What are you listening to right now? (part 4)



  • Just finished


    Now playing

  • @Dr. Mutex - Good choice with the Trente. When you're done with your coffee, it holds an entire bottle of wine!
    Trying to remind myself that I can listen to albums multiple times even out of the car. Alternating heavily between this and the new Iron & Wine.
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    - Monumental !
  • edited February 2011

    Just downloaded from Amazon. Thanks Kargatron and Thom
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    Just went to my institution's library and the media section were having a discarded record/cd sale. A lot of junk, but a lot of junk at 25c a throw. Like recovering a lost childhood. So I am now listening to a pile of classical samplers, 9 CDs worth for $2.25. If I find 5 tracks I like I'm ahead.
  • @greg - Glad you like it. IMO one of the greatest jazz albums of all time.
  • edited February 2011

    @thom - yes very much, it'll be played a few times over the next few days! I'll let you know how this goes
  • edited February 2011
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    Getting on late and starting at the wrong end of the bandwagon, but I really like this.
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    Thanks Bad Thoughts!
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    Kammerflimmer Kollektief - "Absencen"
  • edited February 2011
  • Thom, how is that? I saw it was The Wire pick for the year and am curious.
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    Model 500 - No UFO's

    My themes for this months download were James Blake, Bluegrass, and early Detroit Techno.
  • @amclark2 - I dig it. It's like a cross between the mid-90s techno of Autchre with the modern glitch-R&B/dubstep vibe.
  • edited February 2011
    @amclark: glad you like Rice. If you are trying to get more into Bluegrass, you should get the daily downloads from David Grisman's Acoustic Disc/Acoustic Oasis. It's a label that specializes in a variety of "Progressive Acoustic" genres, incudling Bluegrass, Klezmer, swing, and Gypsy Jazz. The daily dl can be a pain: it's listed on the home page, but you must search each of the individual pages to find the link to it (today's is on the Study page). Nonetheless, it's an easy way to get about 40-60 Bluegrass tracks each year.
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    Milt Jackson - "Opus de Jazz"
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    Thanks to the why I am staying thread. Bad Thoughts is this bluegrass? Whatever, I like it, and it's also quite a stretch from my normal listening. And I'll check out the daily download thing, although most days I don't turn on my home computer, and I don't download at work (except for emergencies like Amie disappearing.)
  • From the good old Amie days:

  • edited February 2011
    amclark, Check out this video of Ricky Skaggs and guests playing Rawhide. There's at least one guy who stands out, and not only because he's an Orthodox Jew. Andy Statman (mandolin but also clarinet) is really one of the most far out figures in Progressive Acoustic, blending Bluegrass, Jazz and Klezmer. He is a Monroe acolyte as well, but still manages to go way off into the stratosphere. ToasKokopelli would likely blanch at calling all but a select part of his work "Bluegrass." Yet there he is, taking liberties with Monroe's most iconic tunes, and bringing down the house in a way no one else in the star-studded line-up can do.

    Ultimately, Bluegrass his not how you play, but with whom you can share the spotlight.

    ETA: here's how Statman normally warps Rawhide:
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    Sometimes pop is just what the doctor ordered, and Duffy does it well.

  • edited February 2011
    Prompted by jonahpwll. Tasty. Hadn't listened to these guys in a while. (Less than $2 each at emu)
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