoo! Let's add this Lonnie Johnson box - A Life In Music - Selected Sides 1925-1953 - again $8.99. My Lonnie Johnson collection is all over the place, being as he recorded a lot, so I might get this though I'm sure there's bound to be overlap.

    Hello, Memphis Minnie, Queen of Country Blues. Oh, hell yeah.
  • It's accurate. He was the source for many old-time tunes. Unfortunately, his brother, Wade Mainer, passed away a few month ago.
  • Just a Post-It in case I have some urge to go far afield on this one some day - Handel:Agrippina by Rene Jacobs and Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin, harmonia mundi. $9.99 here, no special bargain but cheaper than Amazon, as I suspect some of their other harmonia mundi operatic offerings are. Another version by Capella Savaria and Nicholas McGegan.
  • $5 sale on the new Chick Corea/Paul Motian Further Exploration, a 2-disc live Bill Evans tribute. Automatic for me!
  • Well, the new site is up today. Interesting contrast of styles to our other friends. What I tried out worked - including the 7 Digital Player which will stream your purchases - what a concept. Only advice - log in before you go to the player, it will be faster.
  • We've had a beta option over here for three months or so, running in parallel to the old version. Now, that is how I would assume all such sites should do it! And it is readable and searchable. In the early days of the beta they had a very light grey background but that was changed after customer responses I assume.
  • edited January 2012
    Well, the front page looks like eMu's ... but in white. It also seem like they're making a bigger deal of editorial content.

    Some warning: the new site doesn't seem to work with the downloader. I had to get my purchases via .zip, which was much slower.
  • I've just downloaded their free single of the week OK over here, but your site might be diffeent. Searching was a lot less clunky than emusic
  • The new site looks good, but while 7dig is doing some things right, search is not among them! Simple search only, without the capability to refine results, search by label, etc. (At least in the US.) You can't even browse by genre on the new site.

    Haven't seen the player, but the locker is obviously great. Crazy how eMu is lagging behind on that, just when everybody else is offering it.
  • @Doofy - maybe you haven't got the full feature set yet?? It does seem strange....
  • Yardbird fans? 5 disc set, $31.99 at Amazon. Whatdya know? $9.99 at 7dig - Glimpses - a mixture of live cuts, studio cuts, and interview. Haven't had time to digest as to how much of their studio output, and from which eras, is included, but I will report back once I have. I won't be downloading it from my Locker until I get home, and my antiquated laptop here can't handle the Player.
  • edited February 2012
    £7.99 in the UK. The sound quality on much of it is not that good - it could almost have been taped at performances by a member of the audience. The best quality is the final CD, BBC broadcasts, but almost certainly mono. Several tracks are alternate takes of the same song at different venues/broadcasts. Most of the interviews possibly were taped from live radio. But as an historical piece at this price it is good value for a fan or someone interested in the early career of people like Eric Clapton or Jimmy Page. Therefore I'll probably buy it! Thanks BDB
    Three years in the making an Official box set of rarities and unheard material. It also documents the bands transition from RnB stalwarts in the beginning into the Pop world and ultimately on to more experimental sounds and lastly to become a type of blueprint for what was to become Led Zeppelin. Features the most complete set of BBC recordings fully Re-Mastered. Includes material featuring all three of the yardbirds legendary guitarists Eric Clapton , Jeff Beck & Jimmy Page
  • edited February 2012
    Greg, listened to some samples at Amazon - agree some sound very dodgy. I am a Jeff Beck freak however besides a Yardbirds fan, so this is a must have for me. Found it because one of the Amazon $5 MP3s of the month is this Yardbirds comp from Charly, which would not be a bad starter kit for anyone who needed it, and went looking at the band listing. I have the feeling some of the BBC tracks are duplicated on this CD I have - BBC Sessions - but that's OK.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm more of a Eric Clapton fan, BDB,than Jeff Beck, but I'll still probably buy at this price, despite any sound issues. In some ways it reminds me, quite affectionately, of the music, in terms of sound quality, that I listened to at the time on am radio through a small transistor radio! I probably heard many of those BBC sessions at the time on that radio. In those days the Musicians Union would only allow the BBC to play a limited amount of recorded music (other than Radio Luxembourg in the evening) the BBC was then the only radio station in the UK and even they only had a few pop music programmes - the best well known being Saturday Club and its Sunday equivalent, Easy Beat. Both had some amazing live sessions. I remember hearing the Rolling Stones playing The Little Red Rooster, some real blues,compared to their normal R n' B, probably my first introduction to the Blues, when I must have been 13 or 14
  • edited February 2012
    Can't say I know that much about this band, The Meteors, but this 5 disc set, $41.99 at Amazon, is $9.99 at 7dig - Kings of Psychobilly - a 5 Disc Career Retrospective. Liked the samples, so I'll have to see if I've got some tunes from comps in my collection. Edit - yeah, from Halloween garage type comps, and 2 songs from an album called Live Styles Of The Sick And Shameless. Cramps style groove.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm just going to harp on these 2 opera releases once again - The Legendary Performances of Franco Corelli, and The Legendary Performances of Renata Tebaldi - both 14 disc sets, comprising seven complete operas each, around 13 hours each, both still $9.99 at 7dig. I only reprise this post because I see these are $117 now at Amazon, and I found them very much satisfactory within the constraints of slightly vintage opera recordings. They aren't even a deal, they're a steal.

    Have we covered this one? Dvorak - Symphonies 1-9 by the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra on Supraphon, $9.99, $40 something Amazon.

    4 disc A Treasury of Gregorian Chants, $9.99 7dig, Amazon $33.99.

    Berlioz:Les Troyens - 4 disc London Symphony Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis. $9.99 7dig, $28.99 Amazon.

    Here is yet another 14 disc Der Ring Des Nibelungen, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra conducted by Christian Thielemann, for $9.99, $83.49 at Amazon. A more modern recording compared to the previous finds.

    12 disc Frescobaldi:Complete Published Works For Keyboard, $9.99 7dig, Amazon $75.
  • edited February 2012
    File this under I'll think about it later - Alan Lomax in Asturias, November 1952, $9.99. Have the feeling it's more elsewhere. Ahh, nope, it's $8.99 at Amazon, and $6.49 at eMu (no wonder it looked familiar).

    Just in case anyone needs 10 CDs worth of German Beerdrinking Music, for only $9.99 (before you chortle in your brat it's $83.99 at Amazon).

    On a way, I say way, more serious note Power Show by Fela Kuti is $9.99 - this is 7 discs worth, 7:45, and $58.99 at Amazon. Was this one of those Fela Kuti comps that were momentarily mispriced over at eMu? Because I don't know where I got this from.

    Also, know nothing about this $8.99 release - Angola The 100 Greatest Songs of the 60's and 70's, 6 discs, 5+ hours, except that it is $50 at Amazon, $35 at eMu with some positive reviews.

    Umm, this one is Indian, that much I can safely say - Thiruvaasagam, 9 discs, 10 hours, $9.99. $65.49 at Amazon.

    It's Greek to me - The Complete Vasilis, 8 Discs, 5 hours, $9.99. $57.99 at Amazon. Oh, just listened to some samples at Amazon - very, very Greek.
  • BigD, Thanks for the German Beer Drinking Music recommendation, but after having lived in Bavaria for twelve years I think I've had my fill. Of the music at least, certainly not the beer.
  • @BigD, thankfully, Germany also has music that is not beer drinking music. For Germany at least I'll keep the beer and the music separate.
  • Here's the label's description of the Angola collection. A translation of the Portuguese will have to wait. The label has several other large collections--it might be worthwhile to see if they are also cheap at 7dig.
  • Also on Difference: Mediterraneo 4 3/4 hours for $8.99.
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