


  • ddd: glad to hear and see that you're working on it.
  • edited October 2012
    Wrong thread. Sorry.
  • Following the "DL only if streaming works" policy, no probs clearing out a pretty sizeable credit backlog. Now I feel like a cigarette.

    So some songs stream samples only - Was that always so, or is that new? Btw, I don't know that the non-streaming songs won't DL - just that the streaming ones do.
  • Yepp, the 'DL only if streaming works' policy is best - the problem affects both the stream and download of a track, so if the free stream will not play, the download will def not work.
    The issue is clearly identified and is still in the process of being resolved... surely won't be long now. I'll make sure I pop in and pass on when that happens.
  • Thanks. Will it be a blanket fix then or album-by-album? (Practical reason for asking: is it at all helpful to you going forward to report albums that are not working or is the problem at a lower level than individual entries?)
  • Blanket fix - I checked a few of the albums mentioned in the last page of this thread - they are all going to be fixed with the same patch.
  • Great! Looking forward to a few particular titles.
  • Guvera has once again been very good to me. Along with as much Arvo Part as I could find, here are a few things I am enjoying from the last few days:

    Georgian composer Giya Kancheli, Abii ne Viderem, three long tracks. I was unfamiliar with this, but the review on Amazon sold me.

    "Abii ne viderem' (I turned away so as not to see) is comprised of 3 pieces - 'Morning Prayers' and 'Evening Prayers' (from a four-part cycle titled "Life without Christmas"), which frame the middle section 'Abii ne viderem,' from which the CD takes its name. This beautiful music burns with spiritual poignancy, anguish, and memory of lost time and childhood. In 'Morning Prayers', how can four notes played simply and slowly on the piano - F#, D, E, D, accompanied in the base by seven slowly ascending notes of the D Major scale reveal such sorrow and resignation of heart? This is the miracle of Kancheli's music. Mixed into this 23 minute meditation is the haunting taped voice of a young boy, singing like a voice from a grave floating over the stillness, and a small melody reminiscent of a child's wind-up music box played on a what seems to be an electronically altered piano. 'Morning Prayers' alone is worth the price of the CD. Rarely does music reflect the almost unspeakable, numinous quality of human memory. 'Abii ne viderem' (beginning with agitated strings and ending with what seems like a ringing telephone) and 'Evening Prayers' (dedicated to Schnittke), 25 minutes and 19 minutes long respectively, are that Kancheli mix of subdued, if not ominous, dream-like spaces suddenly split (or attacked) by loud, even frightening irruptions, like gun shots in some cases, as if the delicate fabric of existence could be shattered at any moment (the extremes of dynamics in Kancheli's music - the loud/soft thing - can play havoc with a sound system's speakers.) The finely written liner notes (Kancheli's liner notes are always philosophical), place Kancheli's music alongside that of Part, Schnittke, Gubaidulina, Silvestrov, and rightly so. He is included in that spectacular pantheon of Eastern European composers who have given us such deeply moving and spiritually-charged music. The musicians are tops on this recording: Kim Kashkashian on viola, The Hilliard Ensemble, Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, conducted by Dennis Russell Davies. This is a superb CD."
    (Review by Desert Girl on Amazon)

    Three long tracks, beautiful choral music from Palestrina.

    Krzysztof Penderecki: St. Luke Passion; four long tracks (only $3.96 on Amazon), Warsaw National Philharmonic Choir.

    Tigran Mansurian: Monodia. Three long tracks on Guvera, the other four from eMu. Otherwise this two CD set is $15 on eMu, $20 on Amazon. Mansurian is "an Armenian composer of classical music and film scores." "Tigran Mansurian's music is rooted in Armenian folk and church music filtered through contemporary Europeans, especially Bart
  • I love those Argo releases you're finding, plong. Piano Circus and Penderecki have been favorites for twenty years now.
  • First Aid Kit tracks not streaming and no album art either.
  • I just finished listening though Tigran Mansurian: Monodia, gorgeous violin, well worth checking out.
  • New version of the site came out in the last hour, a ton of user fixes and some performance fixes too around streaming playlists and some searching.

    The monkeys are still working on content from this thread, and I'm running out of bananas to feed them...
  • Indeed, at least some things that weren't streaming yesterday are up today. Thanks to dddanmar + simian sidekicks!
  • Other things aren't yet. Go monkeys!
  • The site was working with Win7/Safari 5.03 yesterday, but today it tells me Adobe Flash Player is out of date. Well, it isn't!
    Just for grins, I clicked on the link to download & install Flash again, thinking it might trick something into behaving. No joy.
    The Adobe version checker has been broken.
  • Having the exact same problem as Katrina. I'm using Firefox (and I tried Safari) for Mac, OS 10.5.8. Updated to latest version of Flash, still doesn't work.
  • Same problem here.
  • edited October 2012
    Klaus Schulze's Timewind is $4.54 on emusic, two long tracks total on Guvera.
  • I still haven't had any problems save when their site went down completely. Very few artists - and I have an extensive collection - are automatic buys/downloads for me. One of those is Christian Scott and they have tons of his albums. Great, great stuff. Concord might be a label to do some backcataloguing like I have been on ECM.
  • edited October 2012
    Guvera is broken on Chrome, works on Firefox (both up to date versions).

    Just downloaded the long tracks from John Tavener: Eternity's Sunrise, except the fifth, Funeral Canticle. The other four tracks are on Guvera, but I am not seeing that one.
  • It is the version of Flash that is the problem - our site had to request a newer version for everything to work perfectly.

    However, myself and one of the testers just then installed a new copy of Windows / Web browers etc.

    Chrome 'just worked' from clean install with no Flash plugin installed (it's an inbuilt renderer).

    Firefox / Safari both prompted me to upgrade, followed the link to Adobe, downloaded the lastest version, installed and restarted the browser.
    Everything worked fine.

    We turned around and did the same on a Mac environment and had a similar experience. Will keep testing on our side to figure out if something is going haywire.

    Content monkeys are still hammering away at those keyboards.
  • Glad the monkeys are content with their work.
  • Working fine for me with Windows 7 and IE. I've loaded up on several Rory Gallagher studio albums this morning, since all the CDs of his I own are live recordings. Note to content monkeys: there are a bunch of Rory tracks with the dreaded red X. I'm loving the new Guvera, after basically abandoning the site for most of the past year. Nice work!
  • edited October 2012
    Ah, progress - got some downloads working this morning - the if it streams, it downloads model - got some tracks from The Philip Catherine Trio, nice jazz guitar combo. Only downer is that a lot of the older jazz titles I wanted still won't stream but I'll keep my fingers crossed. Most (all?) of those don't display any artwork also BTW. My Flash upgrades are up to date BTW FWIW.
  • Now downloading Digital Monkey by Balkan Beat Box to encourage the monkeys. Working fine in Chrome.
  • edited October 2012
    There's a few guvera-days' worth of the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Paul Hillier), my favorite choir, on Guvera.
  • Interesting to note I got a Flash error in an "old" Chrome session. Problem fixed on closing and re-opening (and thus updating) Chrome.


    What did I get but this fine old album...realized I previously owned it only on cassette! Looks like they have the whole XTC catalog, so go get 'em.
  • Down side of this latest Flash Player situation is that I can write Guvera off vis a vis my aged laptop here at work - it lost the capacity to upgrade on Flash many iterations ago, so unfortunately I can't log in or even view the site from it any longer - the only active feature for me on the opening Guvera page is a link to get the latest Flash Player. Not a huge loss, as I can access at home on the desktop, but others might not be as fortunate if they're running older systems.
  • @Doofy - I picked up a lot of their catalog during the Great Guvera Giveaway, but I didn't get that one. They were in the heaviest rotation of all the Guvera downloads.
  • edited October 2012
    @dddanmar, something I'm still seeing regularly is that I'm logged in and streaming songs, and sometimes it will play through a whole album, and sometimes it suddenly decides at some random point in the track to skip to the next track. I also just had the site log me out (it reverted to 30 second samples, though it still showed me logged in and I had been actively browsing, and when I refreshed the page I was logged out.) Using Chrome.

    Also, a search for Olafur Arnalds turns up an entry in the search list but clicking on it gives a blank page.
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