


  • edited November 2012
    Just FYI, maybe to save others some search time

    Guvera has:
    Toumani Diabete/Roswell Rudd - Malicool (if you've never heard the Ode an die Freude from Beethoven's 9th played on a drunken trombone and a kora with an African rhythm section you've never lived. The track's called Malijam) (Listed under Roswell Rudd)
    Issa Bagayogo - Issa Remixed (a mixed bag - a few really nice tracks though)
    Tinariwen - Aman Iman

    Guvera does not have as far as I can tell:
    Ablaye Cissoko
    Ali Farka Toure
    Vieux Farka Toure (well, they have one track from a comp and a phantom page with no tracks under the version of his name with the accent on the 'e')
    Etran Finatawa
    Bassekou Kouyate

    (I have not heard all of these artists, just doing some researching) Anyone else finding interesting West African - or just African - things on Guvera?
  • edited November 2012
    Another search engine issue - if you wade through enough pages of Oscar Peterson you find that Guvera does indeed have at least part of Night Train. But I can't figure out any way to make that album come up in search to see if it's all there.
    By the way, does anyone have an opinion on one or two albums by Oscar Peterson that might be most worth checking out? I have a couple already and like them but there's an ocean of stuff there.
  • All of 'Night Train' is there. The trick is to search on a track (train pun?), preferably one with a uncommon name. Eg, search on 'Moten Swing,' find the '(Rehearsal Take)' that's on Night Train, click on that, and you'll get to a page with all available tracks from the album.

    There is indeed a ton of Oscar! One favorite is:


    There's also a good 2-disc set called "The Will to Swing."
  • edited November 2012
    Got a nice album yesterday from Milt Jackson and Oscar Peterson called Two Of The Few.

    Edit - Also got another OJC title called Chops by Joe Pass and Niels-Henning Orsted Pederson - I like it but listening to two jazz wankers, one guitar, one bass, even tasteful ones, might not be everyone's cup of tea.
  • edited November 2012
    @Doofy, thanks!
    @BigD, thanks!
  • @BadThoughts, thanks for the Playschool link. It didn't work for me (but neither do the Steaz or Filtrete facebook things).
    OMG, I have hundreds of credits and not much time to browse the site! What an excellent situation though, I am not complaining.
    I hope I get some tracks I love as much as the Dandy Warhols album I got back in 2010.
  • @dddanmar: I'm finding a lot of albums whose album titles are blank. This is a real problem with classical albums, for which the actual title or lead artists isn't clear. Example: albums on Alia Vox (Jordi Savall's La Folia and Montserrat Figueras' Tonos Humanos).

    @Katrina, that's too bad. Nonetheless, it seems you're going on a tear of downloading.
  • Hi all,

    Sorry for not dropping in the last few days, quiet a weekend with bubs and yesterday was a bit of a mad house around here.

    I've only quickly looked over the posts here since I was here last but quick comments:

    a) The tracks that came online (and those that went down) were done to make sure that anything you are seeing on the site, you can actually download. As GP mentioned, doing this involved sacrificing other tracks along the way. Don't fret, this is just part of the process moving forward. Someone commented ^^ how the availability is worked (ie, 5 tracks from a 6 track album) - that sixth track WILL come online over the coming weeks. I wish I could give some more insight as to why and how but it's a fairly complicated process to process such a huge amount of data that changes every day and there are some super cool things on the horizon that we are working on that will fix *every track*. This I am excited for, it brings us back up to speed with everything, including new releases. This will also fix problems like 'Album titles are blank'.

    b) The FB problem - looks like GP and you all have nailed it on the head (woo) - it looks like there is something determining if you are posting to 'friends/family' or 'everyone'. I'm going to get someone to confirm that for me this morning in the development team.

    c) "OMG, I have hundreds of credits and not much time to browse the site! What an excellent situation though, I am not complaining. " <3 - that is awesome

    I'll take a closer look later on today, but I'm off to work on reporting and metrics and numbers...wooo!
  • dddanmar: It makes no difference for me if I post so just I see it, my friends see it, or everyone sees it. It doesn't work for me!

  • Well, I said I'd do this a while back, just got to it. I went through Nereffid's history of classical music in recordings to see which ones are on Guvera and how much of a free education I could get. The answer is not many. Guvera has:

    Perotin - Hilliard Ensemble
    Proensa - Paul Hillier

    Also a couple of recordings of the Carmina Burana other than the one Nereffid listed, and an album of Machaut other than the two Nereffid listed.

    Might go for the Perotin. Streaming now.
  • edited November 2012
    Have both. Perotin is excellent.

    ETA: If you stumble upon the Machaut album, please tell me. Or Gombert, for that matter.

    ETA2: There's another album with Perotin (along with contemporary Leonin) by the Orlando Consort. It comes up under the title search "School of Notre Dame." Goodd, but not quite the ECM album.
  • keeps telling me I would like Albert Ayler, so I'm going to get something. Anyone have an opinion on what his best on Guvera is?

  • Craig: if they have Spiritual Unity, get that; if not Allmusic and Penguin both recommend "Live in Greenwich Village", which I got in the Guvera push two years ago, but haven't listened to enough.
  • No freebies this morning? Not sure what to do. I think I might have to get some work done, and I am not happy about that.
  • They were there for me :spoiled rotten:
  • I logged out and then logged back in before I got my credits. Finished up King Sunny Ade's Juju Music, working on Reggae's Got Soul.
  • edited November 2012
    Any views on where to start with Bud Powell?
    I had to log out and in to get today's credits too.
  • @bremble - that worked, thanks. Now I can return to the Jan Garbarek Quartet catalog.
  • GP; I like "The Amazing Bud Powell".
  • edited November 2012
    That's all I have from Bud Powell, too - The Amazing Bud Powell, Vol 1 & 2.

    @bremble & Germanprof: Instead of logging out, just snip the URL in your browser down to https: //

    Get rid of the /featured, in other words. Then you won't have to log out & in.
  • edited November 2012
    Just got The Magnificent Thad Jones on Blue Note, all 7 tracks including the long album only track - very nice album. I've noticed lately more downloads have the album artwork along at the end of the ride than was the case beforehand.
    Also got the Prestige album by Coleman Hawkins - The Hawk Relaxes.

    Edit - Since I hadn't shopped in a few I also splurged on the 20 track The Guitar Sound Of Johnny Smith, so good. One thing I have to give eMu the backhanded compliment for is the capability to have a List of albums on their site that I've gotten elsewhere, just so's I don't get confused.
  • edited November 2012
    Thanks, BigD - gave that Thad Jones a listen (never heard of him) and downloaded it.

    Now supposing I downloaded that Jimmy Smith, Six Views of the Blues album that I think Doofy posted, and quite enjoyed the guitar work by Kenny Burrell, and have a bias to stuff that's free on Guvera (all true suppositions)...
    Any thoughts on where to start on checking out Kenny Burrell's catalog?
    Any similar jazz guitarists that I should give a listen to?
    (Problem with some of these jazz artists: you conceive a passing interest in one of them and then discover it would cost you your vacation days for the rest of the year just to sample all their wares and figure out what albums you might want to pursue. And then you find there's other versions of their name that end in "quartet" and "quintet" and then you realize their crowning glory might be some playing on someone else's album altogether. The ambient world is much simpler :-). Thank goodness Guvera makes the floundering around fun rather than ruinous!)
  • Thank goodness Guvera makes the floundering around fun rather than ruinous!
  • Prof, Midnight Blue is probably Kenny's most famous album. Bluesy Burrell is another good one. Kenny's kind of unique - he's had a 50-year career, always sounding more or less the same, but always great.

    Wes Montgomery is probably the most venerated of jazz guitarists - Not the longest career, sadly. Full House is a great live album from the early 60s ; the later stuff on Verve and especially A&M is more pop/commercial.
  • Thanks, Doofy, am enjoying Midnight Blue, so a few more Guvera credits safely sent home. Will check out Montgomery also.
  • then you realize their crowning glory might be some playing on someone else's album altogether.

    This is exactly the thing with jazz and jazz players - You start getting into who played with who, and one thing leads to another. Gotta respect old-school jazz fans (ie, 10 years ago!) who couldn't just look up complete discographies in Wikipedia. For example, you can learn that on Full House, Wes plays with the members of Miles Davis' rhythm section...
  • @dddanmar: did Guvera lose Topic Records (the English folk label with Martin Carthy, Eliza Carthy, June Tabor, etc.)?
  • @GP, here are a few guitarists I think might work for you - I'm suggesting some albums on eMu to start because they are well priced samplers not necessarily original albums - Herb Ellis, Jazz Guitar Essentials '55-'59, a steal at $4.40 and he's with some terrific musicians - one of my favorites. Barney Kessel is another - also at $4.40, Jazz Guitar Essentials. I see Guvera has Kessel Plays Standards, and I'd also rec any of the various The Poll Winners.... albums he was on with Shelly Manne and Ray Brown. Guvera also has The Great Guitars - a live album featuring Charlie Byrd, Herb Ellis and Barney Kessel.
    Tal Farlow was a wonderful player as well - Guvera has Sign Of The Times which I like, also The Tal Farlow Album, and The Artistry Of Tal Farlow. Oh, I see they also have The Complete Verve Sessions, but that's a big hunk.
    Someone just slightly younger with a little edgier tone (not smokey mellow all the time) I really like is Grant Green - eMu has this comp, Jazz Guitar Classics, and Guvera has Grant's First Stand and a lot of other albums but it looks like many are not currently complete perhaps. He played on some Ike Quebec albums as well - Guvera has Blue And Sentimental.
  • Thanks, BigD, that gives me some leads to explore over the weekend!
  • @BT - Hopefully they come back - I didn't realize that there was any Eliza Carthy on there.
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