


  • Well, the above picture would be apt: I tried some facebook credit, but the download failed. Perhaps it's a reflection of the IPO.
  • It's been working for me on the whole - there were a couple of days when it was broken. New law of the internet: on any given day at least one of the music sites will not be working.
  • I had one failure where the App froze up...Otherwise problem-free, including this week.
  • I can't complain about free music: I was trying to get Waldron's The Call on the cheap. However, I would have bought the second track.
  • Is this thing still going?
  • I'm still using it to slowly assemble a few free albums.
  • Three credits per week adds up pretty good, especially for old jazz albums
  • Yes, we are still going, and right now we are hours away from releasing an entire new product to our Australian users.

    In the coming weeks, we will then expand out to all of our American friends.

    Not often I get really really really excited, but I fully believe you all are going to love the experience in the coming weeks. Tons and tons of downloads will be available (way more then 3 a week), and our music catalogue is rapidly growing over the last few months with some choice new labels on the way.

    *goes back to his dark corner illuminated by server screens*
  • Sounds intriguing...
  • edited September 2012
    It is, and we are exhausted :/

    In about 30 minutes you will notice the site is offline, will be for 2 hours, then once it is all back up Australian users will get the new site.

    In the States it will function as normal for a few more weeks, but when we swap over there it will be fantastic with all of the new content.

    And just because it's a good day, here's 2 redeem codes for US users to give 10 downloads.

    First in, first served (if you get the first one, don't just take the second one, leave it for another user!)

    {codes redeemed, maybe next time sorry!!}
  • Thanks,dddanmar. Can't wait for the new site.
  • Seeing BT's post only above I tried the second code. I got "Redeem error - redeem failed due to error." Is that what it says if someone got there first?
  • I didn't try the first.
  • I tried the first too to check after the second didn't work - same error. I guess anyone on the Internet can see this page so the codes could have been long since used by anyone, either that or they are not working.
  • Yep, both are gone.

    I hope you all know I've never tried to use this forum to sell the product - you guys/girls were talking about it long before I got here.

    But, to keep you vaguely interested over the next few weeks before the new US site drops I might put a redeem code or ten in here ;)

    We are live in AU so if you know of a way to get here, you can give it a shot :D
  • Any news on when Guvera might come to UK, dddanmar?
  • edited September 2012
    greg - I'd like to say there's even an idea of an answer there at the moment but I have no clue.
    The big concern is 'getting it right' for our current users (AU and US) for both a web and mobile product.
    Once that happens, I'm sure you will see the product rolling out to other areas quickly.

    I've said this in previous messages on this board but - all are my opinions, not based on company policy/anything.
    Just here because you are all really cool :D

    {edit} So a screen shot was posted on Facebook of the new site, I'm assuming that means I can show people in the US this..
    A lot of the credit earning functions aren't visible here but it is much more straight forward - videos, ads, posts, surverys, redeem campaigns etc.
    This will come out to the US soon.
  • I used to visit almost daily, but I had stopped going to the Guvera site awhile ago because credits had stopped showing up very often - I just got out of the habit. Since the recent posts on this thread I've started visiting again. I haven't had any credit appear over about the last week (maybe less). For those of you still using it - when do your credits typically show up? Are there certain days, or is it totally random? Thanks.
  • Rudie, see upthread a can get 3 credits per week by using their Facebook app.

    But we are given new by the gnomic pronouncements of dddanmar last week!
  • Has anyone in Australia used their new site or initiative or whatever it is yet?
  • Just gave the Facebook app a shot. I noticed that you can control who sees Guvera's feeds. I just chose only me, so I can just annoy myself.
  • whisper me
  • @dddanmar: when's the big changeover coming?

    @everyone else: titles from Clean Feed are showing up, mostly pre-2006 albums, but including long tracks.
  • @BT: I'm actually on some leave to welcome my firstborn son into the world (and surprisingly some rest!) or I would have answered sooner, but it's all done and happened as of yesterday.

    There's a ton of features/improvements/bug fixes that are on the way, but it's out there! Try it out, hope you like it...
  • @dddanmar: Congratulations! Enjoy this time with your son.
  • @ddanmar - Congrats and welcome to the world of the sleepless! Enjoy every minute of it!
  • Congrats on the birth of your son!
  • edited October 2012
    I keep clicking on the square in the middle to get single credits: right now I have 5.

    ETA: I'm up to 9.
  • Thanks, BT - just picked up 8 downloads with little idea of the how and why, but groovy none the less.
  • Did the same. It doesn't seem to even matter if you follow Guvera on some of the various websites, but just click the square.
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