


  • How many did everyone get? I have six - two each from the usual suspects, nothing from the new channels.
  • Ditto. Used them to get long classical tracks from the albums in eMu's "Discover: Modern Classical Masters."
  • I'm actually pretty mystified by those new channels. Why have them appear in my profile if there are not going to be any credits? It actually seems underhanded because I have to keep looking at their ad to check if they gave me any credits, and it's ad-looking that's supposed to be rewarded by credits.
  • 6 credits and I grabbed The Bar-Kays' Money Talks.
  • I'm actually pretty mystified by those new channels. Why have them appear in my profile if there are not going to be any credits? It actually seems underhanded because I have to keep looking at their ad to check if they gave me any credits, and it's ad-looking that's supposed to be rewarded by credits.
    I assume the new channels service the shopping rewards program, which I don't use because I don't live in NYC.
  • You mean the "offers" link that asks me for my zip code so it can tailor offers to my area and then offers me a restaurant 617 miles away? (I know Americans have this odd penchant for "road trips" but 600 miles for a meal seems to be stretching it a bit). But Best Buy and EA games don't appear on that list.
  • The what channel offers the reward?
  • This is why I don't think the Guvera system is going to last: I had completely forgotten it existed. When a music fiend like me forgets about a service because I can only use it briefly once a month, how is the average person going to remember it?

  • edited August 2011
    I've had the same problem the past two months. I have two Guvera accounts, one works fine but the second keeps screwing up my downloads. It takes my credits but the box asking me to open or save the file never appears, and when I try to re-download that doesn't work either. I know it's free so I shouldn't bitch, but still. I sent them an email and we'll see if I get a response.

    EDIT: Got an email response the same day, seems to be an IE issue. Gave me a code for some additional downloads. I lost 3, so I was expecting maybe a couple extra. They gave me 25! Thanks Guvera.
  • @craig, if it were not for this thread I'd forget the service myself. I find it painfully kludgy and unintuitive to find music even if it is only to stream rather than download it. That said, yay free music!
  • @BT - it's on the options menu at the top, select "Offers".
  • @GP: We're talking about different things.
  • I checked around 1am and there wasn't anything I have 2 each from Geico, Mark Nason, and Guilt Group. That's the only 3 channels I have. The 2nd account has zero channels, but gets the offers for restaurants 1500 miles away. I thought by clicking on the offers I'd get some channels on that account, but no.
    I think I can get the remainder of that Presets album I started, so I'm not complaining.

    Although...isn't this really supposed to be used as a streaming service, like Spotify? How many streaming services are there in Australia?
  • elwood,

    thanks for the Bar Kays rec. I also had 6 credits, so it worked out perfectly.
  • edited August 2011
    The 4 tracks comprising Eric Dolphy At The Five Spot, Vol. 2, and a couple from Stan Getz/Cal Tjader. I don't mean to be ungrateful but it's kind of a drag not being able to see the album cover (when you go to the channel page to download) to make sure you have the right album - or am I missing something?
  • six tracks this month too. It is annoying to not see album covers.
  • Ah great, now every time I start downloading a track, the site logs me out. To get the next track, I have to revisit the site, sign back in, search for the album, click, click, click, wait, repeat. What a mess this has become. I'm getting to the point where I can't find much to use my credits on anyway, so I decided to try something new - The Naked and Famous "Passive Me, Aggressive You". This isn't worth the effort anymore. Thank god for Spotify.
  • edited August 2011
    The artwork only shows up if you starts playing it within Guvera.
    I got logged out on a few downloads, too. Thankfully not all of them. I had the album to cut/paste in the search so I could go right back to it.
  • I got Keith Jarret's Koln Concert, and a couple tracks off Wish You Were Here. No dl problems this month. Thanks Guv.
  • I just noticed this....I searched on Ahmed Jamal's Poinciana Revisited / Freeflight. on eMu there are several album only tracks typically I would grab the album only from Guvera to fill out an album. But Guvera does not list the album only tracks at all. I hope this is an isolated example, or perhaps the labels have caught on that people were buying the long tracks on guvera for free.
  • It's not isolated, but it's also not new. Some labels held back albums with low tracks as well as some extra long tracks.
  • There have been instances for some time where I didn't find certain songs or albums at Guvera - for instance neither the album or track Three Or Four Shades Of Blue by Mingus (three long album only tracks including title). With the limited search flexibility there it's hard to say sometimes what's what - since the album art no longer comes up on the search pages it has gotten hard to spot where tracks are not included because they came up on other albums by the same artist, but their catalog I've found to be less than comprehensive.
  • This is what I get for not paying attention. All I had today is 2 from Gilt Group.
  • Hi everyone. Thanks for still sticking with the site and checking back all the time!

    There's been a new idea that the dev team have been working on, and I just logged into FaceBook this morning and saw it.

    You have to 'like' the Guvera page for it to work ( and you'll be able to go to 'My Soundtrack' on the left hand menu (!/Guvera?sk=app_238330189535463 ).

    Open it and hit 'Click here and let Guvera buy you 3 songs'. It will popup with the Facebook permissions dialog box and then will take you to a textbox where you write something about Guvera. It'll be posted to your Facebook wall and you'll be forwarded to a channel that will have 3 credits (you aren't limited to the songs in that channel, just start searching).

    I had to actually click the link twice to get the textbox to show, but more free credits!

    If this tests well you'll be sure to see more of these reward based actions on the site.
  • Hi dddanmar,

    Thanks for thinking of us on this. I tried it, and got the "3 songs available" page. But don't see how to go to Guvera and redeem those songs...I just get the buy/redeem/free options when I click on a track. Any thoughts?
  • You should be able to click the red bar link and it opens a new window to the Guvera channel with the credits directly, does it do anything when you click?
  • I go to a page labeled (in the address bar) "#channelAlias/welcome." That channel says 3 credits available, but it doesn't show up when attempting to DL tracks. The 'Guvera' channel has no available downloads.
  • I had liked Guvera a while back, so that step was already done. In Facebook using IE9, I went to the Guvera FB page and clicked on "My Soundtrack". The request for permissions popped up and I allowed it. That pop-up window went away and that was it - nothing happened. My Guvera account isn't showing any new channels or credits. The #channelAlias/welcome gets me a marquee of "Hello - G'Day - Wassup - Yo - Hola - Let's Rock - !"

    Tried it again in Safari 5.03 on a family member's account, and never even got the FB pop-up asking for permission.

    The FB Guvera app page (white background with a red star) doesnt' have anything about getting 3 tracks.
  • Hah, seems to be a little buggy, it's back with the developers again today. I had the same thing as Doofy, got the channel with the 3 credits but when i navigated away I couldn't find the channel again.
    Will let you know when it's working properly.
  • Wooo... I realized free music does have its limitations at least for me. I use FB to keep in touch with a few old friends and distant family. I rarely post meaningful stuff on my wall, and then suddenly here I am advertising some Chevy whatever I truly know nothing about? Even for five dls that's too much for me. If it works for others, cool. We certainly advertise all the time.
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