Amazon Daily mp3 Download Deals



  • @amclark2, yes, I did - bought lots more in the US since then, though. Just got an email from them saying I have an international address associated with my one-click ordering settings. Looking at my account from my end though, that does not appear to be true.... At least conversation is ongoing.
  • edited December 2012
    Ho hum. Checked my one-click settings as they said. My US address was correctly set as my default 1-click address. But when I decided to follow their suggested actions and set up a new one-click address - exactly the same as the one that was already set, mind - it cleared the problem.
    Now I am writing to them to see if they will sell me those Gold Box albums at the price of two days ago in recognition of my two days trying to buy them. Thanks for the suggestions all.
    ETA, they obliged via a courtesy credit. Everything is working again.
    I have had just about as many tech issues with downloading from Amazon as I have with emusic now. And their email based customer service can be as frustrating/beside the point. But their instant phone support is a big plus.
  • edited January 2013
    400 Indie Albums, $5 each. Not the usual suspects, although She & Him, the Civil Wars and Bon Iver make the cut once again. I bought The Idan Raichel Project, an Israeli who is known for a "distinctive fusion of electronics, traditional Hebrew texts, Middle Eastern and Ethiopian music." Not sure if I would call it Indie, but that's Amazon.
  • Blake Shelton and Train are indie?

  • That's the whole list - there was an "Indie" list somewhere, too lazy to find it. However, not too lazy to see there are many good things under "International," incl Rodrigo y Gabriela and Toure-Raichel Collective. Keep repeating to self, "I don't really need more new music right now"...
  • Amazon has a new twist on CD purchases called AutoRip. If you buy a CD (limited, but I'm not sure to which CD's these are available) you also get a download version for free. Since I usually search for non-mainstream CD's I haven't seen this before, but I assume that it is new...

    And being new Amazon hasn't quite figured out that there are times when the physical CD is cheaper to purchase than the download. Since I saw this on an older CD (that isn't available for regular download) I checked out Adele -21. The download price is $10.99 (seems expensive to me), but the CD is $9.99, so you can get the physical CD and the download for $1 cheaper than the normal download price.

    Here's an odd one: Bob Dylan's Essential Bob Dylan is $9.99 for the CD and $16.99 for the CD plus download. So Columbia is a participant (hey also put out the Adele CD). And here's the Warner Group: Neil Young's Decade is $11.88 for the CD and $15.99 for the download only.

    Now to convince them that the couple of John Cale albums I need should be a part of this...
  • edited January 2013
    It is brand new. They just put up the announcement on the MP3 webpage. Interestingly enough, I went to the CloudPlayer and they added in albums that I had previously purchased that were now available with Autorip. And some of these are from several years ago.

    Now I just have to get them to try re-importing all of my old MP3 purchases...
  • edited January 2013
    Interesting. Includes some CDs I bought years ago, and many that I bought as gifts - including that copy of the "Shrek 2" soundtrack I got for my daughter when she was 9!

    Re-importing will be useful for some of those old CDs, rather than re-ripping (at the higher bitrates I use now). Some CDs seem to be incomplete - eg, only about half the songs on my King Oliver/Louis Armstrong CD.

    ETA, hey Maroon 5! Also bought for my daughter...
  • Wow! I checked my Cloud player after reading Thom's email and they hadn't added anything (had I not purchased anything from Amazon that was included?). About 10 minutes ago I received an email saying that they added past purchases to the Cloud player, which includes some box sets. Like Doofy, some albums are incomplete (Bullet Records Story had 18 of 60 titles - probably titles available on other albums).
  • Just got my email. Apparently their records are not foolproof. I am pretty confident I never purchased "Circus" by Britney Spears. I guess maybe one of my kids used my account to buy it for a friend or something, but I don't recollect that. OTOH I think only one of the 16 added albums were mine rather than family members. I did gain some Extol and Killswitch Engage from my son's collection :-)
  • I am pretty confident I never purchased "Circus" by Britney Spears.
    Here at eMusers, we don't judge.

    Seems like new additions are still rolling in, not surprising that it would take a while. What a massive database update this must be.
  • I don't know if Amazon does it anymore, but for the last year or so, they would give you a $1 MP3 credit with the purchase of a physical CD. Many new/ish CDs are close to the MP3 price.

    Anyway AutoRip seems like a no brainer. It mirrors other parts of their website, such as once when I bought a season of a tv show, I could watch each episode online once through Amazon.
  • Well that was nice....43 albums, 769 songs added. Nice service, but there is almost no way I am going to pay more for an autorip version of an album.
  • edited January 2013
    That's a pretty cool thing for Amazon to be doing retroactively. Unfortunately, outside of some misspriced classical box sets a year or so ago, I don't think I've bought any physical CDs from Amazon. I just checked my cloudplayer and the only recent additions were my download purchases.

    @Amclark2 - IIRC, you picked up a ton of cheap misspriced CDs not so very long ago. I think they were all going for $1.99 or $2.99 or something. My orders all got cancelled but you had called CS to complain and got your order through. Did any of those CDs show up in your Cloud Player? That would be a triple-score.

    Jeff Bezos. If you're reading this and you really want to get noticed for thinking outside the box, being a mover/shaker in the online universe, etc... send out physical CDs of all the various full album downloads that people have purchased from Amazon in the past. That would be way super cool! In fact I'm gonna check my mailbox right now....

    ... nothing. Oh well.

    ETA: It turns out that I did actually receive one CD from the whole mess of miss-priced CDs Amazon had listed back on 1 FEB 2012 (that they subsequently cancelled most everyone's orders for). So I now have "Alicia Keys - Songs in A Minor" added to my Cloud Player. Yea me.
  • I didn't get an email from amazon yet, so I don't know what, if anything was added; I've been backing stuff up to cloud player anyway - I paid the $25 so it's hard to tell if something's new or if I backed it up myself.
  • Once more into the breach, bass ackwards - I went to Amazon to edit my Cloud a little because I just linked it yesterday to my Roku box, Amazon Cloud being a new Roku channel which I can see being pretty useful, and all the freebie singles and crap that I don't necessarily want on there was creating clutter in the Artist and Album listings, and I was seeing these listings, sometimes incomplete for stuff I had bought on CD - WTF? - and then the AutoRip pop-up came up, and now that I'm here it all makes sense. In truth there are some CDs represented now that are very welcome additions indeed so I'm pretty cool and the gang with this.
  • That AutoRip thing is weird. There's a bunch of albums listed that I know I (or anyone in my family) bought on CD: Dan Auerbach, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Grizzly Bear, etc. Not that I"m complaining...
  • edited January 2013
    @Luddite - I had a bunch of cheap / mispriced discs, and they do appear to have been added. I ripped "The Essential Yo Yo Ma" myself, they added "Essential Yo Yo Ma," I had all tracks tagged as Yo Yo Ma, theirs are YYM and the Guest on each track. I do not recall the other discs I got in that haul.

    At least one is a double bonus: Jeff Buckley, Grace, for example, I had ripped and uploaded myself, but tagged it as "Grace", Amazon added it at "Grace (Legacy Edition), with the bonus tracks.

    Edit/ If you click on your purchased items and scroll all the way down to the bottom, sorted by date, you see the discs that were added by the date you purchased them. There is an icon telling you they were "auto rip" versions. The earliest for me is Dec 15, 1999, the Association's Greatest Hits, along with the Grass Roots greatest hits. Funny thing is that I do not recall buying those, and I am fairly sure I do not have the discs now. I think I may have bought them as a gift, but I am not seven sure of that. I know that a few of the others were gifts. Now they are gifts to me, I guess!

    There is another odd entry, a 2001 Bob Dylan album, but the tracks are all from various other albums, include some that are bootlegs (second night, etc.) and some that are legit releases.

    My feeding frenzy on Neil Young Back catalog in 2003 is also now documented.
  • Many of mine are gifts for others, mainly albums I already owned myself. My past order history shows pretty many other CDs ordered over the years, we will see if they show up later. Several of my "auto rip" albums are incomplete - some including only one or two tracks. I agree with the comment above, it's hard to see when I'd pay extra for an auto-rip version (although I guess buying gifts might be one such situation!).
  • The new Yo La Tengo is $5 this week.

    Oh and my auto-rip did come through; a mix of stuff from that recent mistake sale and cd's going back almost 10 years; a few things seem to be missing a lot of tracks. Mostly, yawn, because a lot of it was already in my amazon queue anyway.

    Now if they did auto-rip for books, that would be exciting.
  • Now if they did auto-rip for books, that would be exciting.

    Heh. As one connected to the publishing industry my advice on that would be, Don't hold your breath. Publishers have managed to contrive (or perhaps more accurate to say, bungled into) a situation where the market more or less accepts "DRM" for books, even after it was roundly rejected for music.

    Surprised to see the missing tracks are still missing - I supposed they'd show up eventually. Now that I look, it seems some of the partial albums are for CDs not marked as "Auto Rips."
  • 51sdm1ZYZ-L._SL500_AA300__PJautoripBadge,BottomRight,4,-40_OU11__.jpg

    Good example of "mispriced" Auto-Rip--CD is 3.99, while mp3 album is 9.99. This album is a 2fer including "Live Sparks."
  • Amazon has a Greatest Hits Sale for $3.99
  • Now, several albums for $2.99
  • That is a ridiculous deal on Squeezing Out Sparks. If I didn't already own it....
  • I don't know if this is a sale or not, but there are a lot of albums from Nonesuch that are now reasonably priced at $5.99-6.99.
  • edited January 2013
    This is directly from Yep Roc Records. Eleni Mandell's I Can See the Future is $3.99 for 24 hours.
  • Oh, bother, another Big Box? I suppose I'll just have to stuff it into that 14GB Mozart Smart Playlist somehow, but anything for Big Mo. Look to be some good performers in there - thanks, BT.
  • $2.99 sale packed with actual goodness, like the alt-j album, black keys, Father John Misty.
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