Well, its been 20 years since I last had a Public Library card which I used primarily to take out albums & then CDs and make C90 mix-tapes and a copy of some of them. I've got Vol. 1 in one of the boxes in the basement but rooting around for it and dusting off the cassette player is just not going to happen. I feel pretty lucky to have gotten these 2 on Feb 14 while ENJA RECORDS Matthias Winckelmann was still on Emusic. As I recall it was terrific! Chet Baker 1988 My Favourite Songs - The Last Great Concert 1990 Straight From The Heart - The Great Last Concert, Vol. II
Heard four sets of fine drone based music yesterday afternoon @ Hundred Years Gallery. Having got that out of my system something a little more rhythmic for a sunny Monday morning before the commute. Released last month.
out albums & then CDs and make C90 mix-tapes and a copy of some of them. I've got
Vol. 1 in one of the boxes in the basement but rooting around for it and dusting off the
cassette player is just not going to happen. I feel pretty lucky to have gotten these 2 on
Feb 14 while ENJA RECORDS Matthias Winckelmann was still on Emusic.
As I recall it was terrific!
Chet Baker
1988 My Favourite Songs - The Last Great Concert
1990 Straight From The Heart - The Great Last Concert, Vol. II
24 years earlier
2009 - Double Satan 2010 - Some Sounds
2010 - Triple Satan 2012 - Heritage Listed Skate Park
Bandcamp nyp
1998 - Le Paradoxe De La Femme-Poisson 2003
- Magnetic Landscapes/Paysages Magnetiques
2015 Rebotini/Zanesi - Acidmonium
1987 - Night Flights 2011 - Magnetic Flights
2011 - Mono Fluido
167 Important Records at Emusic for now
released May 4, 2018
So I guess we can say that Emusic still has got a touch of importance . . .
Earth Luminous by Erik Wøllo and Byron Metcalf
Album release date: 8 February 2019
Morning folks.
Thanks to @rostasi for planting the seed.
Another Important artist. (now 165, 122 Touch)
Caterina Barbieri
2014 - Vertical 2017 - Patterns Of Consciousness
2018 - Born Again In The Voltage
Charles Gayle
1992 - Repent 1999 - Ancient Of Days
The Charles Gayle Trio
2012 - Look Up 2017 - Solar System
Cecil Taylor
1963 - Live At The Cafe Montmartre 1976 The Cecil Taylor Unit
- Dark To Themselves
1978 - Air Above Mountains <Buildings Within> 1979 - Live In The Black Forest
released May 5, 2001 on:
@djh Thanks, that is all right. Bandcamp link above
2000 - South San Gabriel Songs/Music 2003 - Love You Just The Same
2011 - Candidate Waltz
2002 - Murder Of Tides 2005 South San Gabriel
- The Carlton Chronicles: Not Until The Operation's Through
Curated by Ata 'Sote' Ebtekar and produced by Opal Tapes.
Now on to the album