What are you listening to right now? (part 5)



  • edited May 2011
  • Still listening to Golevka. What a great album.
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    Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

    Still at the top of my list for best albums of the last few years.

  • edited May 2011
    J-Sparks at ReverbNation (11 tracks to play/download)

    Hip-Hop. Another of our fine local products. I learned of this artist when I found the insert and case (but no disc) for a CD single of Afrikan Kings when I was walking near the train station in Alexandria. Unusual promotion strategy, but it worked.

  • edited May 2011
    "While we wait for his upcoming album on Camomille's sister label Les Enregistrements Variables, Muhr offers us two songs reminding us, everything is going to be allright."
  • edited May 2011
    Streaming from Bandcamp:

    Logreybeam - Perhaps
    - Released 22 April 2011 on Les Enregistrements Variables.
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  • elwood, I picked up the Joe Cuba "Man and His Music" Fania set at the Borders sell-off, need to get that all imported. What, play an actual CD? Too much work...


    Thanks to whoever recc'd this, I'm enjoying it.
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    Atmosphere - The Family Sign

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    I think I picked this up among other Timeless albums on my mTraks trial.
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    Must have series if you like dance music at all. Every release has been fantastic so far.
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    Thumbs up for this funk-europop-electro-disco-dance freebie, thanks bremble!
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    5 years ago, I got the gutted version of this (missing all 10+ minute tracks) based on this dozen. Recently, on a lark, I put the album into one of the emu "Content Request" threads to try to get the long tracks added. Waddya know - it worked! And I got it as part of my $.99 month - which means all in all it turned out to be cheaper than if I'd gotten the long tracks back when long tracks were cheap.
  • ok, what am I missing with that Lizzy album? I filled in the form, but how do I get the album? Am I supposed to get an email?
  • Yes, e-mail. Mine showed up right away. Did you get the pop-up saying link would be e-mailed?
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    EMA - Past Life Martyred Saints

    Just listening to the two tracks I've gotten as free downloads to determine if it's worth the $5 to complete it. I think it is.

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    Comfortably Mine - Dominic Mancuso

    Listening to Dominic's website streaming, where there are 8 songs from this album. VERY impressive (IMO). Listen here
  • edited May 2011
    For the past hour or so, landscapers in the neighbors' yards on either side of me. They use the same service, so the yard guys descend every Tuesday about this time. Forgot what a pain that is when it's nice out and the windows are open.

    But now that has blown over, and so:


    Larry's podcast archive page. Gloriously insane...now 92 shows and counting!
  • Ok, now I got the email. 4 times.
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    Somehow I'd never heard of Lizzy before. Thank you very much Bremble for correcting that grievous oversight. Love the post punk.

  • Yeah, I'm absolutely done in by the french accent - just like Gomez Addams. I knew the original "Funky Stuff" by Kool and the Gang, but Lizzy's version - wow! My wife knows that I'm a sucker for her (and the original French ya-ya singers, too).
  • edited May 2011

    First play - just downloaded. She is certainly moving awy from her folk music roots...

    I've been away for work for a couple of days, lots of music played on two three hour car journeys. But biggest problem was that I could not connnect my (work) laptop to the wireless internet in the hotel. Apparently a recent Windows download now means that the Windows Firewall default option is that it automatically blocks any attempt to connect to an insecure wireless network. As it is a work machine I don't have administrator rights to change the settings, so it'll be straight to our IT department tomorrow to get that changed! I'd intended spending some free time on Monday updating my folk music thread - that will have to come later today.
  • Next up in the car will be

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