What are you listening to right now? (part 5)



  • Free @ the Free Music Archive:

    Recorded 2007-2009, on the Isle of Wight, La Ferriere aux Etangs, La Noe de Fendrement, & Buckfastleigh.

    (Instruments - Foot Harmonium, Indian Harmonium, Tenor Accordion, Toy Piano, Melodica, Balinese Xylophone, Violin, Viola, Banjo, Messiah Box, Ukulele, Euphonium, Harmonica, Voice, Acoustic & Classical Guitar, Bagpipes, Didjerydoo, Desk Bell, Mechanical Birds, Pixiphone, Horns, Recorder, Fife, Tibetan Flute, Kazoo, Autoharp, Cajon, Assorted Drums)
  • edited May 2011

    I know I only played it a few hours ago, but it warrants a second listen. Go to her website at http://www.eliza-carthy.com/index2.cfm to download a free track
  • edited May 2011

    Children of Lal Waterson and cousins of Eliza Carthy, who sings and plays on a couple of tracks
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    David Friesen (acoustic bass); Joe Henderson (sax); Paul Horn (flute); Chick Corea (piano); Paul Motian (drums); Airto Moreira (percussion).

    Pretty decent lineup!
  • edited May 2011

    You can hear 4 tracks for free at http://www.myspace.com/marthatilston[/url
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    This album contains one of my all time favourite tracks America. As an 18 year old when it first came out the idea of going out on a Greyhound to look for America really appealed. It still does over 40 years later!!
  • edited May 2011
    Stabil by Kangding Ray

    I think this was a victim of proximity effects. When I downloaded it some time back I had been listening to a lot of Alva Noto and then got this (apparently similar) and was disappointed. Now that it has come up in the rotation without being overshadowed by Noto's aesthetic, it's easier to hear it in its own right - and it's really rather good.
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    Thanks bremble!
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    Clams Casino - The Instrumental Mixtape
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    I've always thought Poe was underrated.

  • Isn't that the one that's partially based on House of Leaves? Apparently Mark Danielewski is her brother or something. That's probably one of my five favorite novels of the last 40 years. (I'd say 50 years, but I didn't really get into contemporary literature until the 70's, and at that point Philip K. Dick was already in serious decline.)

    As for me, let's see what's on at the moment...

  • It is indeed. They were released simultaneously if I remember correctly.

    I've always disagreed with that Pulp album cover, by the way. It's actually quite softcore.

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    Love that book too. Never heard the album though.
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    Crazy and great. From Amie Street, of course.
  • edited May 2011
    - Streaming from Bandcamp:
    Kim Boekbinder - The Impossible Girl

    - Definitely for Amanda Palmer fans - Thanks Bad Thoughts.
  • Whoa, new Eliza Carthy? Must check it out...

  • edited May 2011

    This should get me through the morning! One of my greatest (among many great) pickups from the great Guvera giveaway. Btw, they are tweeting a "new Guvera.com launch" next week...it will be cloud-ish.
  • edited May 2011

    "Swimming Alone" by Lorne David Thomson

    Free release from the ping things netlabel. So far a mixture of British school-sounding swirly electronic soundscapes and murky dance music. Not sure yet whether it's strong enough to post to the good free stuff thread. It's OK so far. The tones are a little too hard-edged for me.
    [Edit} Nah. Didn't make it through the album. Others might like it.
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  • edited May 2011
    Lucette Bourdin and Phillip Wilkerson - Coast to Coast
    Now that's more like it. (Thanks, BN)
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    My second listen. Very enjoyable so far.

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This discussion has been closed.