What are you listening to right now? (16 Banners United)



  • v/a - Space Echo; The Mystery Behind the Cosmic Sound of Cabo Verde
  • Roland Kayn / Luigi Nono  from Wolf Fifth Archive at UbuWeb
    1970     (1969) Unfortunately the Nono               1977   
    track is a duplicate of Kayn's Cybernetics III
    1971 (1964, 1960 & 1965)                                 1976      (1960, 1967 &1960)
  • edited February 2018
    Quiet FireBluesologyCables FablesThe George Cables Songbook

    According to his website, George Cables has been suffering from health problems that have led to plans to amputate a leg on March 1 (tomorrow). He will have to get his house modified, in addition to the medical expenses. There is a request for donations on his website.

  • Snow Road

    Definitely one for today in the UK!! It is very cold and very snowy in our terms - I know New England and New York gets it worse every year!

    Lowlife - what a bizarre game last night! I don't think i have ever seen a first half like that. Good result in the end though despite the weather - my fear was that it would be called off at 75 minutes or so!

  • A very strange night last night, summed up by David Hepworth who was watching the game with me last night. He is one of the Spurs miserable squad as we call ourselves in the pub

    If VAR means fans can no longer enjoy that incandescent ten seconds of joy immediately following a goal, it's no use to anyone.

    A good result in the end, waiting for tickets for Saturday

    Another snow day so listening to

    The American Dollar - A Memory Stream

  • edited March 2018
    Piles of snow about 50 cm. in my backyard.

    released January 26, 2018   

  • Laraaji- Sun Zither
  • Lav & Purl - A State of Becoming.

    Purl was one of the Dewtone albums discussed the other day

    Streaming on Bandcamp
  • Magnetic Fields- 69 Love Songs, D3

  • Estupendo
  • Well, even though it's been pretty mild here lately and the snow has been on a melt, we still have 40 - 90cm lying about the yard. Another storm is predicated to pass through northern Alberta this evening so that could add another 15 or 20 to shovel out in the morning. The banks along the driveway are down to 1.5m and lifting the snow any higher is going to be a workout.

    Also, it's time to move into S's. I couldn't think of a better transition then...
    Robin Rimbaud - (Scanner) ... The Garden Is Full Of Metal - Homage To Derek Jarman 
    Time for thoughts about this years Garden. 
    1997    The Garden Is Full Of Metal                         2016 The Garden Is Full Of Metal Festive Mix
               - Homage To Derek Jarman                                      Bandcamp NYOP
    2011                                                                         2016
    Bandcamp this and others NYOP
  • edited March 2018
    @confused,  RE: Scanner:
    Bandcamp this and others NYOP

    Nice ! - Thank you very much,
    I can't remember if I've posted this before:

    This piece was composed entirely live using a Eurorack modular synth system, utilising live radio signals from the Befaker ARRadio and processing them through the system, in particular an Intellijel Rainmaker, so the simplest sources were then looped, altered and changed in a very organic fashion. When making this I had in mind the work of David Tudor and John Cage, and their use of radio signals always makes me think of Kunstradio! There was a sense of magic as this piece simply appeared in real time, with little preparation or structure.

    Robin Rimbaud performed this piece for the 30th anniversary of Ö1 Kunstradio. Art's Birthday 2018 – 1,000,055 Years of Art

    In 1963 the French Fluxus artist, Robert Filliou, declared January 17 to be the 1,000,000th birthday of art which for some decades now has been celebrated worldwide. As in the previous years, in 2018 artists all over the world organized a networked birthday party for art and exchanged presents for art. Some of them are presented on air.

    ℗ 2018 Robin Rimbaud

  • edited March 2018
    Well, you're most welcome, I believe you turned me on to him in the first place back in kargatron's "Experimental" thread at the old Emusic so thanks from me too! I've been waiting to hear these since you first posted them. 
    2016     Choral ReWorks NYOP                                2017  Homage To Pierre Henry NYOP
    2017                                                                        2017   The Dreamer is Still Asleep NYOP

    Ps I still haven't got around to exploring the Soundcloud, so once more the shortcut is much appreciated!

    more ps Wow! A most enjoyable listen!!!   Well worth the wait.
  • Joni Mitchell - Heija

  • Released yesterday. Link goes to eMusic
  • Image result for Said Belcadi Ensemble Eduardo Paniagua

    Recent eMu purchase
  • edited March 2018
    Doofy said:

    Released yesterday. Link goes to eMusic
    Here is a link to Bandcamp for an acoustic EP, NYOP
  • Doofy said:

    Released yesterday. Link goes to eMusic
    Thanks ! - Full streaming at their fairly new Soundcloud page

  • @confused,  RE: Scanner:
    Bandcamp this and others NYOP

    Nice ! - Thank you very much,
    I can't remember if I've posted this before:

    This piece was composed entirely live using a Eurorack modular synth system, utilising live radio signals from the Befaker ARRadio and processing them through the system, in particular an Intellijel Rainmaker, so the simplest sources were then looped, altered and changed in a very organic fashion. When making this I had in mind the work of David Tudor and John Cage, and their use of radio signals always makes me think of Kunstradio! There was a sense of magic as this piece simply appeared in real time, with little preparation or structure.

    Robin Rimbaud performed this piece for the 30th anniversary of Ö1 Kunstradio. Art's Birthday 2018 – 1,000,055 Years of Art

    In 1963 the French Fluxus artist, Robert Filliou, declared January 17 to be the 1,000,000th birthday of art which for some decades now has been celebrated worldwide. As in the previous years, in 2018 artists all over the world organized a networked birthday party for art and exchanged presents for art. Some of them are presented on air.

    ℗ 2018 Robin Rimbaud

    Well, no storm last night, still predicated to arrive tonight. 
    I'll just keep that Scanner going thanks to you.
  • One more R for a little more Garden inspiration - some more field recordings and what-not.
    Ralph Koper

    2016    Bandcamp

    sahelsounds With thanks from me too @Plong42 - (BC Goodies)

    2018.  Field Recordings from the Sahel

    Tuluum Shimmering

    2016  People and Music Series Volume 2: CD 1, 
            1950s Moroccan Field Recordings NYOP

    Full Tracklist at Discogs
    CD 1: 1950s Field Recordings from Morocco
    1Ait Ouariaghei Tribe - Ensemble Including 2 Raitas Reed Instruments, 1 Flute. 2 T'boi Drums And 1 "War Horn"3:01
    2Ait Ouariaghei Tribe - Lalla Bouia1:45
    3Adjir - "War Horn" Calls (A Reed Instrument Lengthened By 2 Cow Horns)0:58
    4Moulay Yacoub - Mendicants Singing Religious Songs0:55
    5Moulay Yacoub - Mendicants Singing Religious Songs1:35
    6Moulay Yacoub - Mendicants Singing Religious Songs1:02
    7Snake Charmers1:12
    8Snake Charmers1:40
    9El Hajeb - Ahidous
    and more
  • Confused - if I am right the building on the cover of the Dreamer is Still Asleep album is Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire (the Bandcamp link says it is Congleton, Cheshire, which confirms it in my mind as it is just outside Congleton) I first visited it almost 60 years ago on a school trip when I was about 8 or 9!

    A cold morning here, snow has stopped but in our terms quite deep, about 6 inches, 15 cms. So some easy music needed. I'm playing Dave Brubeck's Time Out
  • @greg slush and ice here in downtown SE4 so warming up my leaky flat with these two.



    Props to @idiotprogrammer and @Plong42 for reminding me how good BBE comps can be. Sadly on this side of the pond the Ethiopian comp is £10.50 but of course it's still worth it.
  • Touch Presents…


    Live at Human Resources

    Jasmin Blasco
    Robert Crouch
    Garek Druss
    Jake Muir
    Yann Novak
    Zachary Paul
    Geneva Skeen
    Byron Westbrook
    - released March 1, 2018
  • edited March 2018
    Well, the storm finally moved in, about 10cm have fallen so far with more to come. Good thing I don't have to go anywhere today.
    Slowdive - Adrian SellChristian SavillIan McCutcheonNeil HalsteadNick ChaplinRachel GoswellSimon Scott
    1991                                                                   1995


    Ps Greg, that certainly is one impressive hall. I can only imagine looking at it through a child's eyes and being totally amazed. There's not many buildings that look like that around here.
  •  httpsf4bcbitscomimga3136862247_14jpg 

    - A  Schaefer EP from 2015, unknown to me . . .

  • Joe Frawley has a new album on Bandcamp, and it is very good. 

    "Joe Frawley: harpsichord (double manual, Y. A. Feder model), gong, piano, glass xylophone, MIDI keyboard and virtual instruments. 

    New London Drone Orchestra on "Odalisque" and "M"; featuring Matt McCauley, double bass & vocal; Asa Peters, saxophone; Kay Pere, vocal. Michelle Cross: sirens vocals; ghost vocal and field recording of koto player on 'Astraphobia'." 
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