


  • Caught red-handed. Someone started a thread a while back on emusic asking who had the longest track and sharing that they had some that were over 10 minutes. My entry was 2hrs 35 mins.
  • Hey, tried a facebook ad again and it worked!! Mind you, dddanmar did have to completely delete my account and start over at one point so your mileage may vary, but it might be worth trying again. Also from that conversation I learned that while the broken tracks are fixed, not all of them are back up. Those you can see work, others will be returning over time.
  • Experimenting with that McDonalds ad I discovered another variable. If you clock on the ad and in the dialog that invites you to post to facebook you have the sharing settings set to anything other than "public" it will post to facebook but not give you credits. (Makes sense actually). You can change the setting on the post once it appears on facebook.
  • edited November 2012
    Got an e-mail from Guvera Support regarding some of the releases I had problems with a couple of weeks ago - "re-ingestion" was complete, please try again - and yes I was able to get some tracks from The Art Farmer Quintet with Gigi Gryce that hadn't worked then, BUT, when I went to get the artwork from Amazon I noticed they had a six track album not a five track - the missing track at Guvera being Nico's Tempo which is oddly enough Album Only at Amazon. More troubling, one of the albums on my to-do list was Monk In France - I dial it up at Guvera and find only 3 tracks, and being pretty sure it had been longer than that I look it up - yeah, it's 8 tracks of which 5 are Album Only both at Amazon and eMusic, and it's those 5 Album Only tracks not showing up at Guvera.

    I really, really hope this is not part of a new reality due to the "re-ingestion" where these labels have fed them new parameters that exclude Album Only tracks - both these releases were OJC albums BTW. Is this confined to OJC or Concord Group albums? Has anyone else found similar situations?
    Another album I wanted was The Trumpet Kings Meet Big Joe Turner, only 4 tracks - 2 weeks ago all 4 were on Guvera, now only the 3 Album Only are missing.
  • I don't know if this is related, but longer tracks (6+ minutes) on ECM are not available IF THE ALBUM WAS RELEASED IN THE LAST YEAR.
  • edited November 2012
    @BDB See above. When I was working with dddanmar on my account's problems and he mentioned the broken tracks were fixed, I went back to the Archie Shepp/Dollar Brand Duet album, which I had been wanting to check out once it was fixed. Only one track is there now. (And - coincidentally??? - it is the only one that is not album-only at Amazon). I asked about that and was told that in order to get the fix for the broken tracks working for most tracks they had to temporarily sacrifice some of them, and so of the broken tracks about four fifths are working and the rest are now absent, but they should be restored in the coming weeks.

    (One other thing to double check is searching by album as well as artist. Sometimes some tracks do not appear with an artist if you search by artist name but then do appear if you search by album title).
  • @GP - That definitely makes sense. I could have sworn I tried that, and then switched to "Me Only" so that my subsequent attempts wouldn't keep spamming my friends, but maybe I had something else wrong.

    I've also noticed a number of albums showing up correctly now. A few releases from Downtown Records (like The Drums) wouldn't play before, but now do. I was able to grab the second Yelle album which I kept hoping would show up (I got their first one via Guvera way back when). Now my only question is with the duplicates. I used to assume it was explicit vs. clean, but none of it is marked. And I just went over one album rather quickly and saw no naughty words. So I guess I'll just go for the first track of each pair...
  • edited November 2012
    Yes, I'm puzzled about duplicates as well. That Archie Shepp album only has one track available - and yet that track shows up twice. Not the right genre for clean/explicit, and as far as I know there is only one version of that song. Sometimes it's because the same song appears on more than one album, but not in this case.

    Bill Frisell experts, I know NOTHING about him except that some folk here like him. I downloaded In Line after listening to a few tracks. Any of the other albums that are on Guvera that I should be especially paying attention to?
  • GP Thanks for pointing out that FB has to be set to public to get credits. That would explain why I wasn't getting credits because I've been setting it to show these posts only to me.
  • edited November 2012
    Hate to say it but I just reviewed the Pink Floyd catalog at Guvera and it would seem every long track (at Amazon for Floyd they're more money, $1.99-$3.99, not Album Only) is missing in action. I suspect something is profoundly different.
    The four album only tracks I just got recently from Kelly Blue by Wynton Kelly are currently missing.
  • I just got a long track from ECM last night that's album only on amazon... So it's not universal ... Or it wasn't last night at least.
  • (by universal I mean across the boards, not Universal Records, which is well on its way to being the One Universal Record Label...)
  • Hey, if they put all the music I don't want to listen to on one label it will make it easier to keep track.
  • Is anyone having problems accessing playlists? It seems that the tracks have disappeared from most of mine.
  • Spoonful and Toad from Wheels Of Fire are still present as they were when I got them some time ago (a Universal Group label BTW), as is Valentyne Suite by Colosseum, all long Album Only tracks, so I'm not sure what the deal is here, but there are definitely things missing. Indigestion from the re-ingestion?
  • @BigD-Bluez, that's what dddanmar says. See a few posts up thread.
  • @BT - Some of my playlists have definitely taken a severe haircut, some more so than others. The number of songs they display numerically is much larger than what actually loads to stream.
  • There's definitely a lot missing. I started downloading Boredoms' Vision Creation Newsun yesterday, but today neither the album nor the artist are there. Hopefully it comes back!

  • I can't even log in. Facebook log in page takes forever to load and then it just lingers in the Internet purgatory of I did my part why don't you do yours. Anyone else struggling with advertising on FB? Other than logging into sites, I've not posted a thing on FB for months and months. Seems strange to think my sudden post will be some ad.
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, my usage might well diminish as it become all ad-based, and probably selective regarding the ads. I can see myself posting things occasionally but not daily. Once you have posted the ad on Facebook you can change the setting to make it less public if you want.
  • (1) I was stuck in facebook purgatory, until I went into facebook settings, and changed the Guvera app so that the public can see things. Then I logged in with facebook, clicked on the sunglasses place ad, and got three credits. So that worked, yay! But it only works if you're willing to spam your friends. Which I have no problem with. I also only have one ad today, but together with the usual 8, it gave me enough to get the next album I wanted (Mingus Plays Piano).

    (2) Ok, I see what you mean about missing stuff; Ogden's Nut Gone Flake for example, was on my list, but the 6 track version with one long song is totally gone...
    There are still a lot of songs longer than ten minutes kicking around though; I wonder what the breakdown is?
  • oooh.. plus cinco para McDonalds en Espanol, and 3 for playskool; thanks BT!

    And man this political cycle is something else; everytime I go to allmusic to look something up, I get plastered with ads telling me what a liar and crook a guy running for state senate is. Funny thing is, I actually used to work for that guy, and he doesn't have a dishonest bone in his body...

    ... which makes me think that dddanmar, you guys really missed out on a great opportunity for political advertising. It's been a record breaking year, and people love to share that stuff on facebook anyway. You should keep it in mind for 2016...
  • And man this political cycle is something else; everytime I go to allmusic to look something up, I get plastered with ads telling me what a liar and crook a guy running for state senate is.
    I feel that I live in a different universe now that I live in a "battleground state": candidates for state senate advertise on TV! And I must admit that I went to a political blog, and I looked for ads to flip. These two obsessions are converging.
  • edited November 2012
    @dddanmar, I'm not totally convinced the re-ingestion has healed everything. Here's an example. Consider the album: Tomorrow is the question! by Ornette Coleman.

    When the tracks were broken, I would see for each track on the album two versions, one with broken art, and one with the art showing. But when I clicked on the art it would try to play from the broken one to its left.

    If my memory is serving me correctly, earlier today when I checked on that album it showed up correctly, just the regular number of tracks, art OK, playing OK.

    Now when I go to the album via artist search I see two identical tiles for each track. When I click on one of them it plays. When I click on the other it starts playing the first one (the tile to its left or right) unless I play another track in between - then it plays whichever one I click on as long as I am switching to a different track. They seem to download OK.

    (Incidentally, the one Amazon album-only track is missing)
  • edited November 2012
    Almost completed my personal content ingestion process. (Sort files into albums after downloading multiple albums whose filenames all start with numbers, so that they are all mixed together. Retag. Add cover art. Put into iTunes. Tag for playlists.) I quite enjoy this part of the process actually. It's the music equivalent of unwrapping gifts - the stage that comes between receiving and using.
  • dddanmar and GP: thanks for working on the catalog. I've been finding lots of Blues on Riverside/Concord that wasn't present before.
  • edited November 2012
    ddanmar's been doing the working (at all kinds of odd hours), I've just been testing my account periodically after he tried various things. The content ingestion I mentioned above was all my own personal ingestion.
  • (at all kinds of odd hours)
    The baby is keeping him awake?
  • Well our support session was interrupted by a pause for burping and I was assured it wasn't him...
  • edited November 2012
    If people are still getting the flash upgrade message - and you think flash is ok, then all you need to do after you get to that page is delete the part of the address after In fact, you should be able to click on the url I just wrote and the flash upgrade thing should be gone. I discovered this whne I searched through BIng and Yahoo, but not with google.
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