What are you listening to right now? (16 Banners United)



  • v/a Club Chai vol. 1

    On my brand new last of the iPod shuffles shuffle. The first day I got it I couldn't even open it because I didn't want to break the packaging seal. I currently have 4 working shuffles; two gen 2 and 2 of the newest kind. My oldest gen 2 is almost 11 years old and has worked continuously, except I thought it was dead for a couple months until my youngest kid somehow fixed. I had a gen 1 from 2005 but that died and got lost somewhere. Even dead I wish I saved it as a collectors item. I had a gen 4 that died too. My wife had a gen 3 that died. Sad to see them go; they are the best and most practical MP3 player out there in my opinion. Screens are overrated.
  • Sa Pa - Giegling Mix


    v/a Luk Thung - Classic & Obscure 78s from the Thai Countryside
  • edited August 2017
    The Nightfly
    Just back home after a week walking in West Wales. Reading through the discussion above led me to this, one of my all-time favourites from the 70s. It was the second or third CD I bought way back then. If you are too young to remember this, it is worth a listen.
  • greg said:
    The Nightfly
    Just back home after a week walking in West Wales. Reading through the discussion above led me to this, one of my all-time favourites from the 70s. It was the second or third CD I bought way back then. If you are too young to remember this, it is worth a listen.
    That album got such a great write-up from the NME at the time I bought it as an attempt to get into Steely Dan (yeah I know...) I still can't get much beyond being sort of interested, though it does have me going back and trying again every so often. In the meantime I bought half a dozen Dan lps of which the first is far and away my favourite. Possibly because it was a band and not session musicians. 
    btw Greg it can't be one of your faves from the '70s as it was released the day before my 20th birthday in 1982  o:)

  • On Strut Records through Emusic. There are some deals to be had here. I believe that this was $3.99, and there are a couple of others I picked up at 99 cents - Mulato of Ethiopia and  Ote Maloya

  • Psychic Temple- IV
  • edited August 2017

    - Brilliant !

    Peter Schram - The FIRST recording of an opera singer (1889) - Leporello aria excerpts

    This recording of Peter Nicholas Schram (1819-1895), Danish bass, in the very first recording of an opera singer in the history of recorded sound. Here he sings, in Danish, excerpts of Leporello's arias from Mozart's Don Giovanni. This recording is significant because:

    - Schram is the oldest-born operatic singer ever recorded, being born just 28 years after Mozart's death.

    - Schram was a student of the eminent 19th century vocal pedagogue Manuel Garcia. The only other Garcia student whose voice was recorded was English baritone Charles Santley.

    - The various ornaments and style used here would likely have been taught to him by Garcia, who sang the role of Leporello in the first Italian-language performances of Don Giovanni in America—at the behest of an originating source: its librettist Lorenzo da Ponte, who was himself in the audience.

    - Leporello was considered Schram's greatest role.

    On his 70th birthday, he sang his farewell performance, as Leporello, in the Royal Danish Opera gala presentation of Don Giovanni. That evening he was celebrated at a party at the home of Consul Gottfried Ruben, an industrialist was an early adopter of the cylinder machine and was Edison's representative in Denmark. Schram indulged Rubens and recorded on the device, which must've seemed like a toy—even more so, as the party's guest were likely in a jovial, tipsy mood.
  • Well, when I logged into Emusic this evening I see that have the double booster sale. Time to get out the notebook and do some exploring!
    Here's the first...

  • Thanks to @Lowlife for reminding me to start here

  • confused said:
    Well, when I logged into Emusic this evening I see that have the double booster sale. Time to get out the notebook and do some exploring!
    Here's the first...

    Your link:
    Directs to a blank emu album page for everyone except  you.


    Nice album BTW . . .
  • edited August 2017
    :s Thanks for the heads up. I can see that library needs taking care of. I can only imagine that I've been posting a whole lot of crappy links and my apologies to all. I'm not very good at computering. I'm having a heap of trouble trying to download  

    Edit - It left out a bunch, so I'm in more trouble than I thought. It went something like this-

    "at Emusic right now and the spellchecker keeps trying to correct the words I use. Darned computers!!
    I'll get inspired with this until my download comes through." 

    I also had a link to Discogs
    Darn! Darn!......Darn!  

    This one had an invalid CFRA or something (it's gone)
    Try again...With more apologies
  • @ djh
    btw Greg it can't be one of your faves from the '70s as it was released the day before my 20th birthday in 1982
    At my age the decades merge!!!!

    Sketches of Spain-HqLtd-

  • edited August 2017
    ^^ welcome . . .

    I think Emusic is to blame. If you are in your "my Music", there's no connection to what else is available.
    Along with the migration, Emusic wiped out all costumer sharing.
    - Such as reviews, sharing of lists, "friends" list and the possibility to see others' download history.
    - This is in my view so utterly stupid.

    Name your price at Bandcamp
  • Well, I'd like to blame Emusic for everything but I'm pretty sure I've screwed up something setting up this new computer. 
    However, they are to blame for such a crappy website. I still can't get

    It prepares it for downloading and then I get this-
    There was a problem downloading your file. Please Try again. If the issue persists contact support@emusic.com.
    I can't find anywhere on the site where there's contact info, FAQs or all the other info I used to have when I accessed My Account.
     This did manage to download this morning so I'll start here...

    Nurse With Wound - Echo Poeme: Sequence N° 2

  •  then 
    Alan Licht and Loren Connors - Two Nights-&- Into the Night Sky  

    Aethenor - Deep In Ocean Sunk the Lamp - Betimes Black Cloudmasses

  • Asuna - Tide Ripples
  • Wintermusik
    It's not just for winter - wintermusik by Nils Frahm
  • edited August 2017
    @confused, I have had that error a few times - it leads to a prompt refund. When I am next near a proper computer I should be able to find the support email address for you unless someone else gets there first.
    ETA try support@emusic.desk-mail.com
  • edited August 2017
    Third thing I've managed to get from Emusic.

    Ghédalia Tazartès, Pawel Romanczuk, Andrzej Zaleski  - Carp's Head

    Ps. Thanks to @Germanprof for the address
    More Ps - Yes, I loved this-Thanks
    Åke Hodell & David Grubbs - Igevär/Yellow Sky

    Åke Hodell - Invokation (Till Öyvind) ----- Du, Lenin
  • Aimee Mann - Mental Illness
  • The Fall - Hex Education Hour

    Who makes the nazis?
  • On Bandcamp and E Music

  • Andrew Liles & Daniel Menche - The Progeny of Flies
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