Upgrade coming



  • edited February 2018

    Testing 2 . . . hey it works !  . . . But I could'nt  attatch a link to it

    ETA: but the linkhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random thing works in Crome

  • edited February 2018
    eythian said:
    OK, uploading works again (I broke some directory permissions.) How about linking... so that seems to work if you type it. But how about pasting? Well, I get the same right-click issue in Firefox. But I'm not really web-developery enough to know where to start to fix it, but until they fix it upstream you can use shift-ins or whatever your paste key combo of choice is.

    I did leave them a bug report, maybe something will happen.
    Thank you very much, your effort is much valued
  • Linking images doesn't work for me in FF either I think. Will have to look into it closer.
  • edited February 2018
    Trying to post and delete . . .
    ETA: Nope, no permission to do that
  • Oh, I manage to get the image to link. I put a blank line after it, then selected it and used the URL button as normal.
  • Trying to post and delete . . .
    ETA: Nope, no permission to do that

    OK, I'll check that out when I get the chance.
  • edited February 2018
    eythian said:
    Oh, I manage to get the image to link. I put a blank line after it, then selected it and used the URL button as normal.
    Ok . . .

    ETA: Nope, I does not work for me (FF)    (the post window still disapears when rightclicking)
  • edited February 2018
    Douwe Egberts Aroma Rood Ground Coffee 88-Ounce Package
    Linking works fine in Chrome. This coffee consistently shows up in the Amazon US jazz beststeller list...
  • eythian said:
    Oh, I manage to get the image to link. I put a blank line after it, then selected it and used the URL button as normal.
    Ok . . .

    ETA: Nope, I does not work for me (FF)    (the post window still disapears when rightclicking)
    Don't right-click, that's the bug I made the ticket for.

  • I dragged and dropped this picture (in Chrome)
  • edited March 2018
    Just trying to post and delete  . . .

    ETA , nope, still no permission
    - I have just deleted one of my posts from 2009 with no problems . . . Hmmm ?

    How about Firefox image upload and linking then ?
    Still doesn't work for me . . .
  • So it seems if I add the "delete" permission, then one can delete anyone's comments, which is also bad.
  • Oh, there's a new version out. Let's see if they've fixed anything.
  • edited March 2018
    Hi !

    Post and Delete ?

    - Nope. (in Crome . . . . . . and FF)

    Linking in FF ? . . . . No. . . . . . In Crome ? . . . . Yes.
  • eythian said:
    - And with wysiwygs and everything . . .  :)

    Thank you very much for your work. Wiith me in your chair, we would be doomed.
  • Looks like it's known. Been broken for a while now with no fix, unfortunately: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/5867

  • Image upload is broken again (FF and Crome)  :#

  • Not any more :) (a different issue this time: I upgraded PHP, but the forum doesn't tell me useful things like "you forgot to install the graphics converter library.")
  • Oh, and I know how to fix that deletion bug. Next time I get some free time, I'll do that. Might not be for a day or two.
  • eythian said:
    Oh, and I know how to fix that deletion bug. Next time I get some free time, I'll do that. Might not be for a day or two.
    eythian    Nice ! . . . Thanks.

  • and, comment deletion works again!
  • edited March 2018
    eythian said:
    and, comment deletion works again!
    Yes it does ! . . . Thank you very many  :)

    ETA: both in FF and Crome

  • Well, I just thought I'd check in to see how that search fix is going and to see if there is any short cut to use now. I'm trying to search Fresh Sounds Records to see anyone has posted anything about this label and the results bring up every Fresh, Sound, and Record. It's making searching here very painful, for me anyway, so if there is some technique like quotation marks or brackets to just make it look for the whole string- it would be greatly appreciated.
    Come to think of it, I'll go try just that.
  • confused said:
    Well, I just thought I'd check in to see how that search fix is going and to see if there is any short cut to use now. I'm trying to search Fresh Sounds Records to see anyone has posted anything about this label and the results bring up every Fresh, Sound, and Record. It's making searching here very painful, for me anyway, so if there is some technique like quotation marks or brackets to just make it look for the whole string- it would be greatly appreciated.
    Come to think of it, I'll go try just that.
    Until I sort that out, perhaps doing google queries with "site:emusers.org" will give you good results.
  • edited March 2018
    Thanks, I tried searching "Fresh Sound Records" & got back 1 result by BigD. How do I go about using "site:emusers.org" in a google search? I'll go experiment in the meantime.

    ps I have a Mac computer if that makes any difference. Still experimenting.
  • edited March 2018
    Like this: https://www.google.nl/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q="Fresh+Sound+Records"+site:emusers.org&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=NtG4WuumCu6A8QeEuruQCQ

    This said, there doesn't seem to be much there matching, according to google. I'll see about getting the old search back this week, time permitting.
  • Thanks again. I guess I did figure it out at one point, but it wasn't much helpful. I'll test those quotation marks here for other searches. I certainly don't mind waiting, I know everyone appreciates all you do here. 
  • edited March 2018
    I did some trying out:
    "canadian music centre" site:emusers.org

    5 hits, seems to be working . . .

    "canadian music centre" "site:emusers.org"
    - the same . . .the "site:emusers.org" doesn't seem to make a difference.

    The Emusers search worked like a dream before the upgrade.
    Seaching Canadian music centre without "" would first pick full match and subsequently partial match.
  • The Emusers search worked like a dream before the upgrade.
    Seaching Canadian music centre without "" would first pick full match and subsequently partial match.
    That's because I had installed an addon that changed how it worked, and that hasn't been reinstalled yet.
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