Favourite Rock Albums from the late 60s and early 70s



  • edited October 2023
    stewrat said:
    And Mythos's s/t first album from 1972. Talk about a weird album cover but the music is really good.

    Mythos by Mythos Album Krautrock Reviews Ratings Credits Song list -  Rate Your Music
    The cover shares some elements with Rick Griffin's cover art,
    Yes, it does indeed. Interestingly, on checking at the Discogs website, it apparently was done by "Gil Funccius......a Berlin artist, first documented with left-wing underground publications.......(who) went on to develop a unique and visionary style of album cover art that graces many albums of the Krautrock era"

  • edited November 2023
    Late rather than early 70s, the Zuehl band Weidorje s/t album.

    The band included two ex Magma members and the album is rated No. 10 by ProgArchives for the year 1978.

    WEIDORJE - Weidorje  Amazoncomau  Music
  • edited November 2023
    "Where? (In Conclusion)" by Progressive Rock band RAM.

    A 1972 album which is a heady mix of Psych and Progressive Rock

    Where In Conclusion CDs  Vinyl - Amazoncom
  • edited November 2023
    It is a holiday weekend in Melbourne, surely the only city in the world which has a public holiday for a horse race - the Melbourne Cup!

    So, I am sitting listening to great music whilst looking out at a beautiful view of the ocean down at Lorne along the Great Ocean Road.

    To start with, an obscure album that I came across recently and really enjoyed, New York Psych/Hard Rock group Sabattis’s 1970 album “Warning In The Sky”.

  • edited November 2023
    And another obscure one, the 1970 Jungle s/t album

  • edited November 2023
    My third early 1970s album for the day is the absolutely fabulous Krautrock album from 1975, “Broken Door” by German band Prosper

    A ProgArchives contributor says “Here is a real cool album that I am sure 70's Prog jam fans will love from start to finish! Prosper is not a typical Krautrock outfit from the 70's and sounds a lot more British than anything else. Musically Prosper is a mix of King Crimson with bits of Mahavishnu, Ash Ra Temple and Pink Floyd”. 

  • I have an alphabetical list of some choice Italian Progressive Rock that I'll be listening to on random beginning tomorrow (I have a dinner date tonight). I know there's some missing (Goblin?), but this should keep me occupied for a while.

    143 artists / 192 tracks / 22 hours

    01    Acqua Fragile - Science Fiction Suite    5:53    1973
    02    Acqua Fragile - Bar Gazing    5:01    1974
    03    Adriano Monteduro - Suoni Di Umanita'    4:08    1974
    04    Agora - La Bottega Di Duilio    5:38    1976
    05    Aktuala - When the Light Began    11:42    1972
    06    Albero Motore - Cristoforo Colombo    6:16    1974
    07    Alphataurus - Ripensando E...    6:34    1973
    08    Alusa Fallax - Per Inziare Una Vita    4:19    1974
    09    Antares - My Girl Friend    6:14    1979
    10    Apoteosi - Embrion    2:36    1975
    11    Apoteosi - Prima Realtà    8:29    1975
    12    Area - Gioia E Rivoluzione    4:36    1974
    13    Ash (Italy) - Easy Game    5:30    1979
    14    Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Ne Piu Di Un Albero Non Meno Di Una Stella    7:59    1978
    15    Biglietto Per L'inferno - Ansia    4:09    1974
    16    Blocco Mentale - La Nuova Forza    7:36    1973
    17    Blue Phantom - Equivalence    2:36    1971
    18    Buon Vecchio Charlie - Evviva La Contea Di Lane    6:32    1972
    19    Campo Di Marte - Ii Tempo (Riflessione Parte Ii)    3:24    1973
    20    Capitolo 6 - L Ultima Notte    11:32    1972
    21    Capricorn College - Anatomia Di Una Notte    7:20    1972
    22    Capricorn College - Orfeo 2000    4:58    1972
    23    Capsicumred - Patetica    14:24    1971
    24    Celeste - Eftus    4:09    2015
    25    Celeste - Fireflies in the Grass    3:18    2015
    26    Cervello - Trittico    7:19    1973
    27    Cherry Five - The Picture of Dorian Gray    8:00    1975
    28    Cherry Five - Il Tempo Del Destino    4:05    2015
    29    Citta Frontale - Equilibrio Divino    6:37    1975
    30    Claudio Rocchi - Volo Magico #1    18:29    1971
    31    Crystals - Sad Story    5:39    2003
    32    Dalton - La Donna E Il Bambino    9:21    1974
    33    De De Lind - Fuga E Morte    7:19    1973
    34    Delirium - Dio Del Silenzio    2:59    1974
    35    Delirium - Sequenza I E Ii (Ipocrisia - Verita )    3:36    1971
    36    Delirium - Fuorilegge    4:15    2015
    37    Delirium - Haum! (Single)    3:21    1972
    38    Edgar Allan Poe - Ad Un Vecchio    6:53    1975
    39    Emilio Locurcio - Dal Finestrino Del Treno    4:50    1977
    40    Eneide - Cantico Alle Stelle - Traccia I    2:51    1972
    41    Enzo Capuano - Enzo Capuano - 01 - Una Forma Di Vita    7:58    1975
    42    Era Di Acquario - Campagne Siciliane    3:34    1973
    43    Era Di Acquario - Statale 113    2:54    1973
    44    Errata Corrige - Siegfried (Leggenda)    7:08    1976
    45    Etna - Golden Idol    8:59    1975
    46    Exploit - Un Bambino...Un Re    4:00    1972
    47    Festa Mobile - Aristea    5:00    1973
    48    Flea - L'angelo Timido    5:56    1972
    49    Flea on the Honey - Mother Mary    7:26    1971
    50    Formula 3 - Liberta' Per Quest'uomo    5:36    1973
    51    Franco Battiato - Sequenze E Frequenze    16:22    1973
    52    Garybaldi - Madre Di Cose Perdute    20:26    1972
    53    Garybaldi - Il Giardino Del Re    9:15    1972
    54    Garybaldi - Dolce Come Sei Tu    5:19    1972
    55    Genfuoco - Galassie    7:05    1979
    56    Gleemen - Shilaila Dea Dell'amore    4:14    1970
    57    Gruppo D'alternativa - La Tua Lotta    8:20    1972
    58    Guercia - N    7:20    1982
    59    Horus - Sottoterra    3:02    1978
    60    Hunka Munka - Io Cantero Per Te    4:40    1972
    61    I Cocai - Le Mie Storie    8:33    1978
    62    I Dik Dik - Donna Paesaggio    4:02    1972
    63    I Flashmen - Cercando La Vita    10:12    1971
    64    I Giganti - Tanto Va La Gatta Al Lardo Su E Giu    7:43    1971
    65    I Leone - Sesso    3:00    1971
    66    I Leone - L'alba    3:13    1971
    67    I Pooh - Fantasia    3:18    1966
    68    I Raminghi - Donna Hai Ragione Tu    9:10    1971
    69    I Teoremi    Nuvola - Che Copri Il Sole    5:30    1972
    70    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 1 Vision of Majesty)    3:41    1974
    71    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 2 Travelling the Spectrum of the Soul) 5:55    1974
    72    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 3 The Valley of Mists)    4:53    1974
    73    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 4 Vision Fulfilled)    4:37    1974
    74    Il Balletto Di Bronzo - Ti Risveglierai Con Me    2:40    1970
    75    Il Giro Strano - Il 13° Transistor    12:24    1973
    76    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - Il Suono Del Silenzio    3:32    1973
    77    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - Mi Sono Svegliato E...Ho Chiuso Gli Occhi    3:56    1973
    78    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - La Mia Musica    4:09    1973
    79    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - Non Io    6:12    1972
    80    Il Volo - Sonno    4:10    1974
    81    J.E.T. - Il Prete E Il Peccatore    11:07    1972
    82    J.E.T. - Sinfonia Per Un Re    7:58    1972
    83    Jacula - Jacula Varzer    6:26    1972
    84    Janus - Al Maestrale    5:24    1978
    85    Jumbo - E' Brutto Sentirsi Vecchi    6:33    1972
    86    Jumbo - 40 Gradi    6:41    1973
    87    Kaleidon - Free Love    4:49    1973
    88    La Pentola Di Papin - Introduzione    9:47    1977
    89    La Pentola Di Papin - Conclusioni    4:08    1977
    90    La Seconda Genesi - Dimmi Padre    8:01    1972
    91    La Statale 17 and Emphasis - La Piramide Del Potere    7:47    1978
    92    Laser - Vita Sul Pianeta    5:28    1973
    93    Latte E Miele - Itestimoni Part1 & Part2    8:17    1972
    94    Latte E Miele - Menestrello    5:09    1976
    95    Latte E Miele - Pavana    23:26    1976
    96    Le Mani - Il Palazzo    6:06    1976
    97    Le Orme - Sguardo Verso Il Cielo    4:11    1971
    98    Le Orme - Ad Gloriam    5:33    1969
    99    Le Orme - Sorona    2:28    1973
    100    Le Orme - L'equilibrio    3:42    1973
    101    Le Orme - Storia O Leggenda    5:07    1977
    102    Le Stelle Di Mario Schifano - Susan Song    3:48    1967
    103    Leo Nero - La Bambola Rotta    7:02    1977
    104    L'estate Di San Martino - S.E.N.O.    7:29    2012
    105    Living Life - Let, From Experience to Experience    35:45    1975
    106    Locanda Delle Fate - A Volte Un Istante Di Quiete    6:28    1977
    107    Locanda Delle Fate - Profumo Di Colla Bianca    8:26    1977
    108    Locanda Delle Fate - La Giostra    7:28    2012
    109    Luciano Basso - Mattino    3:53    1978
    110    L'uovo Di Colombo - Anja    4:38    1973
    111    Maad - Giugno '75    11:58    1976
    112    Madrugada - Mandrax    9:56    1974
    113    Mamma Non Piangere - Spostamenti    4:12    2016
    114    Mario Panseri - Quegli Occhi Spalancati    4:56    1973
    115    Mario Panseri - Il Primo Amico - Volto Di Donna    6:06    1973
    116    Maschera Di Cera - La Guerra Dei Mille Anni    4:30    2013
    117    Maxophone - Mercanti Di Pazzie    5:52    1975
    118    Metamorfosi - Lussuriosi    3:14    1973
    119    Mo.Do. - Tramonto    4:51    1980
    120    Murple - Antartide    17:16    1974
    121    Museo Rosenbach - Il Terzo Occhio    5:37    2000
    122    Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra Parts 1,2,3,4&5  20:32    1973
    123    Musica & Parole - Frose E' Furia    9:55    1975
    124    Napoli Centrale - Viecchie, Mugliere, Muorte E Criaturi    9:17    1975
    125    New Trolls - Concerto Grosso No.2 - 3 Tempo - Moderato (Fare You Well Dove)    4:12    1976
    126    Nomadi - Ho Difeso Il Mio Amore    4:04    1994
    127    Nova - Vimana    7:20    1976
    128    Nuova Idea - Il Giardino Dei Sogni    5:16    1971
    129    Nuova Idea - Realta    4:09    1971
    130    Odissea - Il Risveglio Di Un Mattino    4:16    1973
    131    Odissea - Conti E Numeri    4:33    1973
    132    Officina Meccanica - Suite Bambini Innocenti    6:50    1973
    133    Opus Avantra - Les Plaisirs Sont Doux - Nel Piccolo Giardino    3:36    2010
    134    Opus Avantra - L'altalena    5:35    2010
    135    Orchestra Njervudarov - Tot Stelle Reflex    4:19    1979
    136    Osage Tribe - Hajenhanhowa    9:38    1971
    137    Osage Tribe - Can’t Find My Way Home    5:16    2013
    138    Osanna - Tema    4:44    1972
    139    Osanna - Oro Caldo    18:27    1972
    140    Pangea - Xanadu    10:55    1976
    141    Panna Fredda - La Paura    6:02    1979
    142    Paolo Rustichelli & Carlo Bordini - Un Cane    5:20    1973
    143    Perigeo - Abbiamo Tutti Un Blues Da Piangere    6:05    1973
    144    PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi) - Lisola Di Niente    10:48    1974
    145    PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi) - Via Lumiere    7:13    1974
    146    Pfm (Premiata Forneria Marconi) - Impressioni Di Settembre    5:44    1972
    147    Pholas Dactylus - Pholas Dactylus - 01 - Parte 1    29:16    1973
    148    Piero E I Cottonfields - E' Mia Madre    4:30    1972
    149    Planetarium - Life    7:04    1971
    150    Preghiera Di Sasso - Praxis    5:11    1975
    151    Procession - C'era Una Volta    8:03    1974
    152    Procession - Fiaba    5:26    1974
    153    Procession - Citta Grande    5:12    1972
    154    Psycheground Group - Traffic    6:00    1970
    155    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - San Francisco California    8:08    1977
    156    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - Le Refuge Du Temps    5:31    2000
    157    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - Flowing Down the River    3:14    2000
    158    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - Overture    8:31    1994
    159    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - El Shadday    3:27    1994
    160    Quella Vecchia Locanda - Villa Doria Pamphili    5:26    1974
    161    Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno - Un Palco Di Marionette    8:49    1972
    162    Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno - Il Mondo Cade (Su Di Me)    6:50    1972
    163    Reale Accademia Di Musica - Il Mattino    9:22    1972
    164    Richard Last Group - Confusion (Rare B Side)    1:52    1972
    164    Richard Last Group - He Has Gone Away (Rare A Side)    3:05    1972
    165    Rocky's Filj - Io Robot    7:41    1973
    166    Saint Just - Viaggio Nel Tempo    6:35    1974
    167    Salis - Dopo Il Buio... La Luce    7:40    1978
    168    Semiramis - La Bottega Del Rigattiere    6:01    1973
    169    Semiramis     - Frazz    5:09    1973
    170    Sensations' Fix - Fragments of Light    3:28    1974
    171    Sensations' Fix - Music in Painting in the Air    4:18    1974
    172    Sensitiva Immagine - Al Confini Del Mondo    10:24    1978
    173    Showmen 2 - Abbasso Lo Zio Tom    6:47    1971
    174    Simon Luca - Cercare Di Prendere Il Cielo    2:36    1973
    175    Simon Luca - Rinascita    5:51    1973
    176    Spittri - Terza Parte Essere    12:03    1972
    177    St. Tropez - Luna in Vergine    7:00    1992
    178    Stormy Six - La Manifestazione    6:27    1972
    179    Stormy Six - Il Barbiere    7:38    1977
    180    The Trip - Rhapsodia    20:02    1973
    181    Toto Torquati - Uomo Nasce Fiore Cresce Appassisce Muore    7:24    1973
    182    Triade - Caro Fratello    4:50    1973
    183    Triade - 1998 (Millenovecentonovantotto)    6:16    1973
    184    Ultima Spiaggia - Voglio Vivere    3:18    1975
    185    Underground Set - Underground the Blue    5:22    1970
    186    Uno - I Cani E La Volpe    4:01    1974
    187    Venegoni & Co - Libertà Definitiva    5:54    1977
    188    Venetian Power - Quando Dio Invento Il Mondo    4:11    1971
    189    Watch - And The Winner Is ...    10:11    2001
    190    Yleclipse - Convivium Mithrae    5:28    2012
    191    Zauber - Ipotesi    2:32    1978
    192    Zu - Xenitis    3:08    1999
  • @rostasi what a great list! Which would you rate as your Top Twenty bands out of that list?
  • edited November 2023
    Oh, I’m bad at “top” lists, - especially because I listen in a different way than a lot of people I know,
    but there are always bands that I come back to and are the usual “suspects” like Banco, PFM, Area,
    Le Orme, Alphatarus, Goblin, Battiato, Arti & Mestieri, Acqua Fragile, Sensations Fix, Osanna, a. o. -
    some of which aren’t even included here.
  • @rostasi Nice mix of some bands I know and a lot more I don't. Enjoy.
    FWIW @peterfrederics I've been a big fan Aktuala for years. Also Stormy Six but their political lyrics, obviously in Italian, are a stumbling block, the instrumental passages are Grade A Rock In Opposition..
  • @rostasi -  a quick scan tells me I don't recognize anyone but that won't discourage me from spending a morning or so exploring more things to catch up to this winter.
  • Some more not rock, but the right time line. Recently, I knew a TV game show question about a brothers band's album titled "Twist & Shout" from the 60's so I went to the archives to see if they had it there. They didn't have it but there were these. I have 6 of these on vinyl including Twist & Shout.
    The Isley Brothers

    This Old Heart Of Mine    1966  archive.org
    Soul On The Rocks          1967  archive.org
    It's Our Thing                  1969  archive.org (wrongly listed as It's Your Thing)
    The Brothers: Isley           1969  archive.org
    Get Into Something          1969  archive.org
    Givin' It Back                    1971  archive.org
    Brother, Brother, Brother 1972  archive.org
    The Isleys Live                 1973  archive.org
    3 + 3                               1973  archive.org
    Live It Up                         1974  archive.org
    The Heat Is On                 1975  archive.org
    Harvest For The World     1976  archive.org

    PS they also have a listing for Shout but the song titles don't match up with Discogs.
  • I couldn't let @rostasi 's list go by without checking one new to me artist at random. How about Glockenspiel Rock? Keyboard (and Glock!) heavy prog in that peculiar Italian fashion. Enjoying this quite a lot. Bonkers of course.

  • Joe Prichard and Gibraltar s/t Psychedelic Rock album from 1974.

    Joe Prichard and Gibraltar by Joe Prichard and Gibraltar Album Psychedelic  Rock Reviews Ratings Credits Song list - Rate Your Music
  • Danish band Blast Furnace's s/t 1971 Psychedelic Space Rock album 

    I would be surprised if this wasn't a favourite of @Brighternow as it features band members from one of his recommended bands Culpepper's Orchard

    Blast Furnace - Blast Furnace  Releases  Discogs
  • edited December 2023
    I am continually amazed about the number of outstanding albums issued in the late 60s and early 70s that one has never heard of!

    My latest discovery is the fabulous, quirky album "Piece of Mind" by Roger Bunn. Issued in 1971 

    AMG says "It's a delightfully weird-ass stream-of-consciousness creation, as much influenced by James Brown as Arthur Brown.......mixing soul horns, acid rock, freakbeat spaciness, jazz, and folk-pop (with elements of country and bluegrass showing up);......it all sounds cool and so magnificently laid-back that it seems too easy, low-wattage psychedelia with folk and jazz strains flowing through"


  • Steppenwolf s/t album from 1968 featuring the all-time classics "Born To Be Wild" and "The Pusher" which said it all for that great film "Easy Rider.

  • And why not listen to the whole soundtrack of "Easy Rider"!

  • edited December 2023
    Interesting 1970 Progressive Folk s/t album by English band Justine

    Progarchives says "An odd British psych folk band comprised at their peak of three female vocalists and a couple male guitar players, JUSTINE's music consisted of American West Coast acid pop combined with rather staid English contemporary folk, and blended with plenty of obvious psych influences. The result was an engaging blend of sounds that live on in their lone studio album.'

    Try the 2nd track "She Brings the Morning with Her" and 7th track "Uknown Journey"

  • edited December 2023
    Another big surprise from a band I had never heard of before, The Contents Are, with an excellent 1969 Psychedelic Rock album "Four Each Other" 

    The Contents Are - Four Each Other  Releases  Discogs
  • edited February 2024
    "Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy" a 1971 album with 14 "best of" by The Who.

    What a great album bringing back fabulous memories!

    "My Generation" still resonates in the way it did back in 1965 when I was in my teens although not so sure that I am keen on the lyric "Hope I Die Before I Get Old" any more!!!

    Is there a bad track in this album? Don't think so!

    Meaty Beaty Big  Bouncy - The Who

    Looks like me on the front doorstep!
  • Thanks to the archives I've put together a tribute to Damo Suzuki.(16 January 1950 - 9 February 2024) I only have 4 of these albums in my collection so I was happy to fill in some blanks. These are are also available through Bandcamp.

    German experimental rock band formed in Cologne circa 1968, initially as Inner Space and becoming "The Can" when fronted by American vocalist Malcolm Mooney. Can are well-known as one of the key pioneers of Krautrock, particularly during the era when fronted by Japanese singer Kenji "Damo" Suzuki who "turned their sound towards a crazy mixture of improvisation, noise, mantra and funk rhythms". They were constantly at the forefront of the Krautrock scene during their 10+ year history, composed music for films by directors including Roland Klick and Wim Wenders, and had an international hit with their pop satire single "I Want More" (1976). 

    The first Can member to go solo was Holger Czukay, and after Can split keyboard player Irmin Schmidt established a successful solo career. Other Can members also went solo and/or participated in other projects. In 1986 Czukay, Karoli, Mooney, Schmidt, and Liebezeit reformed, resulting in the album "Rite Time" (1989). In March 2003 Can received the German music industry's Echo Award for lifetime achievement. 

    Posthumously for some members, Can continue to inspire today and are blessed with a huge collection of tape recordings that have not seen the light of day. The Lost Tapes is part of this legacy, released in 2012, also known as Holger Czukay's pension fund. A new series is taking shape in the form of live recordings by long standing Can fans that shows the depth and wealth of the bands musical resolve.
    Delay 1968       archive.org                                  Monster Movie     archive.org
    Soundtracks      archive.org                                  Tago Mago     archive.org
    Ege Bamyasi     archive.org
    from the bigO audio archive (I can't get this link to work anymore)
    Future Days    archive.org                                     Soon Over Babaluma      archive.org
    Unlimited Edition       archive.org                         Landed      archive.org
    Flow Motion     archive.org
  • edited February 2024
    "Out Of The Blue" an excellent 1973 album by Australian Jazz/Prog Rock group "MacKenzie Theory" with outstanding guitar and viola playing.

    Start off by trying Track 4 "New Song" but all the tracks are really good

  • "Sea Of Joy" composed for a 1971 surfing film of the same name by Tully

    Sea Of Joy  Tully
  • I remember this movie, but have never seen this record - I'll need to search for it.   Thanks!
  • ^^^ not familiar with the movie or the sound track but it did make me think of Blind Faith.

    I found this Kaleidoscope at the archives while on a David Lindley hunt.
    Kaleidoscope  (Dan BridgmanEddy PumerPeter DaltreySteve Clark)
    English psychedelic folk and psychedelic rock band existing between 1967 and 1969. The group was formed in 1964 as The Sidekicks (8) and renamed to The Key (16) in 1965, they signed to Fontana in 1967 and released two albums as Kaleidoscope. Despite of massive airplay and touring they didn't have commercial success at the time but they retained a loyal fanbase. In 1970 they switched to the Vertigo label under the name Fairfield Parlour. A third Kaleidoscope album was recorded in 1971 but it was released only in 1991.
    Tangerine Dream       archive.org                         Faintly Blowing        archive.org
    Fairfield Parlour - From Home To Home

    and the David Lindley one.
     Kaleidoscope (originally The Kaleidoscope) was an American psychedelic folk and ethnic band who recorded 4 albums and several singles for Epic Records between 1966 and 1970
    Chris DarrowDavid LindleyJeffrey KaplanJohn VidicanMax BudaPaul LagosRon JohnsonSaul FeldthouseStuart Brotman
    Side Trips                                                             A Beacon From Mars     archive.org
    Incredible Kaleidoscope                                        Bernice
  • edited March 2024
    "Some Years: It's the Time of Colin Blunstone" a compilation derived from Colin Blunstone's post The Zombies albums, largely focusing on his outstanding 1971 album "One Year".

    AMG says "If Colin Blunstone had only recorded the hits by the Zombies (such as "Tell Her No", "Time of the Season" and "She's Not There") he should and would be a household name. However, Blunstone had an equally impressive solo career. This collection documents his excellent Epic/CBS sides, especially those from his exquisite One Year album...Blunstone's original "Caroline Goodbye.....very well may be the finest record of 1970."

    Some Years Its the Time of Colin Blunstone - Album by Colin Blunstone -  Apple Music

  • Clear Blue Sky s/t Progressive Rock album from 1971

    Clear Blue Sky Remastered Edition  Amazoncomau
  • Laura Nyro was one of my favourites from my vinyl years. My first album was New York Tendaberry and is probably still my favourite as I haven't heard the last couple yet. Eli And The Thirteenth Confession would be a close second.
    The First Songs                                                    Eli And The Thirteenth Confession
    New York Tendaberry                                           Christmas And The Beads Of Sweat
    Laura Nyro And Labelle – Gonna Take A Miracle   Smile
    Season Of Lights...Laura Nyro In Concert              Nested
    Mother's Spiritual                                                 Walk The Dog & Light The Light
    Angel In The Dark
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