


  • edited November 2012
    Dear dddanmar,

    It seems I'm not getting a response from CS unless my issue is specifically about getting credit back. I tried writing several times about both sound quality issues and download issue, and I haven't received any acknowledgement.

    The last two days I've had problems downloading some albums. Whatever instruction that should be sent to my computer to start the download is, for some reason, not working. From what I can tell, downloads from my fully updated version of Opera won't work at all. Most, but not all, work from Chrome. I reported yesterday that I couldn't download the tracks from Serge Gainsbourg, whether from the original album Percussions or part of Int
  • edited November 2012

    You can get this "Deluxe Edition," incl album-only tracks. Hard to find, but comes up if you search on the track title "Tunji"
  • edited November 2012
    Found this one at eMu where it's under Sonny Stitt - at Guvera it downloads as The Oscar Peterson Trio, and it didn't seem like it was streaming at first but I took a chance and the downloads worked and it wasn't until I was about 5 songs in that the stream of the first song finally kicked in - all's well as ends well.

    Got this one too -
  • Thanks, BigD. I've had that Sonny Stitt one on my list - will check out the other one.
    Oscar Peterson Trio is under various things on Guvera. So far I've downloaded:

    Hello Herbie
    Oscar Peterson Trio At The Stratford Shakespearean Festival
    Oscar Peterson Trio Plus One
    Lester Young With The Oscar Peterson Trio

    as well as:

    Night Train.
  • @dddanmar, if you are still reading this, I am suddenly seeing a lot of tracks with broken artwork again. E.g. Oscar Peterson's Finest Hour.
  • I've got to use up all my d/ls and then try to delete/recreate that account with Facebook to get these other credits. I was getting 8/day and now I'm down to 5 :-( But I've already shifted to a "sure, why not" mentality with downloads.

    Grabbed the entire deluxe editions of Siamese Dreams and Gish (missing a new mix of "Starla", otherwise both are complete). I don't think these are available digitally anywhere else - as much as I'd like to pick up the physical package I've spent too much on deluxe re-issues lately. For the extreme SP fan they do seem to have all of Rarities and B-Sides which is 114 tracks and costs $54 at Amazon. Finally got a copy of "Apathy's Last Kiss" after looking for about... 17 years.

    Also, the entire Neu! catalog is there - seems to include long tracks. Already grabbed Neu! 2 (for some reason the only one I didn't have) and now I'm checking to see if any of the other tracks need to be upgraded.
  • I'm feeling fairly satiated nowadays, or at least not worth advertising for some rather ethically putrid corporations in Playskool and McD. Great fun though. I'll take the new five a day for a while longer. Hope this works out for Guvera though. I appreciate all the great music.
  • All the Hollies you could ever need over there, in fact more...custom-building my own 'greatest hits' collection, ranging from 'Look Through Any Window' to the 'The Air That I Breathe.' Wasn't aware there were so many early covers that were UK hits
  • edited November 2012
    @thom: took your advice and started DLing. It's slow going as I don't seem to have much luck finding things on my wish list. So....I got the rest of the Dandy Warhols that they have and 2 Blondie albums I had on vinyl. Will have to check out the Smashing Pumpkins.
    Finally got a copy of "Apathy's Last Kiss" after looking for about... 17 years.
    LOL, that's pretty sweet. I hope it was all you were imagining.

    @Doofy, some Hollies sound good, there was a cassette of theirs I used to listen to all the time that I haven't replaced digitally.

    I've still got about 400 DLs even after getting a bunch of tracks last night & this morning. I don't worry when I screw up or the website screws up & I lose any DLs....certainly not gonna worry about the Playskool & McD links!

    @Sort: same here, I really appreciate the music I've gotten and the music I'm anticipating.

    Tried to DL some new Gotye and got a 404 error, even after checking to make sure it could stream. It seemed to switch to another link with an au in it (didn't write it down). I was getting DLs OK with the pop-up.
  • Nice change to the interface this morning. Now when you search for an artist, all of the tracks/albums show up on one page and you can just scroll down, instead of having to click through page after page looking for a particular track or album. This is a BIG improvement. Still see some missing tracks, but I'm assuming they'll show up eventually.
  • This is the first time I have ever managed to get tracks for liking things on facebook. I always had errors when I tried.
  • Hi all :D

    Hell of a few weeks over here, but as you can see we are (as always) making progress!

    My two favourites so far:
    a) hopefully as of yesterday, a real real Facebook post resolution. If you have tried all of the suggestions in this thread and as of now it still isn't working, hit me up.
    b) infinite scroll as Muggsy noted is just damn cool - makes it a lot easier for me here to search an artist and just stream the entire search results.

    Since my head was in here last there have indeed been a few moments where a download may not work, whether a track shows up in search or playlists, the rotation of the ads etc - all of these things are being worked on by their own teams and if you fire an email through to our support team, it does actually go to the developers (or me) each and every time (also, if you are nice and help us with an issue, we love giving out free credits!).

    There's a new goal we are aiming for (obviously the last one was the new site release) which the effects of will become visible in the next 8-12 weeks, with more advertising/reward types, a _ton_ton_ton_ of new (and golden oldie) tracks and an overall totally unique music experience. Hope you all like it and thanks as always for the patience and input!
    (also, bubs is well, my odd hours are my own fault, never his ;))
  • Hey dddanmar! It looks like the Facebook stuff would work for me now, but it says my Facebook is attached to another account. Is there some way to change that?

  • also, bubs is well, my odd hours are my own fault, never his
    Great to hear the boy is doing well. I like the new scroll better, btw.
  • Ok cafreema, try that - I've forced your 'Guvera FB' account to the correct user id (different emails for facebook vs guvera), give that a shot.

    If not, you have me on Skype, I'll be here for the next 5 or 6 hours..
  • It worked! Thanks dddanmar!

  • :D Download away!
  • Eddie Palmieri's The Sun of Latin Music has been downloaded!

    The interface change is fantastic, by the way.

  • @ddanmar - any update on the ETA for the return of the tracks that used to be available but went missing in the partial broken track fix?
  • There will be small updates and content that will come online in bits and pieces, but what we are really aiming for now is the next large push with content (millions of new and old tracks) that as mentioned is in the next 8-12 weeks. When these tracks come online, any of our old content that is missing or not working will be 100% available again.
    Personally I'm hoping for it to happen before our Christmas work break.

    Until then, all I can give is vague answers like 'watch this space, coming soon!' etcetc...
  • @dddanmar - Thanks for the update. I feel like it was mentioned before, but there still seems to be a problem with accents. If you try searching for the likes of Nan
  • Thanks, thom - Multila now downloading.
  • @GP - Let me know what you think of it. I finally took this opportunity to pick up 2 of his Luomo albums and am curious about it... Forget it, I'm just grabbing it anyway. :) Let me know if you get his Whistleblower.

    I'll also point out that a number of these artists have other albums on there, too. And I did notice some releases by Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, although the particular one mentioned by RA is not there.
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, I have all the Alva Noto. If you don;t have his Xerrox 2, it's magnificent. The Sakamoto collabs on Guvera are Revep and utp_. Revep is the more accessible and worth the three downloads. utp_ is also good but more abstract. Haven't had chance to listen to the Delay yet - not one for playing over Thanksgiving dinner really.
  • edited November 2012
    @ dddanmar:
    "Oops sorry, Guvera is currently not available in your region. Stay tuned, we hope to be there soon. For all updates check out the Guvera Blog."
    - Is there any chance that you will be available in Europe/Denmark soon ?
  • edited November 2012
    There's a ton of Ozric Tentacles on Guvera. I'm partial to the album Jurassic Shift (the one with the track Feng Shui.)
    ETA FWIW the last 7 tracks showing the album art for Swirly Termination (the one with the sunrise in the middle) are in fact the album Curious Corn.
  • edited November 2012
    The "go back to your brand page" button is not working for me today. Nothing happens when I click it so no access to those ads via the toolbar. The direct links folk posted upthread still work.
  • edited November 2012
    Here's an album to seriously consider on Guvera: (9 tracks)


    (at least give Wala
  • edited November 2012
    Stumbled across this one today from the Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop label - one of the foundations of British folk guitar Davey Graham -

    I also see they have The John Renbourn Anthology but you have to type in the album title Nobody's Fault But Mine to get the whole thing displayed at once. Numerous other Renbourn titles scattered about as well.
    Finger Poppin' by the Horace Silver Quintet on Blue Note.
    Accidentally led to this New Orleans comp Finger Poppin' and Stompin' Feet which has some great stuff on it, subtitle tells all -

    Have also begun what will have to be an ongoing project for a while, which I'm happy to report is downloading no problem so far - tracks aren't in order but hey I'll take it -
  • edited November 2012
    For the past 2 days or so it seems a couple of the Guvera links don't work for me at all - I click on them and nothing happens. Some of the links that initially had problems fixed themselves and started working but others are still not working and I'm wondering if the issue might be specific to my account or if they're more global in nature? Does anyone else have issues with the "My playlists", "Add to playlist" button on the album images or the "Add to playlist" option after clicking on the button on the player window/bar? I can't get any response from the "Account Overview" or "Profile" links from the "My Account" drop-down list either. Nor does the "Go back to your brand page" link do anything.

    ETA: I just tried the direct links for Playschool and McD's that someone noted still worked and those do indeed work while access to them from my actual Guvera page doesn't.
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