


  • Weird, because I haven't had any problems either. Well, I did have it stop working in the middle of an album, but it just ignored my clicks - didn't subtract a credit or anything. Hit refresh and went along my merry way. I will suggest trying to play the track before downloading if you're having a problem. A couple tracks that I had problems with a while back wouldn't play either, so I'm guessing they were corrupt or missing from the server itself.

    Oh, and Chrome on Win7 64 bit.
  • the search window was not visible with Chrome, it is fine in Firefox. As of yet I have no troubles downloading, although tagging is usually a mess.
  • Lot's of wonkiness afoot this morning. I lost several dls. Often the track that was presented as the download was something I previously downloaded.
  • @dddanmar:
    I reported my issues to CS, but I thought I'd explain my issues further. After clicking confirm, the save dialogue box popped up, but it showed the name of the track I had previously downloaded, not the one I wanted to download.
  • edited October 2012
    I can't get Guvera to load at all at the moment. Page temporarily unavailable.
    ETA: It's back.
    Really slow though.

    The artwork is missing for most of Joe Bonamassa's albums. Wonder if this is an issue with the import of new content? It's VERY hard to navigate Guvera when the artwork is missing. Especially for my wife who is less of a music site fanatic. I've just been cross-referencing individual track titles with Amazon to find out which albums are actually on Guvera amid the long list of song titles without art so she can figure out what she wants to get. Mentioning this just to note that while someone like myself (and apparently amclark :-)) will navigate around just about any obstacle to get to the music, a more average user like my wife is going to look at the current Joe Bonamassa pages and just say "I give up" unless someone like me intervenes.

    Clicking on the navigation arrow on the right of the page sometimes reloads the same page (after a long wait).
  • I went looking for that Archie Shepp/Dollard Brand Duet that someone found (BigD or BT I think). The cover art is also missing from that. And the tracks won't play. Is there any correlation between missing cover art and download problems?
  • edited October 2012
    I'm pretty sure I've downloaded things missing artwork, but if it won't play I'd stay away (that's my new catchy PSA for Guvera).

    The site has been wonky for me, too this morning. Haven't actually tried downloading anything yet, but the search has been rather unresponsive and the playback has had a lot of delays.

    EDIT: Now I'm getting no response from the site :(
  • Re: missing art -- I have successfully downloaded tracks with missing art, but they played. If you can't stream it, I would recommend waiting.
  • I have over eighty albums now from Guvera - all free, all without any images. But these are free, and so is Music Bee and MediaMonkey, even Windows Media Player, and those programs can clean up those tags and add album art with less than thirty seconds of effort once you're familiar with it. I wish Guvera lots of luck with this marketing strategy, but if they're going for streaming, they'll need to add more labels to their site. Now the combo of free tracks for adverts and streaming gets me hooked.

    I haven't had any issues btw. I click on their ads to get the free credits in Internet Explorer, but do all the downloading in Firefox.
  • edited October 2012
    Site down again. Best to leave it alone for a while I think. Between emusic, Guvera, and MTraks I am coming to the conclusion that site redesigns are just harder than they look for small companies. And up again but I get the header and footer with no page content in between. I remember that issue from the emusic site. And down again.
  • OK, I tried again: I lost 5 credits with two clicks (trying to finish something my wife wanted, on top of that). This is dispiriting.
  • edited October 2012
    "Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data."
    ETA, 3 hours later - I can't get into their site at all at the moment. Not even the home page will load. Been that way for hours.
  • I have not been able to get to the site all day, same "Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE)". As for art, tags, etc., Guvera is better than they used to be, but tags are still not quite right. I hate the file naming. But I use tag and Rename to get eMu and Guvera tracks to match, add track / genre and year to Guvera tracks, and artwork when necessary. Still, the price is perfect for what is so far some great music.
  • I was able to get the credits this morning, but couldn't download music. I lost two credits trying to get one track.
  • Dang. I wish I'd checked back on this thread sooner than I did! Went to go get soem free downloads and got the same message Doofy posted.
  • Maybe the guy that redesigned emusic's website fled to Australia?

    too soon?
  • Hot off the presses -
    Maintenance in Progress
    Watch this space because exciting things are happening here at Guvera HQ!
    All will be revealed very soon...

    Oh, whenever I see "exciting things" I get nervous, very, very nervous.
  • edited October 2012
    Did Guvera have Merge? I noticed the Arcade Fire album cover in that maintenance message.

    ETA: I think Temper Trap is Sony/CBS
  • edited October 2012
    Sorry all, working on it :/
    Working again, there's a major back end change to fix the problems we have had over the last few days that is going live today at some point.

    Sorry for the drama again, but hey, free music!
  • edited October 2012
    thanks, dddanmar. The site seems much better: everything is responding quickly, and the correct number of dls are being deducted. I know this isn't the only baby you're caring for now.
  • Hah cheers BT.

    Some of the download issues from a few days ago are still there - just a warning about that.

    There's a team of monkeys behind me madly updating database records to resolve the issues, and another team of monkeys madly pushing the update live with some new features.

    Ah, working on the internet is _fun_.
  • edited October 2012
    Yay! It's back! @dddanmar, hope the glitches are not stealing too much of your new parent time. The Joe Bonamassa tracks are all still broken - my wife's waiting on those, so hope they are on the web monkeys' list.
  • Site is up, got some downloads but lost one when tried to use, so back to square one again. Behaving the same as when problem started.
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, I just lost a download as well trying to download the first track of "Speaking in Tongues". Worked second try though. IE, Win 7. Joe Bonamassa and Archie SHepp still broken.
  • edited October 2012
    Hope I never have one of these "back end" problems!

    All working quite zippily on the first album I tried (which is Jorge Ben's "A T
  • Some albums (search for "Otis Taylor") seem to appear twice in a version that doesn't work and a version that does.
  • edited October 2012
    Miles Davis - Steamin' has no artwork and the tracks won't play.
  • Yay, I am back in, at least to the point of getting some downloads!

    And whatever was broken for IE9 is fixed now. It was telling my browser wasn't supported and I had to use IE9, which I am, and it's not set in some funky compatibility mode.
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