Great Music on Amie Street for less than $4



  • Man, you are fast. That Elvis Perkins EP was only free for seconds. I'm impressed you REC'd it so quickly.

    I agree that you should be able to edit what you say later. Maybe I'll suggest it too. They've made every change to the site (except for a message board) that I've suggested.
  • it is impossible to compete with you guys from the eastern time zone with a day job. well not impossible, but not worth the money i'd save.
  • Don't feel bad amclark2, it's not worth it in the same metro area as frogkopf either.

    Most of the new stuff doesn't show up in my New Releases tab. Is everyone else having the same issue?

  • Most of the new stuff doesn't show up in my New Releases tab. Is everyone else having the same issue?

    yes; it's all listed over to the right, under most popular, but not under the main column.

    anybody have any thoughts on atlas sound? I'm hedging, and the price keeps rising. I really like his work, but I feel like I already have so much Bradford Cox. Is this one worth my $5?
  • edited October 2009
    I'm lucky. I don't start work until 9:30 am CST.

    Daytripper (a.k.a kennykenny) definitely has an advantage being on the West Coast, as the stuff starts showing up there at 9ish.

    The newer site is screwy as far as new releases showing up. I was able to access most of the stuff via the Most popular new releases adverts in the right hand column. What's irritating to me is how the site basically stops functioning at midnight EST for about a half hour - if they're going to do all this stuff with Flash, they should make sure they have the bandwidth to pull it off.
  • edited October 2009
    Stops functioning? Some albums came in without full tracks. I went back to every release to see if more tracks showed up later (which they did). I even held out on Altas, thinking it was an ep, not the full album. However, I can now cruise around town like a coked-up frat boy in Chapel Hill ("there's a party in my tummy ...").
  • I miss when the new releases mostly showed up at around 11 EST on Tuesday. Sure I was sometimes busy with work and whatnot, but it didn't feel like I was wasting precious sleep time checking on new releases.

    Last night the only reason I was able to check was my little one keeping me up with a bad bout of teething. When she finally calmed down I was able to get half of the new El Perro del Mar (debating whether it was a stupid move to actually pay for remixes) and Great Lake Swimmers. Didn't really get much in the way of recs in. At least I rec'd all of the other 2 El Perro albums when they were free.

    More than anything else, the incomplete albums really annoy me over at Amie Street.
  • Hey, I didn't even notice that Valley to the Stars was incomplete! glad I didn't pay anything for that one.
  • Yeah, they've been having problems with only 4-5 tracks showing up for several hours.

    I wonder if this is an intentional thing, i.e., instead of the first few people getting everything for free or cheap, they figure they'll let the early birds get half the album for free, which will then induce them to come back later and finish downloading for a couple of bucks, while later birds will get the second half for free and pay a couple of bucks for the first half.

    I've hesitated on the half albums myself. Usually, if it's something I know I want, I'll pick it up since about 95% of the time the rest of the album will show up within the next day. Getting half the tracks for free and the rest for 30 cents each or so still ends up being cheaper than eMu.

    eMu now has the previous El Perro del Mar albums for 9 credits.
  • Looks like I'm the only one who commented on Yo Gabba Gabba.
  • I don't have kids, but I so would have snagged Yo Gabba Gabba if it had been a bit cheaper when I first saw it.

  • It was too much when I saw it, too. But I'll check it out on eMu since it's got the 12-np cap.

    Currently my 15-month-old's favorite song is "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear. I'm trying to raise her as an indiet0t.
  • the other 5 tracks are up! hurry! hurry!
  • i'm really glad i got them, because pitchfork be damned, on my first listen i like Valley better than Perro. Love that church organ sound.
  • I tweeted them about it. They really do have excellent customer service (especially compared to you know who). Haven't even listened to Valley yet, but really like what I've heard off the new one.
  • edited October 2009
    As far as I can tell, Yo Gabba Gabba started out at 19 cents a track. I grabbed it and RECed about 5 tracks by the name artists in hope of making my money back on it.

    It's a fun album.

    I think the Perro second album is pretty good too, different from the first, but I like them about the same so far.
  • agree about their customer service - i once had a problem with 2 missing tracks and they credited me for the lost songs and gave me (unrequested) two dollars credit for the trouble. not bad for an album that cost $1.50 in the first place.
  • Here's a fun one:

    Ticklejunk Allstars - 16 cents a track. If you like that slightly out of tune spacey funk, pick it up.
  • Amie's customer service has always done right by me.

    Several times they refunded me the money for a faulty album, threw some RECs in my account, and then emailed me an invite to redownload the album free of charge once it was fixed. A couple of times, I didn't hear back right away, but in those cases the album was usually fixed within a few hours.
  • edited October 2009
    Advantage is all relative. I'd prefer being on the East Coast. I don't mind staying up past midnight. In fact, I like it. I have been cutting short any plans I have on Monday nights, because I enjoy downloading music. My friends think I am weird.

    Plus, East Coasters get a better chance at grabbing the stuff that comes in the morning, which is much less predictable than the evening. I have the choice to either sleep through everything that's good in the morning or wake up way up at 4am to grab an album or two that may or may not come at any point in the next 6 or 7 hours.

  • When I first grabbed Yo Gabba Gabba, there was one track that was 19 cents. I picked up the remaining, but a few minutes later two more showed up at 19 cents apiece. Half an hour later, the remaining tracks came in, which I grabbed for nothing.

    @Frogkopf: It might be a good strategy to string out releases so that more people can get a hold of something for free. However, the website suggests that we are getting the whole album for the stated price. It would be better, perhaps, if free tracks could only be purchased one at a time, thus spreading the wealth without the deception.
  • I don't think it's any kind of strategy. It's just a bug, which makes sense, since the site is new and they're still figuring things out. I'm sure albums will be released properly in the next few weeks. They fixed the bugs in the first hour or two this week, so that's pretty good.
  • White Denim has dropped and is going up fast. Pretty Cool album.

    It's still only about half the price of eMu's (1/4 if you're using sale credits).
  • The new SUNN O))) just arrived along with Har Mar Superstar.

  • that's the latest before the new Sunn- the new one is Monoliths and Dimensions, which is pretty cheap. I really like Monoliths, so do Pitchfork (i think) and Metacritic. I don't have Black One but I'd recomend skipping it for Monoliths if you have to choose.
  • That's odd. Black One is listed with a September 09 release date while Monoliths is May 09. I take it at least one of those is incorrect?

  • Black One comes from 2005.
  • Some Tru Thoughts albums are still a great deal ... Jeb Loy Nichols has some fantastic arrangements, still $3 (and you could get some of the tracks cheaper from the compilations).
  • There's some pretty hot Jazz playing on Max Grunhard Quintet - Vortex, which is going for around a buck on Amie Street.

    If you like later day Coltrane and/or Roland Kirk with a dollop of sixties Blue Note thrown in, you'll like this just fine.
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