


  • This is the longest and most active thread about Guvera--I don't feel the need to network about it anywhere else.
  • write what you love about Guvera!!

    I don' think "I love that they make me jump through ridiculous hopes for minimal benefit" is quite what they're looking for.

  • Homey don't do Facebook. Some free downloads ain't enough to go there.
  • edited October 2011
    Apart from the simple and apparently generally shared fact that pestering our friends on facebook in order to get a few credits is not social behavior that we are willing to consider, a second layer of distaste is added by the blatant bribery of asking us to manufacture something we love about the site on the off chance they might throw credits at us in reword for trading in the integrity of our words. Double fail.
  • There are a couple new channels over on the site now. I've added them to my favorites list so I can get zero downloads from even more companies!
  • LOL. How exciting, new channels? WOW.
    I can't be bothered to log in....
  • New 'Redeem' thing where sponsors are going to give you 'Download cards'...
  • @Katrina - I'm still here, fixing everyone's computers every day ;)

    @Doofy - Yes, the Redeem button is for people who make use of the offers website - buy a meal, get a download card.

    I don't have anything to do with the Social Media side of things, those guys are on a mission at the moment!

    As you guys have noticed, the MySoundTrack app updates weekly, and you are right, you need to repost on your wall each time to get the 3 credits. Also, AFAIK they are valid for all downloads, not what is listed on that playlist (the Guvera Welcome channel should get the credits).

  • Glad to hear you are still employed, Dan! Woo hoo!
  • edited October 2011
    If I were to sell out my integrity, I wouldn't go half way. I'd create a fake Facebook account complete with fake friends, and fake updates on my fake life. All I'd need is to allow a few well-chosen apps to post to my wall and it'd be full of new stuff all the time. It would probably be more interesting than my real feed.

    My son has an account for his cat, but I think he's forgotten the password to it (my son that is, the cat probably knows it, but she won't admit it. This is the same cat I mentioned before that tries to type on the computer. Naturally folks here lock their screens when they walk away. Usually when I come back there are failed login attempts and characters in the password field. I've switched to a password that's designed to be difficult to type correctly with paws).
  • Yes Dr Mutex, our cat likes going on the keyboard too. But in her case it is more straightforward. If she wants feeding she knows she just needs to interupt me when I'm using my computer by trying to walk across the keyboard - simple really, for her!
  • I have a cat trying to walk across the keyboard right now. The other trick is to jump on top of the box and turn the computer off.
  • I had a cat that liked to sleep on laptop keyboards for the extra warmth.
  • Well, with all the junk my FB friends post, I figure they'll live if I post a Guvera link once in a while.

    I mean, I know it's not as interesting as the new cow they got in Farmville....
  • Don't get excited - no new downloads.

    Just wondering if anyone has any insight into what's happening at G? Anytime I see someone post a question somewhere (say on their facebook page) about free downloads the response is always some exciting but vague non-answer. I do find pictures of parties, plane trips, etc, which kind of makes me wonder (fiddling while Rome burns?), but no real news. I check every few days...should I give up? Can't complain about what I've received to date, but can't help wondering if I'm clicking a dead horse, so to speak.
  • Rudie: The current deal appears to be that you spam your friends on Facebook each week to get another 3 credits. There are also offers you can participate in if you live in the right part of the world. The days of Gossip Girl and the Geico lizard sliding you a few credits appear to be gone, gone, gone.
  • On a total whim I logged into Guvera today and I had a free credit to use. I guess I need to check more frequently than once every three of four months.
  • Thank you, dell, for drawing my attention - also have been checking once in a blue moon. Got a download today by adding Monster Energy to my Channels. As they say, a download in the folder is better than anything in the SFL.
  • The current deal appears to be that you spam your friends on Facebook each week to get another 3 credits.
    Must admit I am one such spammer. I do it first thing Friday sinks pretty quickly as the day goes on.

    Before you judge me too harshly, know that I have a cousin who just this morning had something I was supposed to re-post if I believed in guardian angels. If I can live with that, she can live with knowing I'm DL'ing XTC's 'Nonsuch'!
  • Thanks, dell! I've never bothered to look at the facebook scheme - what exactly does it entail? Posting to your wall that you're downloading a track from Guvera?
  • @dell - thanks! 1 download from Monster energy drinks or something. Eventually I'll finish downloading the one album I'm in the middle of currently and then i'll just forget about "Guv"... not worth the hassle unless they revert to giving out at least 3 downloads or so a month on a consistent basis.
  • Germanprof: I'm one of the three adults in the U.S without a Facebook page, I have no idea how the Facebook deal works.
  • Prof, via the Guvera FB page, you post a Guvera link (to your friends) w/ offer of free downloads. I don't think you have to comment, though I generally do mention the artist and album I'm DL'ing. (Did I not post this last night? Was sure I had...)
  • How interesting - 2 of the 3 people in the U.S. without a Facebook page are eMusers - that must mean something.
  • Yes and 1 of the 4 in England who are not on Facebook is also an emuser!
  • I use Guvera's facebook app each week. You can delete the comment posted on your wall immediately and still get the credits. It's a mild hassle, but it's better than spamming my friends and worth it for three free songs a week (seven last week).
  • So, do all of you who use Facebook have friends who do and say things that aren't spam?
  • Mine is about equally divided between extended family (of which I have a lot) and college friends (with whom I otherwise have little contact).* The dross is not spam so much as "causes"...fundraisers, enviro stuff, pet rescue. (The same cousin who sent the guardian angel thing also luvs her pit bulls.)

    I'd say about half is stuff I actually want to know about...mainly consisting of what people are up to plus wisecracks. I find it worthwhile to put up with the not-so-interesting to keep up with the stuff I want. As an example, one old friend who plays a lot of Farmville (which you can turn off) had a son who died. I wouldn't have known about that but for FB. Speaking of which, I should drop her a line...

    *Also some work-related stuff (companies, not people), as I need to be conversant with what's going on in FB marketing in my industry.
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